Selection | Variable | Info | Assessment type | Constructs |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_11 | Strong | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
ACTIV_4 | Jobrelated | ESM | SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
GENDER | Gender | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS GENDER | |
AGE | Age (in years) | Baseline | AGE DEMOGRAPHICS | |
LAN | Native Language | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS LANGUAGE | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Ashamed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
EUPH | How euphoric do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT EUPHORIA POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT DEPRESSION NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
STR | How stressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RESTL | How restless do you feel at the moment? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ANHE | To what degree do you find it difficult to experience pleasure in activities at the moment? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ENER | How much energy do you have at the moment? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CONC | To what degree do you find it difficult to concentrate at the moment? | ESM | PAIN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAIN | To what degree do you have physical (pain)complaints at the moment? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
APP | How much appetite do you have at the moment? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SELFE | How self-confident are you at the moment? | ESM | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
SOCEX | How much pressure do you perceive from your environment to avoid feelings of anxiety or depression at the moment? | ESM | SOCIAL | |
IMPUL | Since the last beep, to what degree did you do things without carefully planning? | ESM | IMPULSIVITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ABAND | To what degree are you scared others will abandon you at the moment? | ESM | SOCIAL | |
REL_QUAL | To what degree do you have a good relationship with others at the moment? | ESM | SOCIAL | |
SELFH | Since the last beep, did you self-injure yourself? | ESM | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
RUM | Since the last beep, to what degree were you ruminating? | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DIST | Since the last beep, to what degree were you distracting yourself from you emotions? | ESM | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
SUPR | Since the last beep, to what degree did you try to supress the expression of your emotions? | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EXP | Since the last beep, to what degree did you talk with others about your emotions? | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION SOCIAL_SHARING STRATEGY | |
POSEV | Did something positive happen since the last beep? | ESM | EVENT POSITIVE_EVENT SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
NEGEV | Did something negative happen since the last beep? | ESM | EVENT NEGATIVE_EVENT SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
SCID_AXIS1_BPD2 | SCID IV - Axis 2, Borderline Personality Disorder - Amount of Criteria | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY CLINICAL_INTERVIEW DIAGNOSIS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | |
HEALTHY_CONTROL | Healthy control group | Baseline | DIAGNOSIS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | |
RRS_NL_1 | think about how alone you feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_2 | think "I won't be able to get anything done because I feel so bad" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_3 | think about your feelings of fatigue and achiness | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_4 | think about how hard it is to concentrate | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_5 | think about how passive and unmotivated you feel. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_6 | analyze recent events to try to understand why you are depressed | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_7 | think about how you don’t seem to feel anything anymore | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_8 | think “Why can’t I get going?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_9 | think “Why do I always react this way?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_10 | go away by yourself and thinkg about why you feel this way | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_11 | write down what you are thinking about and analyze it | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_12 | think about a recent situation, wishing it had gone better | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_13 | think “Why do I have problems other people don’t have?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_14 | think about how sad you feel. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_15 | think about all your shortcomings, failings, faults, mistakes | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_16 | think about how you don’t feel up to doing anything | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_17 | analyze your personality to try to understand why you are depressed | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_18 | go someplace alone to think about your feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_19 | think about how angry you are with yourself | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_20 | listen to sad music | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_21 | spend time alone and think about the reasons why I feel sad | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_22 | try to understand myself by focusing on my depressed feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_23 | think “I won’t be able to do my job if I don’t snap out of this” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_24 | think “What am I doing to deserve this?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_25 | think “I won’t be able to concentrate if I keep feeling this way.” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_NL_26 | think “Why can’t I handle things better?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
PANAS_NL_1 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_3 | Interested | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_4 | Angry | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_6 | Stressed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_7 | Irritable | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_8 | Jittery | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_9 | Excited | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_14 | Proud | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_15 | Guilty | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_19 | Distressed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
SWL_1 | In most ways my life is close to my ideal. | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_2 | The conditions of my life are excellent. | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_3 | I am satisfied with my life. | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_4 | So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_5 | If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
PAI_BOR_1 | My mood can shift quite suddenly. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_2 | My attitude about myself often changes. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_3 | My relationships have been stormy. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_4 | My moods can be very intense. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_5 | Sometimes I feel terribly empty inside. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_6 | I want to let certain people know how much they've hurt me. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_7 | My mood tends to be quite steady. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_8 | I often worry about people leaving me. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_9 | People I once loved, let me down. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_10 | I have little control over my anger. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_11 | I often wonder about what to do with my life. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_13 | Sometimes I am so impulsive that it gets me in trouble. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_14 | I have always been a fairly happy person. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_15 | I can't handle being separated from people the people I love. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_16 | I have made huge mistakes in picking friends. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_17 | When I am upset, I often hurt myself. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_18 | I've been so angry in the past, that I couldn't express all of my anger | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_19 | I don't get bored very quickly. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_20 | Once someone becomes a friend, that person stays a friend. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_21 | I am more impulsive than is good for me. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_24 | I carefully choose on what to spend my money. | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_2 | Sleep During the Night: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_6 | Please complete either 6 or 7 (not both). Decreased Appetite OR Increased Appetite: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_7 | Please complete either 8 or 9 (not both). Decreased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks) OR Increased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks): | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_8 | Concentration / Decision Making: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_10 | Thoughts of Death or Suicide: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_11 | General Interest: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_13 | Feeling Slowed Down: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_14 | Feeling Restless: | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
RPA_1 | I think: "I can do anything". | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_2 | I think about how proud I am with myself. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_3 | I think: "people will think I'm arrogant" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_4 | I think: "this is too good to be true" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_5 | I think about how strong I feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_7 | I think: "I do everything I can" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_8 | I think about things that went wrong for me | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_9 | I remind myself that these feelings won't last long | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_10 | I notice I am full of energy | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_11 | I think: "I can make everything work" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_12 | I think I am ready to begin | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_13 | I think my luck will soon run out | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_14 | I think about how hard it is to keep focus | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_15 | I think about how happy I'm feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION POSITIVE_AFFECT STRATEGY | |
RPA_16 | I think of things that could go wrong | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RPA_17 | I think: "I don't deserve this" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_1 | I always assume that others will exploit, hurt or cheat: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_13 | I keep asking myself: Are my friends or colleagues loyal and trustworthy or do they actually have hostile intentions?: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_25 | I rarely confide in others: after all, it is typical for them to maliciously use confidential information against me.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_71 | I am always a real pessimist.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_37 | Other people often do or say apparently kind things, but in fact want to humiliate or threaten me with them.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_49 | I have deep-seated feelings of resentment; I will never forgive others for insulting, belittling, or hurting me over and over.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_61 | It is typical of me that I quickly get angry or counterattack because I think my reputation is being damaged.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_TRAIT_73 | Time and again I suspect my partner of being unfaithful to me.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_1 | I always assume that others will exploit, hurt or cheat:: Has this quality already caused you or others harm or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_13 | Again and again I ask myself: Are my friends or colleagues loyal and trustworthy or do they actually have hostile intentions?: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_25 | I rarely confide in others: after all, it is typical for them to use confidential information maliciously against me.: Has this quality already caused you or others harm or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_37 | Other people very often do or say apparently friendly things, but in fact want to humiliate or threaten me with them.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_49 | I have deep-seated feelings of resentment; I will never forgive others for insulting, belittling, or hurting me again and again.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_61 | It is typical of me that I quickly get angry or counterattack because I think my reputation is being damaged..: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_PAR_DISTR_73 | Again and again I suspect my partner of being unfaithful to me.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_2 | Unlike most others, I don't need intimacy or deep relationships. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_14 | I am a loner: Whenever possible, I choose activities that I can do on my own.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_16 | Engaged in sexually abusive relationships? (If yes, number of relationships? ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_17 | Lost a job on purpose? (If yes, number of times ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_18 | Attempted suicide? (If yes, number of times ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_26 | It is typical for me not to be interested in sexual experiences with another person.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_38 | It is typical for me to enjoy little or no activities.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_50 | With the exception of my closest relatives, I have no real friends or confidants. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_62 | I don't care what others think of me: their sluggishness or criticism also leaves me cold.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_TRAIT_74 | I am someone who feels little or no emotions: for example, I do not experience intense joy or anger.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_2 | Unlike most others, I don't need intimacy or deep relationships. Has this trait already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_14 | I am a loner: whenever possible, I choose activities that I can do alone.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_26 | It is typical for me not to be interested in sexual experiences with another person.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_38 | It is typical for me to enjoy few or no activities.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_50 | I have no real friends or confidants with the exception of my closest relatives. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_62 | It leaves me completely indifferent what others think of me: their sluggishness or criticism also leaves me cold.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_SZ_DISTR_74 | I am someone who feels little or no emotions: for example, I do not experience intense joy or anger.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_3 | I often explain chance events that are unusual or bizarre in the eyes of others. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_15 | I firmly believe in supernatural things like magic, psychic perception, astrology, clairvoyance or telepathy: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_27 | Sometimes I perceive things that are bizarre or unimaginable to others (for example, feeling forces or persons that are actually not present).: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_39 | My way of speaking and thinking is different from most other people, who often don't seem to understand me.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_50 | With the exception of my closest relatives, I have no real friends or confidants. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_51 | I am very suspicious of others: in general they have no good intentions for me.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_63 | It is typical for my emotional contacts with others to be disturbed: for example, others think that I convey my feelings in an inappropriate, weird or bizarre way.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_TRAIT_75 | It is typical that my contacts with others are disturbed: for example, others find my behavior or appearance strange, eccentric or eccentric.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_3 | I often explain chance events that are unusual or bizarre in the eyes of others. Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_15 | I firmly believe in supernatural things such as magic, psychic perception, astrology, clairvoyance or telepathy: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_27 | Sometimes I perceive things that are bizarre or unimaginable to others (for example, feeling forces or persons that are actually not present).: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_39 | My way of speaking and thinking is different from most other people, who often don't seem to understand me.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_50 | I have no real friends or confidants with the exception of my closest relatives. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_51 | I am very suspicious of others: in general they have no good intentions for me.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_88 | It is typical for me to be too intimate with others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_63 | It is typical that my emotional contacts with others are disturbed: for example, others think that I convey my feelings in an inappropriate, strange or bizarre way.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_ST_DISTR_75 | It is typical that my contacts with others are disturbed: for example, others find my behavior or appearance strange, eccentric or eccentric.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_4 | I repeatedly violate social norms, rules and laws and have regularly done things that could have led to arrest (for example, destroying property, fighting).: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_16 | It is in my nature to deceive, defraud or lie to others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_28 | It is typical for me to do things without first thinking or considering possible consequences: for example, I can decide at the moment to change work, place of residence or partner.: To what extent do you agree with these statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_40 | I am easily irritated and then very aggressive: I have repeatedly fought and beat or abused others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_52 | It is typical for me to take risks or do things that endanger my own or others' physical safety.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_64 | It is typical for me not to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations (financially, in my profession, in taking care of my family, …).: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_76 | I experience little or no feelings of guilt or remorse when I have done something wrong.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_TRAIT_86 | Before I was 15 years old, I was a real problem kid doing things like being aggressive towards other people or animals, setting fire to or destroying things, running away from home, lying, stealing and breaking the rules over and over again.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_4 | I repeatedly violate social norms, rules and laws and have regularly done things that could have caused me to be arrested (for example, destroying property, fighting).: Has this characteristic already caused you or others harm or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_16 | It is in my nature to deceive, defraud or lie to others.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_67 | It is only natural that I use others to get what I want.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_28 | It is typical for me to do things without first thinking or considering possible consequences: for example, I can decide at the moment to change my job, place of residence or partner.: Has this characteristic already suffered or hurt you or others? causing trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_40 | I am easily irritated and then very aggressive: I have fought repeatedly and beat or mistreated others.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_52 | It is typical for me to take risks or do things that endanger my own or others' physical safety.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_64 | It is typical for me not to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations (financially, in my profession, in taking care of my family, …).: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_76 | I experience little or no feelings of guilt or remorse when I have done something wrong.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AS_DISTR_86 | Before I was 15 years old I was a real problem kid doing things like being aggressive towards other people or animals, setting fire to or destroying things, running away from home, lying, stealing and breaking the rules.: Has this trait has already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_5 | I absolutely cannot bear the thought of someone leaving or forsaking me: I would do almost anything for this to happen.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_17 | My relationships with others are very intense but on the other hand not very steadfast. It is typical for my feelings for other people to change quickly and strongly: one moment I may love or admire someone very much and the next moment hate or be deeply disappointed with that same person.: To what extent do you agree with this statement? about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_29 | I am always extremely insecure about who or what I am and about what is important in life: as a result, my self-image and my views about others, the world and the future are constantly changing.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_66 | I often get carried away by my feelings: others doubt their authenticity because I often bring them out so strongly, intensely and dramatically.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_78 | I am very impressionable: my feelings and thoughts are much too strongly influenced by others or by circumstances.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_19 | Exercised an injury on purpose? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_20 | Tortured yourself with selfg-defeating thoughts? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_41 | I am a very impulsive person: I can do things suddenly and thoughtlessly that can actually get me into trouble. For example, I have done various things such as: spending a lot of money in an irresponsible way; unsafe and rash sexual behavior; abuse alcohol, medication or drugs; gamble; behave recklessly in traffic; overeating.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_53 | I have repeatedly threatened or attempted to end my life.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_65 | I have deliberately hurt or wounded myself repeatedly.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_77 | My mood or mood is very unstable and erratic: one moment I can be normal, then the next moment I feel extremely depressed, angry, irritable or anxious.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_87 | Very often it happens to me that I feel really empty.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_92 | Intense feelings of anger are inherent in my person: I often get so angry or furious for the slightest thing that I almost lose control of myself.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_TRAIT_94 | When I am under severe stress, it happens that I lose conscious control of myself or become very suspicious.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_5 | I absolutely cannot bear the thought of someone leaving or forsaking me: I would do almost anything for this not to happen..: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_17 | My relationships with others are very intense but on the other hand not very steadfast. It is typical that my feelings for other people change quickly and strongly: one moment I can love or admire someone very much and the next moment hate or be deeply disappointed with that same person..: Has this characteristic already suffered or hurt you or others? causing trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_29 | I am always extremely insecure about who or what I am and about what is important in life: as a result, my self-image and my views about others, the world and the future are constantly changing..: Does this characteristic already hurt or bother you or others? harmed? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_21 | Starved yourself to hurt yourself? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_22 | Abused laxatives to hurt yourself? (If yes, number of times ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
RSE_1 | On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_2 | At times I think I am no good at all. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_3 | I feel that I have a number of good qualities. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_41 | I am a very impulsive person: I can do things suddenly and thoughtlessly that can actually get me into trouble. For example, I have done various things such as: spending a lot of money in an irresponsible way; unsafe and rash sexual behavior; abuse alcohol, medication or drugs; gamble; behave recklessly in traffic; overeating..: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_53 | I have repeatedly threatened or attempted to end my life..: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_65 | I have repeatedly hurt or wounded myself on purpose..: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_77 | My mood or mood is very unstable and erratic: one moment I can be normal, then the next moment I feel extremely depressed, angry, irritable or anxious..: Has this characteristic already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_87 | Very often it happens to me that I feel really empty..: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_92 | Intense feelings of anger are inherent in my person: often I get so angry or furious for the slightest that I almost lose control of myself..: Has this characteristic already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_BDL_DISTR_94 | When I am under severe stress, it happens that I lose conscious control of myself or become very suspicious..: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_6 | I feel uncomfortable or disappreciated when I'm not the center of attention, and I try to do everything possible to get attention.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_18 | It is typical for me to try to win others over in a sexually seductive or provocative way.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_30 | My emotions are very fickle and seem unreal and superficial.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_42 | I constantly use my appearance to get others to pay attention to me: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_TRAIT_54 | It is typical for me to make emotional statements that I cannot specify or substantiate with examples.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
RSE_4 | I am able to do things as well as most other people. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_5 | I feel I do not have much to be proud of. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_6 | I certainly feel useless at times. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_6 | I feel uncomfortable or disappointed when I'm not the center of attention, and I try to do everything possible to get attention.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_18 | It is typical for me to try to win others over in a sexually seductive or provocative way.: Has this quality already caused you or others harm or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_30 | My emotions are very fickle and seem unreal and superficial.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_42 | I constantly use my appearance to get others to pay attention to me: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_54 | It is typical for me to make emotional statements that I cannot specify or substantiate with examples.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_66 | I am often carried away by my feelings: others doubt their authenticity because I often bring them out so strongly, intensely and dramatically.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_78 | I am very impressionable: my feelings and thoughts are much too strongly influenced by others or by circumstances.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_HIS_DISTR_88 | It is typical for me to be too intimate with others quickly.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_7 | To my surprise, others think I have high self-esteem when in fact I have superior talents and extraordinary achievements.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_19 | Very often I am preoccupied with dream images in which I am very successful, powerful, brilliant, beautiful or loved.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_31 | Since I am unique and very special, only special people can understand me: I only want to deal with top people.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_43 | Compared to others, I need much more admiration and attention to feel good.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_55 | I am convinced that I am someone who can claim priority and preferential treatment.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
RSE_7 | I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_8 | I wish I could have more respect for myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_79 | I find it difficult to understand or show an interest in the feelings and needs of others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_89 | On the one hand, most others are jealous of my talent and success; on the other hand, it is unjust that some have it undeservedly better than myself.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_TRAIT_93 | The inferior fumbling and fumbling of others takes a lot of my patience.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_7 | To my surprise, others think I have high self-esteem when in fact I have superior talents and extraordinary achievements.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_19 | I am very often preoccupied with dream images in which I am very successful, powerful, brilliant, beautiful or loved.: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_31 | Since I am unique and very special, only special people can understand me: I only want to deal with top people.: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_43 | Compared to others, I need much more admiration and attention to feel good.: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_55 | I am convinced that I am someone who can claim priority and preferential treatment.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_67 | It is only natural that I use others to get what I want. Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_79 | I find it difficult to understand or show an interest in the feelings and needs of others.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_89 | On the one hand, most others are jealous of my talent and success; on the other hand, it is unjust that some are undeservedly better off than myself.: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NAR_DISTR_93 | The inferior fumbling and fumbling of others takes a lot of my patience.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_8 | For fear of negative criticism, I avoid activities at work or school that involve a lot of contact with others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
RSE_9 | All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_10 | I take a positive attitude toward myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
DASS21_1 | I found it hard to calm down after something upset me | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_20 | I avoid contact with other people unless I am sure that they will like me and accept me without criticism.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_32 | Even in an intimate relationship I dare not reveal my feelings and thoughts.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_44 | I am very shy and vulnerable in social situations because I am constantly afraid of being criticized or rejected.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_56 | It is typical for me to take risks or do things that endanger my own or others' physical safety.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_68 | In social contacts with other people I feel I am not skilled, not very attractive and inferior.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_80 | I avoid new situations or activities as much as possible to avoid the worry and burden they bring.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_8 | For fear of negative criticism, I avoid activities that involve a lot of contact with others at work or at school.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_20 | I avoid contact with other people unless I am sure that they will like me and accept me without criticism.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_32 | Even in an intimate relationship, I dare not reveal my feelings and thoughts.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_44 | I am very shy and vulnerable in social situations because I am constantly afraid of being criticized or rejected.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_56 | It is typical for me to take risks or do things that endanger my own or others' physical safety.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_68 | In social contacts with other people I feel I am not skilled, not very attractive and inferior.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_80 | I avoid new situations or activities as much as possible to avoid the worry and burden they bring.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_9 | I always have a hard time making ordinary everyday decisions without undue advice and reassurance from others..: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_21 | In most cases I wait passively and let others take the initiative and also responsibility..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_33 | I find it very difficult to openly disagree with others: even when I completely disagree with someone, I dare not express it and I will agree..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself ? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_45 | I find it difficult to start or carry out something inTRAITendently: because of my lack of self-confidence I always think I need help..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_57 | To ensure the support and care of others, I often do unpleasant or humiliating things of my own accord..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_69 | It is typical for me to feel uncomfortable or helpless whenever I am alone: I fear that I will not be able to take care of myself..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself ? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_81 | When a relationship ends, I try to find someone else as soon as possible who can take care of me and support me..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_TRAIT_90 | It is typical for me to be preoccupied with my fear of being abandoned and left alone..: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_9 | I always have a hard time making ordinary everyday decisions without undue advice and reassurance from others.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_21 | In most cases, I passively wait and let others take the initiative and also take responsibility.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_33 | I find it very difficult to openly disagree with others: even when I completely disagree with someone, I dare not express it and I will agree.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_45 | I find it difficult to start or carry out something on my own: because of my lack of self-confidence I always think I need help.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_2 | I perspired noticeably (eg, hands sweaty) in the absence of high temperatures or physical exertion | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_3 | I couldn't seem to get any enjoyment out of the things I did | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_57 | To secure the support and care of others, I often do unpleasant or humiliating things of my own accord.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_69 | It is typical for me to feel uncomfortable or helpless whenever I am alone, because I fear that I will not be able to care for myself.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_81 | When a relationship ends, I try to find someone else who can take care of me and support me as soon as possible.: Has this trait already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_AV_DISTR_90 | It is typical for me to be preoccupied with my fear of being abandoned and left alone.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_10 | In order to make myself feel like I'm in control of the situation, I'm always preoccupied with details or orderliness or with repeated checking, planning or scheduling. As a result, I generally lose a lot of time and the really important things are not covered enough.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_22 | It is typical for me to have a hard time completing activities because I demand that everything I do must approach complete perfection.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_34 | Tasks, work, and obligations keep taking up so much of my time that I don't have time for friends or leisure activities.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_46 | Compared to most people, I am extremely conscientious, conscientious and unyielding when it comes to principles, rules, or moral values.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_58 | I cannot throw away worn-out or worthless things, even if they have no emotional value to me.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_70 | I really hate delegating tasks or collaborating with others: I can't stand people not strictly adhering to my way of working.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_82 | Spending money is difficult for me: money needs to be saved to face possible disasters.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_TRAIT_91 | It is typical of me that I have a hard time adapting to change: most of the time I stubbornly cling to my familiar ways of doing and thinking.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_59 | It is typical for me to only see the negative in others.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_10 | In order to make myself feel like I'm in control of the situation, I'm always preoccupied with details or orderliness or with repeated checking, planning or scheduling. As a result, I generally lose a lot of time and the really important things are not sufficiently discussed.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_22 | It is typical for me to have a hard time completing activities because I demand of myself that everything I do must approach complete perfection.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_34 | Tasks, work, and obligations keep occupying me so much that there is no time left for friends or for leisure activities.: Has this trait already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_46 | Compared to most people, I am extremely conscientious, conscientious, and extremely unyielding when it comes to principles, rules, or moral values.: Has this quality already caused you or others harm or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_58 | I can't throw away worn-out or worthless things, even if they have no emotional value to me.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_70 | I really dislike delegating tasks or collaborating with others: I can't stand people not strictly adhering to my way of working.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_82 | Spending money is difficult for me: money needs to be saved in order to face possible disasters.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_OC_DISTR_91 | It is typical of me that I have a hard time adapting to change: I usually stubbornly cling to my familiar ways of acting and thinking.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_11 | By nature I am a depressed, gloomy and displeased person.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_23 | I have never had a positive image of myself: I consider myself an inadequate, worthless person and tend to look down on myself.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_35 | I always have a negative opinion of myself: again and again I look at myself very critically, with disapproval and contempt.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_47 | By nature I am a real worrier and worryer.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_4 | I experienced breathing difficulty (eg, excessively rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion) | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_5 | I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_TRAIT_83 | It is typical for me to always feel guilty or remorseful. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_11 | By nature I am a depressed, gloomy and displeased person. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_23 | I have never had a positive image of myself: I consider myself an inadequate, worthless person and have a tendency to look down on myself.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_35 | I always have a negative opinion of myself: again and again I look at myself very critically, disapprovingly and contemptuously.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_47 | By character I am a real worrier and worryer.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_59 | It is typical for me to only pay attention to the negative in others.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_71 | I am always a real pessimist.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSDE_DISTR_83 | It is typical for me to always feel guilty or remorseful. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_12 | I refuse to answer to what is expected of me: I have always resisted such obligations in an indirect and passive way.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_24 | Again and again I complain that people do not understand me and that people do not want to appreciate me as a person.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_36 | I am naturally a petulant, unruly and quarrelsome person.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_48 | I can only criticize or disdain those in charge. To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_60 | I resent and envy those who are luckier than me.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_72 | I was born for misfortune: never in my life have I had a stroke of luck.: To what extent do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_6 | I tended to over-react to situations | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_7 | I experienced trembling (eg, in the hands) | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_8 | I found myself getting agitated. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_26 | I can be exhausting or irritating for others | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_TRAIT_84 | My typical attitude toward others alternates between open hostility and repentant promises to get well.: How much do you agree with this statement about yourself? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_12 | I refuse to answer to what is expected of me: I have always resisted such obligations in an indirect and passive way.: Has this quality already caused you or others pain or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_24 | Again and again I complain that people do not understand me and that people do not want to appreciate me as a person.: Has this characteristic already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_36 | By nature I am a petulant, unruly and quarrelsome person. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_48 | I can only criticize or disdain those in charge. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_60 | I resent and envy those who are more fortunate than me. Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_72 | I was born for misfortune: never in my life have I had a windfall.: Has this quality already caused you or others suffering or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
ADPIV_NOSPA_DISTR_84 | My typical attitude toward others alternates between open hostility and repentant promises to get well.: Has this quality already caused you or others distress or trouble? | Baseline | PERSONALITY_DISORDER PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_1 | Overdosed? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_2 | Cut yourself on purpose? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_3 | Burned yourself on purpose? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_4 | Hit yourself? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_5 | Banged your head on purpose? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_6 | Abused alcohol? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_7 | Driven recklessly on purpose? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_8 | Scratched yourself on purpose? (If yes, number of times ____) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_9 | Prevented wounds from healing? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_10 | Made medical situations worse on purpose (e.g., skipped medication)? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_11 | Been promiscuous (i.e., had many sexual partners)? (If yes, how many? ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_12 | Set yourself up in a relationship to be rejected? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_13 | Abused prescription medication? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_14 | Distanced yourself from God as punishment? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
SHI_15 | Engaged in emotionally abusive relationships? (If yes, number of relationships? ___) | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SELF_HARM SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_27 | I get into more quarrels | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_9 | I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_10 | I felt that I had nothing to look forward to | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_11 | I found myself getting agitated | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_12 | I found it difficult to relax | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_13 | I felt sad and depressed | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_14 | I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I was doing | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_15 | I felt I was close to panic | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_16 | I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_17 | I felt I wasn't worth much as a person. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_18 | I felt that I was rather touchy. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_19 | I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical exertion (eg, sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat) | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_20 | I felt scared without any good reason. | Baseline | ANXIETY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
DASS21_21 | I felt that life wasn't worthwhile. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_1 | I need less sleep | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_2 | I feel more energetic and more active | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_3 | I am more self-confident | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_4 | I enjoy my work more | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_5 | I am more sociable (make more phone calls, go out more) | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_6 | I want to travel and/or do travel more | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_7 | I tend to drive faster or take more risks when driving | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_8 | I spend more money/too much money | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_9 | I take more risks in my daily life (in my work and/or other activities) | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_10 | I am physically more active (sport etc.) | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_11 | I plan more activities or projects. | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_12 | I have more ideas, I am more creative | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_13 | I am less shy or inhibited | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_14 | I wear more colourful and more extravagant clothes/make-up | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_15 | I want to meet or actually do meet more people | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_16 | I am more interested in sex, and/or have increased sexual desire | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_17 | I am more flirtatious and/or am more sexually active | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_19 | I think faster | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_20 | I make more jokes or puns when I am talking | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_21 | I am more easily distracted | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_22 | I engage in lots of new things | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_23 | My thoughts jump from topic to topic | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_24 | I do things more quickly and/or more easily | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_25 | I am more impatient and/or get irritable more easily | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_28 | My mood is higher, more optimistic | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_29 | I drink more coffee | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_30 | I smoke more cigarettes | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_31 | I drink more alcohol | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
HCL-32_32 | I take more drugs (sedatives, anti-anxiety pills, stimulants) | Baseline | BIPOLAR MANIA PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
WELL_BEING | If you were to judge your current well-being using a number between 0 and 100, where 0 is extremely bad and 100 is extremely good, what number would this be? | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
FOLLOW_UP | Follow-up completed | Follow_up | ||
SWL_1 | In most ways my life is close to my ideal. | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_2 | The conditions of my life are excellent. | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_3 | I am satisfied with my life. | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_4 | So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_5 | If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
PAI_BOR_1 | My mood can shift quite suddenly. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_2 | My attitude about myself often changes. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_3 | My relationships have been stormy. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_4 | My moods can be very intense. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_5 | Sometimes I feel terribly empty inside. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_6 | I want to let certain people know how much they've hurt me. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_7 | My mood tends to be quite steady. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_8 | I often worry about people leaving me. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_9 | People I once loved, let me down. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_10 | I have little control over my anger. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_11 | I often wonder about what to do with my life. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_13 | Sometimes I am so impulsive that it gets me in trouble. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_14 | I have always been a fairly happy person. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_15 | I can't handle being separated from people the people I love. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_16 | I have made huge mistakes in picking friends. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_17 | When I am upset, I often hurt myself. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_18 | I've been so angry in the past, that I couldn't express all of my anger | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_19 | I don't get bored very quickly. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_20 | Once someone becomes a friend, that person stays a friend. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_21 | I am more impulsive than is good for me. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_22 | I spend money too easily. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
PAI_BOR_24 | I carefully choose on what to spend my money. | Follow_up | BORDERLINE_PERSONALITY PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_2 | Sleep During the Night: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_6 | Please complete either 6 or 7 (not both). Decreased Appetite OR Increased Appetite: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_7 | Please complete either 8 or 9 (not both). Decreased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks) OR Increased Weight (Within the Last Two Weeks): | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_8 | Concentration / Decision Making: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_10 | Thoughts of Death or Suicide: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_11 | General Interest: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_13 | Feeling Slowed Down: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
QIDS_14 | Feeling Restless: | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
TREATMENT | Are you currently in treatment for psychological difficulties? | Follow_up | DEMOGRAPHICS | |
MED | Are you currently taking medication for any psychological complaints? | Follow_up | MEDICATION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | |
DIAGNOSIS | Have you received a specific diagnosis from your treating physician? | Follow_up | DIAGNOSIS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY | |
CHANGE_WELL_BEING | To what extent do you think you're doing better psychologically compared to when you participated in our study? | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
WORK | Are you currently working? | Follow_up | DEMOGRAPHICS EMPLOYMENT | |
SCID_AXIS1_MDD2 | SCID IV - Axis 1, Current Major Depressive Episode - Amount of Criteria | Baseline | CLINICAL_INTERVIEW DEPRESSION DIAGNOSIS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY |
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