Experience of feeling, emotion, or mood
The following variables relate to Affect:
Selection | Variable | Info | Assessment type | Dataset |
ANX | Today, to what extent did you feel anxious? | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
ANG | Today, to what extent did you feel angry? | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
HAP | Today, to what extent did you feel happy? | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
RLX | Today, to what extent did you feel relaxed? | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
STR | Today, to what extent did you feel stressed? | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_1 | Today people expected me NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_2 | People valued me today, even though I felt Depressed or Anxious | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_3 | People were disapproving of my feeling Depressed or Anxious today | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_4 | Today people saw me as a failure because I felt Depressed or Anxious | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_5 | Today I felt a great deal of pressure from others around me not to feel depressed or anxious | ESM | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_1 | I think society accepts people who feel Depressed or Anxious as normal | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_2 | I think it is socially acceptable to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_3 | Society generally expects people NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_4 | I think that society tends to place a lot of pressure on people NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_5 | I think that society generally disapproves of people who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_6 | Most people would see people who feel Depressed or Anxious as failing in life | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_7 | Overall, people in society are very comfortable with those who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_8 | Generally speaking, other people prefer not to associate with me when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_9 | I feel a great deal of pressure from others around me not to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_10 | When others see me as Depressed or Anxious they probably think I am a failure | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_11 | I think most people around me value me just the same even when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_12 | Other people expect me NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
SEDAS_13 | People like me less when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Depressive symptoms diary | |
CONT | Contented | ESM | Negative events diary | |
HAP | Happy | ESM | Negative events diary | |
SAD | Sad | ESM | Negative events diary | |
DEP | Depressed | ESM | Negative events diary | |
NERV | Nervous | ESM | Negative events diary | |
ANG | Angry | ESM | Negative events diary | |
FEAR | Fearful | ESM | Negative events diary | |
GUIL | Guilty | ESM | Negative events diary | |
SHAM | Ashamed | ESM | Negative events diary | |
IRR | Irritated | ESM | Negative events diary | |
NEG_REDUCE | To reduce my negative emotion | ESM | Negative events diary | |
NEG_INCREASE | To maintain or increase my negative emotion | ESM | Negative events diary | |
ITES_1 | Everyone can learn to control their emotions | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
ITES_2 | If they want to, people can change the emotions they have | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard they try, people can't really change the emotions that they have | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_1 | If I reflect on my past, I see that I tend to be afraid of feeling emotions | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_2 | I feel that I need to experience strong emotions regularly | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_3 | Emotions help people to get along in life | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_4 | I find strong emotions overwhelming and therefore try to avoid them | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_5 | I think that it is important to explore my feelings | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_6 | I would prefer not to experience either the lows or highs of emotion | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_7 | I do not know how to handle my emotions, so I avoid them | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_8 | It is important for me to be in touch with my feelings | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_9 | It is important for me to know how others are feeling | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NFA-S_10 | Emotions are dangerous - they tend to get me into situations that I would rather avoid | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
CONT | Contented | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
HAP | Happy | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
SAD | Sad | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
DEP | Depressed | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
NERV | Nervous | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
ANG | Angry | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
FEAR | Fearful | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
GUIL | Guilty | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
SHAM | Ashamed | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
IRR | Irritated | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
PSS_1 | In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? | Baseline | Negative events diary | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
CONF | How confident do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
STR | How stressed do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
HAPchange | How happy do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
RLXchange | How relaxed do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
CONFchange | How confident do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
SADchange | How sad do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
STRchange | How stressed do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
ANGchange | How angry do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? | ESM | FEEL Study 1 | |
HAP | During the past few weeks, how happy did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
RLX | During the past few weeks, how relaxed did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
CONF | During the past few weeks, how confident did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
SAD | During the past few weeks, how sad did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
STR | During the past few weeks, how stressed did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
ANG | During the past few weeks, how angry did you feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
HAPCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how happy did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
RLXCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how relaxed did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
CONFCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how confident did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
SADCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how sad did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
STRCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how stressed did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
ANGCHANGE | During the past few weeks, how angry did you want to feel? | ESM2 | FEEL Study 1 | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
AVI_I_1 | Relaxed | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_2 | Lonely | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_3 | Peaceful | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_4 | Elated | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_5 | Irritable | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_6 | Nervous | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_7 | Satisfied | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_8 | Unhappy | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_9 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_10 | Stressed | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_11 | Proud | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_12 | Guilty | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_13 | Excited | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_14 | Fearful | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_15 | Sad | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_16 | Calm | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_17 | Confident | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_18 | Angry | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_19 | Happy | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_I_20 | Hostile | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_1 | Relaxed | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_2 | Lonely | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_3 | Peaceful | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_4 | Elated | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_5 | Irritable | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_6 | Nervous | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_7 | Satisfied | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_8 | Unhappy | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_9 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_10 | Stressed | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_11 | Proud | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_12 | Guilty | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_13 | Excited | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_14 | Fearful | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_15 | Sad | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_16 | Calm | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_17 | Confident | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_18 | Angry | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_19 | Happy | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
AVI_A_20 | Hostile | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ATTEMO_2 | I like the feeling of power I get from expressing my anger | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ESES_1 | Know what causes you to feel a positive emotion | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_2 | Use positive emotions to generate good ideas | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_3 | Calm down when feeling angry | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_4 | Understand what causes your emotions to change | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_5 | Use positive emotions to generate novel solutions to old problems | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_6 | Regulate your own emotions when under pressure | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_7 | Correctly identify your own positive emotions | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_8 | Correctly identify your own negative emotions | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_9 | Get into a mood that best suits the occasion | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_10 | Know what causes you to feel a negative emotion | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_11 | Create emotions to enhance physical performance | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_12 | Generate the right emotion so that creative ideas can unfold | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_13 | Change your negative emotion to a positive emotion | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_14 | Create a positive emotion when feeling a negative emotion | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_15 | Recognize what emotion is being communicated through your facial expression | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_16 | Regulate your own emotions when close to reaching a goal | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_17 | Create emotions to enhance cognitive performance | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_18 | Notice the emotion your body language is portraying | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_19 | Figure out what causes you to feel differing emotions | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_20 | Generate in yourself the emotion another person is feeling | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_1 | Everyone can learn to control their emotions | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_2 | If they want to, people can change the emotions that they have | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEDAS_1 | I think society accepts people who feel Depressed or Anxious as normal. | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_2 | I think it is socially acceptable to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_3 | Society generally expects people NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_4 | Other people expect me NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_5 | People like me less when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_6 | I think that society tends to place a lot of pressure on people NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_7 | I think that society generally disapproves of people who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_8 | Most people would see people who feel Depressed or Anxious as failing in life | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_9 | Overall, people in society are very comfortable with those who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_10 | Generally speaking, other people prefer not to associate with me when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_11 | feel a great deal of pressure from others around me not to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_12 | When others see me as Depressed or Anxious they probably think I am a failure | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_13 | I think most people around me value me just the same even when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_14 | Most people think that feeling Happy is a key indicator of success in life | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_15 | People in my society view people who feel Happy as more valuable | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_16 | Most people believe you are failing in life if you do not feel Happy all the time | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
SEDAS_17 | If I am honest, it is really important to me that others see me as someone who is always Happy | Baseline | FEEL Study 1 | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
ESES_1 | Know what causes you to feel a positive emotion | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_2 | Use positive emotions to generate good ideas | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_3 | Calm down when feeling angry | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_4 | Understand what causes your emotions to change | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_5 | Use positive emotions to generate novel solutions to old problems | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_6 | Regulate your own emotions when under pressure | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_7 | Correctly identify your own positive emotions | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_8 | Correctly identify your own negative emotions | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_9 | Get into a mood that best suits the occasion | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_10 | Know what causes you to feel a negative emotion | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_11 | Create emotions to enhance physical performance | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_12 | Generate the right emotion so that creative ideas can unfold | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_13 | Change your negative emotion to a positive emotion | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_14 | Create a positive emotion when feeling a negative emotion | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_15 | Recognize what emotion is being communicated through your facial expression | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_16 | Regulate your own emotions when close to reaching a goal | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_17 | Create emotions to enhance cognitive performance | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_18 | Notice the emotion your body language is portraying | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_19 | Figure out what causes you to feel differing emotions | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ESES_20 | Generate in yourself the emotion another person is feeling | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_1 | Everyone can learn to control their emotions | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_2 | If they want to, people can change the emotions that they have | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. | Follow_up | FEEL Study 1 | |
AFFGRID | Indicate how you feel right now using the grid below. | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
CHEER | How cheerful do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
FEAR | How fearful do you feel at th emoment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
STR | How stressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
LONE | How lonely do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarrassed | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarrased | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_3 | I like it when I feel like yelling at someone. | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_12 | important not to feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_4 | I dislike how it feels when I am angry | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEDAS_1 | important to feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_2 | try alway to have positive feelings | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_3 | feeling positive is normal | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_4 | feeling positive is an important part of life | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_5 | should feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_6 | important that others se eme as a positive person | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_7 | others expect me to feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_8 | people like me better when I feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_9 | I believe that feeling positive is normal in society | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_10 | it is acceptable to feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_11 | society expects people to feel positive | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_13 | try to avoid negative feelings | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_14 | feeling negative is normal | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_15 | feeling negative if an important part of life | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_16 | I shouldn't feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_17 | Important that others don't see me as a negative person | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_18 | Other expect me not to feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_19 | people find me less nice when I feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_20 | I believe that feeling negative is normal in society | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_21 | I believe it is socially accepted to feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_22 | society expects people not to feel negative | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_1 | I am affraid of feeling emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_2 | I fin dit hard to tell people close to me that I love them | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_3 | I have to experience strong emotions regularly | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_4 | emotions help people go through life | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_5 | I am an emotional person | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_6 | I think it is important to explore emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_7 | I approach situation in which I expect to experience intense emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_8 | I try to avoid intense emotions as I find them overwhelming | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_9 | I choose not to experience emotional highs and lows | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_10 | I don't know how to deal with my emotions, so I avoid them | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_11 | Emotions are dangerous, they often result in situations I'd rather avoid | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_12 | It is always wrong to act upon your emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_13 | We should surrender to our emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_14 | displays of emotions are sometimes embarrassing | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_15 | strong emotions are generaly beneficial | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_16 | people function most effectively when they don't experience strong emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_17 | experience of emotions promotes human survival | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_18 | I feel it's important to be in touch with my emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_19 | I think it's important to know how others are feeling | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_20 | I get stuck in my emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_21 | I wish I felt less emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_22 | avoiding emotional events helps me sleep at night | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_23 | sometimes I am affraid of how I would act when I get emotional | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_24 | I feel the need to cry sometimes | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_25 | I would like to be rational and have fewer emotions | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_26 | I love to decorate my bedroom with items that have emotional value | Baseline | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_5 | I like how it feels when I am furious | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthousiastic | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_6 | I do not really enjoy the moments in my life when I am happy | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_11 | society expects people to feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_7 | I like experiencing joy | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ATTEMO_8 | I prefer to hang around with people who make me happy | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEDAS_1 | important to feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_2 | try alway to have positive feelings | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_3 | feeling positive is normal | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_4 | feeling positive is an important part of life | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_5 | should feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_6 | important that others se eme as a positive person | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_7 | others expect me to feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_8 | people like me better when I feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_9 | I believe that feeling positive is normal in society | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_10 | it is acceptable to feel positive | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_12 | important not to feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_13 | try to avoid negative feelings | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_14 | feeling negative is normal | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_15 | feeling negative if an important part of life | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_16 | I shouldn't feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_17 | Important that others don't see me as a negative person | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_18 | Other expect me not to feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_19 | people find me less nice when I feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_20 | I believe that feeling negative is normal in society | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_21 | I believe it is socially accepted to feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_22 | society expects people not to feel negative | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_9 | I really like feeling happy | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
NFA_1 | I am affraid of feeling emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_2 | I fin dit hard to tell people close to me that I love them | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_3 | I have to experience strong emotions regularly | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_4 | emotions help people go through life | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_5 | I am an emotional person | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_6 | I think it is important to explore emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_7 | I approach situation in which I expect to experience intense emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_8 | I try to avoid intense emotions as I find them overwhelming | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_9 | I choose not to experience emotional highs and lows | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_10 | I don't know how to deal with my emotions, so I avoid them | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_11 | Emotions are dangerous, they often result in situations I'd rather avoid | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_12 | It is always wrong to act upon your emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_13 | We should surrender to our emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_14 | displays of emotions are sometimes embarrassing | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_15 | strong emotions are generaly beneficial | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_16 | people function most effectively when they don't experience strong emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_17 | experience of emotions promotes human survival | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_18 | I feel it's important to be in touch with my emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_19 | I think it's important to know how others are feeling | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_20 | I get stuck in my emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_21 | I wish I felt less emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_22 | avoiding emotional events helps me sleep at night | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_23 | sometimes I am affraid of how I would act when I get emotional | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_24 | I feel the need to cry sometimes | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_25 | I would like to be rational and have fewer emotions | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_26 | I love to decorate my bedroom with items that have emotional value | Follow_up | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
ATTEMO_10 | I like conversations that make me feel happy | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ATTEMO_11 | I like it when movies make me feel sad, the sadder the better | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthousiastic | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarresed | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_1 | important to feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_2 | try alway to have positive feelings | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_3 | feeling positive is normal | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_4 | feeling positive is an important part of life | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_5 | should feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_6 | important that others se eme as a positive person | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_7 | others expect me to feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_8 | people like me better when I feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_9 | I believe that feeling positive is normal in society | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_10 | it is acceptable to feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_11 | society expects people to feel positive | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_12 | important not to feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_13 | try to avoid negative feelings | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_14 | feeling negative is normal | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_15 | feeling negative if an important part of life | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_16 | I shouldn't feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_17 | Important that others don't see me as a negative person | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_18 | Other expect me not to feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_19 | people find me less nice when I feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_20 | I believe that feeling negative is normal in society | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_21 | I believe it is socially accepted to feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
SEDAS_22 | society expects people not to feel negative | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_1 | I am affraid of feeling emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_2 | I fin dit hard to tell people close to me that I love them | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_3 | I have to experience strong emotions regularly | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_4 | emotions help people go through life | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_5 | I am an emotional person | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_6 | I think it is important to explore emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_7 | I approach situation in which I expect to experience intense emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_8 | I try to avoid intense emotions as I find them overwhelming | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_9 | I choose not to experience emotional highs and lows | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_10 | I don't know how to deal with my emotions, so I avoid them | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_11 | Emotions are dangerous, they often result in situations I'd rather avoid | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_12 | It is always wrong to act upon your emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_13 | We should surrender to our emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_14 | displays of emotions are sometimes embarrassing | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_15 | strong emotions are generaly beneficial | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_16 | people function most effectively when they don't experience strong emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_17 | experience of emotions promotes human survival | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_18 | I feel it's important to be in touch with my emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_19 | I think it's important to know how others are feeling | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_20 | I get stuck in my emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_21 | I wish I felt less emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_22 | avoiding emotional events helps me sleep at night | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_23 | sometimes I am affraid of how I would act when I get emotional | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_24 | I feel the need to cry sometimes | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_25 | I would like to be rational and have fewer emotions | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
NFA_26 | I love to decorate my bedroom with items that have emotional value | Follow_up2 | Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
ATTEMO_12 | If someone describes a movie as a real “tear jerker”, I am sure to avoid it because I don’t like feeling sad | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarresed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
ATTEMO_13 | I like thinking about sad things | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
GUIL | Guilty | Baseline | Exam results study | |
ATTEMO_14 | I find myself reading sad books | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_1 | My happy moods are so strong that I feel like I'm in heaven | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_2 | I get overly enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_3 | My heart races at the anticipation of some exciting event | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_4 | When I'm happy it's a feeling of being untroubled and content rather than being zestful and aroused. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_5 | When something good happens, I'm usually much more jubilant than others. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_6 | When I'm happy I feel like I'm bursting with joy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_7 | When I succeed at something, my reaction is calm and contentment | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_8 | When I am excited over something I want to share my feelings with everyone | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_9 | When I feel happiness, it is a quiet type of contentment | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
AIM_10 | When I'm happy I bubble over with energy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2011 | |
ATTEMO_15 | I can enjoy a conversation even if it makes me sad | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ANG | At the moment, how ANGRY do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
SAD | At the moment, how SAD do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
GUIL | At the moment, how GUILTY do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
ANX | At the moment, how ANXIOUS do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
HAP | At the moment, how HAPPY do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
SELFC | At the moment, how SELF-CONSCIOUS do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
RLX | At the moment, how RELAXED do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
CONF | At the moment, how CONFIDENT do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_1 | attentive | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_2 | strong | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_3 | irritable | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_4 | inspired | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_5 | afraid | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_6 | alert | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_7 | upset | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_8 | active | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_9 | guilty | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_10 | nervous | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_11 | excited | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_12 | hostile | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_13 | proud | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_14 | jittery | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_15 | ashamed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_16 | scared | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_17 | enthusiastic | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_18 | distressed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_19 | determined | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
PANAS_20 | interested | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1 | |
CLARITY | Right now, how clear are you about your feelings? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
ANG | Right now, how angry do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
SAD | Right now, how sad do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
GUIL | Right now, how guilty do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
ANX | Right now, how anxious do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
HAP | Right now, how happy do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
CONF | Right now, how confident do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
FEAR | Right now, how afraid do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
EMB | Right now, how embarrassed do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
SHAM | Right now, how ashamed do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
SHAM | Ashamed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
IRR | Irritated | Baseline | Exam results study | |
PANAS_1 | attentive | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_2 | strong | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_3 | irritable | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_4 | inspired | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_5 | afraid | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_6 | alert | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_7 | upset | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_8 | active | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_9 | guilty | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_10 | nervous | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_11 | excited | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_12 | hostile | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_13 | proud | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_14 | jittery | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_15 | ashamed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_16 | scared | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_17 | enthusiastic | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_18 | distressed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_19 | determined | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
PANAS_20 | interested | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2 | |
ATTEMO_16 | If a book, movie, or TV show makes me cry, I know I’ve really enjoyed it | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
CLARITY | Right now, how clear are you about your feelings? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
ANG | Right now, how angry do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
SAD | Right now, how sad do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
GUIL | Right now, how guilty do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
ANX | Right now, how anxious do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
HAP | Right now, how happy do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
CONF | Right now, how confident do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
FEAR | Right now, how afraid do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
EMB | Right now, how embarrassed do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
SHAM | Right now, how ashamed do you feel? | ESM | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_9 | guilty | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_10 | nervous | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_11 | excited | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
STAS_1 | I have a fiery temper | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_1 | attentive | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_2 | strong | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_3 | irritable | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_4 | inspired | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_5 | afraid | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_6 | alert | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_7 | upset | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_8 | active | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_12 | hostile | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_13 | proud | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
STAS_2 | I am quick-tempered | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_14 | jittery | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_15 | ashamed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_16 | scared | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_17 | enthusiastic | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_18 | distressed | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_19 | determined | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
PANAS_20 | interested | Baseline | Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3 | |
STR | Stressed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
STAS_3 | I am a hotheaded person | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
STR | How stressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
HAP_GOAL | How happy do you want to feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
SAD_GOAL | How sad do you want to feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
ANG_GOAL | How angry do you want to feel at the moment? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
HAP_EVENT | How happy did you feel during the event? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
RLX_EVENT | How relaxed did you feel during the event? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
SAD_EVENT | How sad did you feel during the event? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
ANG_EVENT | How angry did you feel during the event? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
STR_EVENT | How stressed did you feel during the event? | ESM | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_4 | It makes me furious when I am criticized in front of others | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_5 | I get angry when I’m slowed down by others mistakes | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_6 | I feel infuriated when I do a good job and get a poor evaluation | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_7 | I fly off the handle | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_8 | I feel annoyed when I am not given recognition for doing a good job | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_9 | When I get mad, I say nasty things | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_1 | Sometimes my moods get the best of me | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_2 | I am capable of staying in control during an argument | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
STAS_10 | When I get frustrated, I feel like hitting someone | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_3 | I think my biggest problem is my inability to control my emotions | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_4 | I feel that I am master of my own emotions | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_5 | I can keep myself calm even in highly stressful situations | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_6 | When I get upset, it takes me a long time to settle down | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_7 | I don’t let anxiety get the best of me | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_8 | Many times when I feel depressed, I wonder why I can’t just snap out of it | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_9 | I do not stay upset for too long | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_10 | Sometimes even little things bother me for days | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_11 | It takes a lot to get me upset | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
SEI_12 | I often feel overwhelmed by feelings I don’t want to have | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ITES_1 | Everyone can learn to control their emotions | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ITES_2 | If they want to, people can change the emotions they have | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
ATTEMO_1 | I like the feeling of increased energy I get from expressing my anger. | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarassed | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarassed | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Follow_up | Emotional events in daily life | |
POSAFF | Please indicate how positive you are feeling right now. | ESM | Exam results study | |
SAD | When you think about your grades right now, how sad are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
ANG | When you think about your grades right now, how angry are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
DISAP | When you think about your grades right now, how disappointed are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
SHAM | When you think about your grades right now, how ashamed are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
ANX | When you think about your grades right now, how anxious are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
STR | When thinking about your grades right now, how stressed are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
PROUD | When you think about your grades right now, how proud are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
HAP | When you think about your grades right now, how happy are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
CONT | When you think about your grades right now, how content are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
RELIEF | When you think about your grades right now, how relieved are you feeling? | ESM | Exam results study | |
NEGGOAL | Since the last beep, how much did you try to influence your negative emotions about your exam results? | ESM | Exam results study | |
POSGOAL | Since the last beep, how much did you try to influence your positive emotions about your exam results? | ESM | Exam results study | |
CONT | Contented | Baseline | Exam results study | |
HAP | Happy | Baseline | Exam results study | |
AMUSE | Amused | Baseline | Exam results study | |
PROUD | Proud | Baseline | Exam results study | |
GRAT | Grateful | Baseline | Exam results study | |
HOPE | Hopeful | Baseline | Exam results study | |
SAD | Sad | Baseline | Exam results study | |
DEP | Depressed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
NERV | Nervous | Baseline | Exam results study | |
ANG | Angry | Baseline | Exam results study | |
FEAR | Fearful | Baseline | Exam results study | |
T3_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
LEARN_EMO1 | interested | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO2 | curious | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO3 | confused | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO4 | bored | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO5 | sad | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO6 | angry | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO7 | happy | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO8 | disappointed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO9 | ashamed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO10 | proud | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO11 | stressed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
LEARN_EMO12 | relaxed | Baseline | Exam results study | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
SAD_SEM1 | sad | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
ANG_SEM1 | angry | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
DISAP_SEM1 | disappointed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
SHAM_SEM1 | ashamed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
ANX_SEM1 | anxious | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
STR_SEM1 | stressed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
PROUD_SEM1 | proud | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
HAP_SEM1 | happy | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
CONT_SEM1 | content | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
RELIEF_SEM1 | relieved | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
SAD_SEM2 | sad | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
ANG_SEM2 | angry | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
DISAP_SEM2 | disappointed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
SHAM_SEM2 | ashamed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
ANX_SEM2 | anxious | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
STR_SEM2 | stressed | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
PROUD_SEM2 | proud | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
HAP_SEM2 | happy | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
CONT_SEM2 | content | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
RELIEF_SEM2 | relieved | Follow_up2 | Exam results study | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
EUPH | How euphoric do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
STR | How stressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritable | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Distressed | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven clinical study | |
ANG | At the moment, I feel angry | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
DEP | At the moment, I feel depressed | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
ANX | At the moment, I feel anxious | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
T3_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Distressed | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
AIM_1 | When I accomplish something difficult I feel delighted or elated. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_2 | When I feel happy it is a strong type of exuberance | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
STR | At the moment, I feel stressed | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_3 | I enjoy being with other people very much. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_4 | I feel pretty bad when I tell a lie. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
T3_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
AIM_5 | When I solve a small personal problem, I feel euphoric. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_6 | My emotions tend to be more intense than those of most people | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_7 | My happy moods are so strong that I feel like I'm in heaven | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_8 | I get overly enthusiastic | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_9 | If I complete a task I thought was impossible, I am ecstatic | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
ANG | Right now, I feel angry | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
DEP | Right now, I feel depressed | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
ANX | Right now, I feel anxious | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
STR | Right now, I feel stressed | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
CHEER | Right now, I feel cheerful | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
RLX | Right now, I feel relaxed | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
T3_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
ANG | To what extent do you feel angry at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
STR | To what extent do you feel stressed at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
ANX | To what extent do you feel anxious at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SAD | To what extent do you feel sad at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
HAP | To what extent do you feel happy at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
EXCIT | To what extent do you feel excited at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
RLX | To what extent do you feel relaxed at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
CONT | To what extent do you feel content this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_NEG | To what exent do you feel pressure from your social environment to avoid feeling anxious or depressed at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_POS | To what extent do you feel pressure from your social environment to feel happy at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
HAP_GOAL | How happy do you want to feel at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
STR_GOAL | How stressed do you want to feel at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SAD_GOAL | How sad do you want to feel at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
AROUSAL | How passive / active do you feel at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
VALENCE | How unpleasant / pleasant do you feel at this moment? | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
AIM_10 | My heart races at the anticipation of some exciting event | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritable | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
AIM_11 | Sad movies deeply touch me | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
SEDAS_1 | I think society accepts people who feel Depressed or Anxious as normal | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_2 | I think it is socially acceptable to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_3 | Society generally expects people NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_11 | Other people expect me NOT to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_12 | People like me less when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_13 | I think society tends to put a lot of pressure on people to NOT feel depressed or anxious. | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_4 | I think that society generally disapproves of people who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_5 | Most people would see people who feel Depressed or Anxious as failing in life | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_6 | Overall, people in society are very comfortable with those who feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_7 | Generally speaking, other people prefer not to associate with me when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_8 | I feel a great deal of pressure from others around me not to feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_9 | When others see me as Depressed or Anxious they probably think I am a failure | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
SEDAS_10 | I think most people around me value me just the same even when I feel Depressed or Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotion dynamics 2017 | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
SAT | How satisfied do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
CHEER | How cheerful do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
EXP_TOPARTNER | Have you expressed your emotions to your partner since the last beep? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
EXP_FROMPARTNER | Has your partner expressed his / her emotions to you since the last beep? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
AIM_12 | When I'm happy it's a feeling of being untroubled and content rather than being zestful and aroused. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_13 | When I talk in front of a group for the first time my voice gets shaky and my heart races | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarassed | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
RLX | At the moment, I feel relaxed | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
HAP | At the moment, I feel happy | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_14 | When something good happens, I'm usually much more jubilant than others. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
GRID_AROUSAL_PARTNER | Partner's Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
GRID_VALENCE_PARTNER | Partner's Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2014 | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
LONE | How lonely do you feel at the moment? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
AIM_15 | My friends might say I'm emotional | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
EXP_1 | Have you expressed your emotions to your partner since the last beep? Yes | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_2 | Have you expressed your emotions to your partner since the last beep? No | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_3 | Have you expressed your emotions to your partner since the last beep? I supressed them | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_PARTNER_1 | Has your partner expressed his/her emotions to you since the last beep? Yes | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_PARTNER_2 | Has your partner expressed his/her emotions to you since the last beep? No | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_PARTNER_3 | Has your partner expressed his/her emotions to you since the last beep? I do not know | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EXP_PARTNER_4 | Has your partner expressed his/her emotions to you since the last beep? He/she suppressed them | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
POS_REL | Have you had positive thoughts about your relationship since the beep? | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
AIM_16 | The memories I like the most are of those times when I felt content and peaceful rather than zestful and enthusiastic | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
TMMS_5 | Sometimes I can't tell what my feelings are | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_6 | I am rarely confused about how I feel | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
AIM_17 | The sight of someone who is hurt badly affects me strongly | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
TMMS_11 | I can never tell how I feel | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_13 | My beliefs and opnions always seem to change depending on how I feel | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_14 | I am often aware of my feelings on a matter | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_15 | I am usually confused about how I feel | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_19 | I feel at ease about my emotions | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_21 | I can't make sense out of my feelings | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_25 | I am usually very clear about my feelings | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_28 | I usually know my feelings about a matter | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
TMMS_30 | I almost always know exactly how I am feeling | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EES_7 | I display my emotions to other people | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EES_5 | I keep my feelings to myself | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
EES_15 | I think of myself as emotionally expressive | Baseline | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
GRID_AROUSAL_PARTNER | Partner's arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
GRID_VALENCE_PARTNER | Partner's valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven couples study 2016 | |
AIM_18 | When I'm feeling well it's easy for me to go from being in a good mood to being really joyful | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_19 | Calm and cool could easily describe me | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_20 | When I'm happy I feel like I'm bursting with joy | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_21 | Seeing a picture of some violent car accident in a newspaper makes me feel sick to my stomach. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_22 | When I'm happy I feel very energetic. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_23 | When I receive a reward I become overjoyed | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_24 | When I succeed at something, my reaction is calm and contentment | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_25 | When I do something wrong I have strong feelings of shame and guilt | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_26 | I can remain calm even on the most trying days | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_27 | When things are going good I feel 'on top of the world' | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_28 | When I get angry it's easy for me to still be rational and not overreact | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritated | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_29 | When I know I have done something very well, I feel relaxed and content rather than excited and elated. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Cheerful | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_30 | When I do feel anxiety it is normally very strong | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_31 | My negative moods are mild in intensity | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarrassed | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_32 | When I am excited over something I want to share my feelings with everyone | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_33 | When I feel happiness, it is a quiet type of contentment | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_34 | My friends would probably say I'm a tense or 'high-strung' person | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Sad | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_35 | When I'm happy I bubble over with energy | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_36 | When I feel guilty, this emotion is quite strong | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_37 | I would characterize my happy moods as closer to contentment than joy | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_38 | When someone compliments me, I get so happy I could 'burst'. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_39 | When I am nervous I get shaky all over | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
AIM_40 | When I am happy the feeling is more like contentment and inner calm than one of exhilaration and excitement. | Baseline | Everyday emotion regulation | |
HAP | how HAPPY do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
SAD | how SAD do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
STR | how STRESSED do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
RLX | how RELAXED do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PROUD | how PROUD do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ELATED | How ELATED do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
TRUST | how TRUSTING in others do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
CONNECT | how CONNECTED to others do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ANG | how ANGRY do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
DISAP | how DISAPPOINTED do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
INDEBT | how IN DEBT do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
SHAM | how ASHAMED you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
CONTEMPT | How SCORNFUL do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_2 | Peaceful | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_3 | Agitated | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_4 | Disappointed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_5 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_6 | Calm | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_7 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_8 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_9 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_10 | Elated | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_11 | Satisfied | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_12 | Lazy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_13 | Owing someone | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_14 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_15 | Satisfied | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_16 | Inactive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_17 | Connected | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_18 | Lethargic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_19 | Happy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_20 | inert (lacking energy) | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_21 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_22 | Surprised | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_23 | Unhappy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_24 | Trusting | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_25 | Lonely | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_26 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_27 | Amazed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_28 | Relaxed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_29 | Sad | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_30 | Passive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
IDEAL_AFFECT_31 | Sleepy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_2 | Peaceful | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_3 | Agitated | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_4 | Disappointed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_5 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_6 | Calm | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_7 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_8 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_9 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_10 | Elated | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_11 | Satisfied | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_12 | Lazy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_13 | Owing someone | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_14 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_15 | Satisfied | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_16 | Inactive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_17 | Connected | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_18 | Lethargic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_19 | Happy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_20 | inert (lacking energy) | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_21 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_22 | Surprised | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_23 | Unhappy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_24 | Trusting | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_25 | Lonely | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_26 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_27 | Amazed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_28 | Relaxed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_29 | Sad | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_30 | Passive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
OUGHT_AFFECT_31 | Sleepy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
T1_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_1 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_3 | Distressed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_5 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_7 | Upset | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_9 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_11 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_13 | Scared | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_15 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_17 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_19 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_2 | Irritable | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_4 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_6 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_8 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_10 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_12 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_14 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_16 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_18 | Active | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
PANAS_20 | Afraid | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
T1_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
ITES_1 | Anyone can learn to control their emotions. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_2 | If people want to, they can change the emotions they experience. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard people try, they can't really change the emotions they experience. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_1 | Anyone can learn to control their emotions. | Follow_up | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_2 | If people want to, they can change the emotions they experience. | Follow_up | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_3 | No matter how hard people try, they can't really change the emotions they experience. | Follow_up | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
ITES_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. | Follow_up | Leuven emotions in daily life 2012 | |
VALENCE | Current affect (How are you feeling right now?) | ESM | RESS-EMA study | |
EMOTION_CATEG | Strongest negative emotion experienced in the last hour | ESM | RESS-EMA study | |
EMOTION_INTENSITY | Emotional intensity (How intense was the negative emotion?) | ESM | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_1 | Delighted | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_2 | Joyful | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_3 | Blue | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_4 | Nervous | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_5 | Cheerful | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_6 | Sad | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_7 | Alone | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_8 | Shaky | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_9 | Happy | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_10 | At ease | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_11 | Lively | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_12 | Calm | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_13 | Lonely | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_14 | Downhearted | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_15 | Jittery | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_16 | Energetic | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_17 | Relaxed | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_18 | Afraid | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_19 | Excited | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_20 | Frightened | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_21 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
PANAS_X_22 | Scared | Baseline | RESS-EMA study | |
T1_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
SAD | Sad | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
NERV | Nervous | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
ANG | Angry | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
STR | Stressed | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
GUIL | Guilty | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
SHAM | Ashamed | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
LONE | Lonely | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
CONT | Contented | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
HAP | Happy | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
RLX | Relaxed | ESM | Secrecy diary | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
SAD | Sad | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
NERV | Nervous | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
ANG | Angry | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
STR | Stressed | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
GUIL | Guilty | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
SHAM | Ashamed | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
LONE | Lonely | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
CONT | Contented | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
HAP | Happy | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
RLX | Relaxed | Baseline | Secrecy diary | |
T1_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
ENTHU | How enthusiastic did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
HAP | How happy did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
CALM | How calm did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
GUIL | How guilty did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
SLEEPY | How sleepy did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
SLUG | How sluggish did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
SAD | How sad did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
ENER | How energetic did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
NERV | How nervous did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
SAT | How satisfied did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
AFRAID | How afraid did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
ACTIVE | How active did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
ALERT | How alert did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
PROUD | How proud did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
ANG | How angry did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
JOY | How joyful did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
TIRED | How tired did you feel today | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
BORED | How bored di you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
RLX | How relaxed did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
SHAM | How ashamed did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
DISGUST | How disgusted did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
EMB | How embarassed did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
UPSET | How upset did you feel today? | ESM | William & Mary emotion diary | |
T1_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
HAP | Right now, how HAPPY do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
CONF | Right now, how CONFIDENT do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
CALM | Right now, how CALM do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
PROUD | Right now, how PROUD do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
SAD | Right now, how SAD do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
ANX | Right now, how ANXIOUS do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
ANG | Right now, how ANGRY do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
EMB | Right now, how EMBARASSED do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
GUIL | Right now, how GUILTY do you feel? | ESM | ACU emotions in daily life | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STR | How stressed do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
SAT | How satisfied do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
EXCIT | How excited do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
IRR | How irritated do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
T1_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritable | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Excited | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Ashamed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Distressed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_1 | I have a fiery temper | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_2 | I am quick-tempered | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_3 | I am a hotheaded person | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_4 | It makes me furious when I am criticized in front of others | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_5 | I get angry when I’m slowed down by others mistakes | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_6 | I feel infuriated when I do a good job and get a poor evaluation | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_7 | I fly off the handle | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_8 | I feel annoyed when I am not given recognition for doing a good job | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_9 | When I get mad, I say nasty things | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
STAS_10 | When I get frustrated, I feel like hitting someone | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_3 | I enjoy being with other people very much. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_4 | I feel pretty bad when I tell a lie. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_5 | When I solve a small personal problem, I feel euphoric. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_6 | My emotions tend to be more intense than those of most people | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
T1_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
AIM_1 | When I accomplish something difficult I feel delighted or elated. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_2 | When I feel happy it is a strong type of exuberance | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_7 | My happy moods are so strong that I feel like I'm in heaven | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_8 | I get overly enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_9 | If I complete a task I thought was impossible, I am ecstatic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_10 | My heart races at the anticipation of some exciting event | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_11 | Sad movies deeply touch me | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_12 | When I'm happy it's a feeling of being untroubled and content rather than being zestful and aroused. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_13 | When I talk in front of a group for the first time my voice gets shaky and my heart races | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_14 | When something good happens, I'm usually much more jubilant than others. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_15 | My friends might say I'm emotional | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_16 | The memories I like the most are of those times when I felt content and peaceful rather than zestful and enthusiastic | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_17 | The sight of someone who is hurt badly affects me strongly | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_18 | When I'm feeling well it's easy for me to go from being in a good mood to being really joyful | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_19 | Calm and cool could easily describe me | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_20 | When I'm happy I feel like I'm bursting with joy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_21 | Seeing a picture of some violent car accident in a newspaper makes me feel sick to my stomach. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_22 | When I'm happy I feel very energetic. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_23 | When I receive a reward I become overjoyed | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_24 | When I succeed at something, my reaction is calm and contentment | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_25 | When I do something wrong I have strong feelings of shame and guilt | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_26 | I can remain calm even on the most trying days | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_27 | When things are going good I feel 'on top of the world' | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_28 | When I get angry it's easy for me to still be rational and not overreact | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_29 | When I know I have done something very well, I feel relaxed and content rather than excited and elated. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_30 | When I do feel anxiety it is normally very strong | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_31 | My negative moods are mild in intensity | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_32 | When I am excited over something I want to share my feelings with everyone | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_33 | When I feel happiness, it is a quiet type of contentment | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_34 | My friends would probably say I'm a tense or 'high-strung' person | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_35 | When I'm happy I bubble over with energy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_36 | When I feel guilty, this emotion is quite strong | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_37 | I would characterize my happy moods as closer to contentment than joy | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_38 | When someone compliments me, I get so happy I could 'burst'. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_39 | When I am nervous I get shaky all over | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
AIM_40 | When I am happy the feeling is more like contentment and inner calm than one of exhilaration and excitement. | Baseline | Leuven emotions in daily life 2008 | |
T1_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | 50 beeps per day | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritable | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Excited | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Ashamed | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Distressed | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
T1_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
TAS_1 | I'm often confused about which emotion I experience | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_2 | It is hard to find the right words for my emotions | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_3 | I have physical experiences that even doctors don't understand | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_4 | I can easily describe my feelings | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_5 | I choose to analyse my poblems rather than just describe them | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_6 | When I'm upset I don't know whether I'm angry, sad, or scared | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_7 | I'm often riddled by my bodily sensations | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_8 | I'd rather let things go the natural course than understand why it went like it did | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_9 | I have feelings that I can't really name | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_10 | It is essential to be in touch with your emotions | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_11 | I think it's hard to describe what my feelings towards others are | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_12 | People ask me to describe my feelings more | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_13 | I don't know what's going on inside me | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_14 | I often do not know why I'm upset | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_15 | I'd rather talk to people about their daily activities instead of their feelings | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_16 | I rather watch light amusement shows than psychological dramas | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_17 | It is hard for me to show my feelings even to my closest friends | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_18 | I can feel very close to someone, even in moments of silence | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
T1_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
TAS_19 | I find it useful to explore feeling when resolving personal issues | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
TAS_20 | Looking for hidden meaning in films and plays makes watching them less enjoyable | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
T1_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
STAS_1 | I have a fiery temper | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_2 | I am quick-tempered | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_3 | I am a hotheaded person | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_4 | It makes me furious when I am criticized in front of others | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_5 | I get angry when I’m slowed down by others mistakes | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_6 | I feel infuriated when I do a good job and get a poor evaluation | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_7 | I fly off the handle | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_8 | I feel annoyed when I am not given recognition for doing a good job | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_9 | When I get mad, I say nasty things | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
STAS_10 | When I get frustrated, I feel like hitting someone | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_1 | When I accomplish something difficult I feel delighted or elated. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_2 | When I feel happy it is a strong type of exuberance | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_3 | I enjoy being with other people very much. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_4 | I feel pretty bad when I tell a lie. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_5 | When I solve a small personal problem, I feel euphoric. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_6 | My emotions tend to be more intense than those of most people | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_7 | My happy moods are so strong that I feel like I'm in heaven | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_8 | I get overly enthusiastic | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_9 | If I complete a task I thought was impossible, I am ecstatic | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_10 | My heart races at the anticipation of some exciting event | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_11 | Sad movies deeply touch me | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_12 | When I'm happy it's a feeling of being untroubled and content rather than being zestful and aroused. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_13 | When I talk in front of a group for the first time my voice gets shaky and my heart races | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_14 | When something good happens, I'm usually much more jubilant than others. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_15 | My friends might say I'm emotional | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_16 | The memories I like the most are of those times when I felt content and peaceful rather than zestful and enthusiastic | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_17 | The sight of someone who is hurt badly affects me strongly | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_18 | When I'm feeling well it's easy for me to go from being in a good mood to being really joyful | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_19 | Calm and cool could easily describe me | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_20 | Calm and cool could easily describe me | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_21 | Seeing a picture of some violent car accident in a newspaper makes me feel sick to my stomach. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_22 | When I'm happy I feel very energetic. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_23 | When I receive a reward I become overjoyed | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_24 | When I succeed at something, my reaction is calm and contentment | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_25 | When I do something wrong I have strong feelings of shame and guilt | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_26 | I can remain calm even on the most trying days | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_27 | When things are going good I feel 'on top of the world' | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_28 | When I get angry it's easy for me to still be rational and not overreact | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_29 | When I know I have done something very well, I feel relaxed and content rather than excited and elated. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_30 | When I do feel anxiety it is normally very strong | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_31 | My negative moods are mild in intensity | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_32 | When I am excited over something I want to share my feelings with everyone | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_33 | When I feel happiness, it is a quiet type of contentment | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_34 | My friends would probably say I'm a tense or 'high-strung' person | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_35 | When I'm happy I bubble over with energy | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_36 | When I feel guilty, this emotion is quite strong | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_37 | I would characterize my happy moods as closer to contentment than joy | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_38 | When someone compliments me, I get so happy I could 'burst'. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_39 | When I am nervous I get shaky all over | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
AIM_40 | When I am happy the feeling is more like contentment and inner calm than one of exhilaration and excitement. | Baseline | 50 beeps per day | |
PANAS_7 | upset | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
HAP | At the moment, how Happy are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
RLX | At the moment, how Relaxed are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
SAD | At the moment, how Sad are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
STR | At the moment, how Stressed are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
ANX | At the moment, how Anxious are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
ANG | At the moment, how Angry are you feeling? | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_1 | interested | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_2 | irritable | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_3 | distressed | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_4 | alert | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_5 | excited | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_6 | ashamed | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_8 | inspired | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_9 | strong | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_10 | nervous | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_11 | guilty | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_12 | determined | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_13 | scared | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_14 | attentive | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_15 | hostile | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_16 | jittery | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_17 | enthusiastic | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_18 | active | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_19 | proud | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
PANAS_20 | afraid | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T1_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Baseline | Trier social stress study | |
T2_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T2_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up | Trier social stress study | |
T3_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T3_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
T4_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up2 | Trier social stress study | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics study | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven emotion dynamics study | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | Leuven BPD study | |
IRR | How irritated do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY | How annoyed do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR | How irritated do you feel right now? | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY | How annoyed do you feel right now? | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_WEEK | How much irritation did you experience in the past week? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY_WEEK | How much annoyance did you experience in the past week? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_GEN | In general, how irritated do you feel? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY_GEN | In general, how annoyed do you feel? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR | How irritated do you feel right now? | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY | How annoyed do you feel right now? | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_WEEK | How much irritation did you experience in the past week? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANNOY_WEEK | How much annoyance did you experience in the past week? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CONT | How content do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CALM | How calm do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
FEAR | How fearful do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
NERV | How nervous do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
GUIL | How guilty do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SHAM | How ashamed do you feel right now? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
NEGAFF | Please indicate how negative you are feeling right now. | ESM | Exam results study | |
IRREV_1 | Did anything irritating happen to you today? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRREV_2 | How irritating was it? - . | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
OTHEREV_1 | Did you experience another emotion today? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
OTHEREV_2 | What emotion was it? | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
OTHEREV_3 | How much of the emotion did you feel? - . | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRRPAST_1 | How irritating was it? - . | ESM | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CONT | How content do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CALM | How calm do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
FEAR | How fearful do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
NERV | How nervous do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
GUIL | How guilty do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SHAM | How ashamed do you feel right now? - . | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_1 | Everyone can learn to decrease their irritation. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_2 | If they want to, people can make themselves feel less irritated. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_3 | No matter how hard they try, people can't really decrease their irritation. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_4 | The truth is, people have very little control over how irritated they feel. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_SELF_1 | I can learn to decrease my irritation. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_SELF_2 | If I want to, I can make myself feel less irritated. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_SELF_3 | No matter how hard I try, I can't really decrease my irritation. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_IRR_SELF_4 | The truth is, I have very little control over how irritated I feel. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_SAD_SELF_1 | I can learn to decrease my sadness. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_SAD_SELF_2 | If I want to, I can make myself feel less sad. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_SAD_SELF_3 | No matter how hard I try, I can't really decrease my sadness. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_SAD_SELF_4 | The truth is, I have very little control over how sad I feel. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_CALM_SELF_1 | I can learn to increase my calmness. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_CALM_SELF_2 | If I want to, I can make myself feel calmer. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_CALM_SELF_3 | No matter how hard I try, I can't really increase my calmness. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ITES_CALM_SELF_4 | The truth is, I have very little control over how calm I feel. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_BELIEF_1 | Irritation is - - Bad:Good | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_BELIEF_2 | Irritation is - - Harmful:Useful | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_BELIEF_3 | Irritation is - - Foolish:Wise | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_BELIEF_4 | Irritation is - - Worthless:Valuable | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_BELIEF_5 | Irritation is - - Redundant:Necessary | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ATES_ANGER_1 | I like the feeling of increased energy I get from expressing my anger. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ATES_ANGER_2 | I like the feeling of power I get from expressing my anger. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ATES_ANGER_3 | I like it when I feel like yelling at someone. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ATES_ANGER_4 | I dislike how it feels when I am angry. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ATES_ANGER_5 | I like how it feels when I am furious. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_PLEAS | When you feel irritated, how pleasant or unpleasant does it typically feel? | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
IRR_USEFUL | When you feel irritated, to what extent is such an experience useful or harmful to you? | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_1 | Positive | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_2 | Negative | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_3 | Good | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_4 | Bad | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_5 | Pleasant | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_6 | Unpleasant | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_7 | Happy | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_8 | Sad | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_9 | Afraid | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_10 | Joyful | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_11 | Angry | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_12 | Contented | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_13 | Stressed | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_14 | Excited | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_15 | Anxious | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_16 | Calm | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_17 | Worried | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_1 | I have a fiery temper. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_2 | I am quick-tempered. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_3 | I am a hotheaded person. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_4 | It makes me furious when I am criticized in front of others. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_5 | I get angry when I'm slowed down by others mistakes. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_6 | I feel infuriated when I do a good job and get a poor evaluation. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_7 | I fly off the handle. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_8 | I feel annoyed when I am not given recognition for doing a good job. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_9 | When I get mad, I say nasty things. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
STAS_10 | When I get frustrated, I feel like hitting someone. | Baseline | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CONT | How content do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
CALM | How calm do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
FEAR | How fearful do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
NERV | How nervous do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
GUIL | How guilty do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SHAM | How ashamed do you feel right now? - . | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_1 | Positive | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_2 | Negative | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_3 | Good | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_4 | Bad | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_5 | Pleasant | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_6 | Unpleasant | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_7 | Happy | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_8 | Sad | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_9 | Afraid | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_10 | Joyful | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_11 | Angry | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_12 | Contented | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_13 | Stressed | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_14 | Excited | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_15 | Anxious | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_16 | Calm | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
SPANE_17 | Worried | Follow_up | Motivated emotion regulation diary | |
ENERG | How energetic do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
STR | How stressed do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
ANG | How angry do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
GUILT | How guilty do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
LONE | How lonely do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
TIR | How tired do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
SAD | How sad do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
HAP | How happy do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
GRATE | How grateful do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 | |
LOV | How loving do you feel right now? | ESM | Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024 |
Contact us: emote-database@unimelb.edu.au