Selection | Variable | Info | Assessment type | Constructs |
PRQCI_8 | How close is your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_7 | How intimate is your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
BEEP | Beep number | ESM | ||
YEAR | ESM year | ESM | ||
MONTH | ESM month | ESM | ||
ESM_BREAK | If they took breaks in the ESM protocol, how many breaks did they take? | ESM | ||
KIDS | do they have children | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS FAMILY | |
KIDS_NUM | if children, how many | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS FAMILY | |
ANG | How angry do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
DEP | How depressed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT DEPRESSION NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
SAD | How sad do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
ANX | How anxious do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RLX | How relaxed do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
SAT | How satisfied do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT SATISFACTION | |
HAP | How happy do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
CHEER | How cheerful do you feel at the moment? | ESM | AFFECT CHEERFULNESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
CONF | How much self-confidence do you have at the moment? | ESM | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
CONTACT | Have you been in contact with your partner since the last beep? | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
EXP_TOPARTNER | Have you expressed your emotions to your partner since the last beep? | ESM | AFFECT EXPRESSION | |
EXP_FROMPARTNER | Has your partner expressed his / her emotions to you since the last beep? | ESM | AFFECT EXPRESSION | |
CONTACT_NOW | Are you currently with your partner? | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
HAPPY_PARTNER | how happy are you to see your partner right now? | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
NEGEV_NOPARTNER | Since the last beep, has anything NEGATIVE happened that didn't involve your partner? | ESM | EVENT NEGATIVE_EVENT RELATIONSHIP SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
CONNECT_PARTNER | Do you feel that you and your partner on the same wavelength? | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
SHARE_PARTNER | Since the last beep, have you talked to your partner about a problem that either or both of you have encountered? | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL SOCIAL_SHARING | |
GENDER | Gender | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS GENDER | |
AGE | Age (in years) | Baseline | AGE DEMOGRAPHICS | |
NAT | Nationality | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS NATIONALITY | |
EDU | Education | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EDUCATION | |
REL_DURAT | How long have you been with your partner? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_BREAK | Were there breaks in your relationship? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_BREAK_NUM | If so, how many breaks? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_DURAT_KNOW | How long have you known your partner (include the period that you are not a couple)? First you can enter the number of years, then the number of months | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL | What is your marital status? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_DAYS | How many days a week do you see your partner? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_HOURS | How many hours do you see your partner on average per day? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_EVENTS | Do you feel that recent positive or negative events are currently playing a role in your relationship? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EVENT RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_EVENTS_LIST | Please indicate what these recent positive or negative events that have impacted your relationship are | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EVENT RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_EVENTS_IMPACT | To what extent do you think these events still affect your relationship? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EVENT RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_1 | How well does your partner meet your needs? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_2 | In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_3 | How good is your relationship compared to most? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_4 | How often do you wish you hadn’t gotten into this relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_5 | To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_6 | How much do you love your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_7 | How many problems are there in your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_1 | How satisfied are you with your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_2 | How content are you with your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_3 | How happy are you with your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_4 | How committed are you to your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_5 | How dedicated are you to your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_6 | How devoted are you to your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_9 | How connected are you to your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_10 | How much do you trust your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_11 | How much can you count on yoru partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_12 | How dependendable is your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_13 | How passionate is your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_14 | How lustful is your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_15 | How sexually intense is your relationship? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_16 | How much do you love your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_17 | How much do you adore your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_18 | How much do you cherish your partner? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_1 | It helps to turn to my romantic partner in times of need. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_2 | I need a lot of reassurance that I am loved by my partner. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_3 | I want to get close to my partner, but I keep pulling back. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_4 | I find that my partner doesn't want to get as close as I would like. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_5 | I turn to my partner for many things, including comfort and reassurance | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_6 | My desire to be very close sometimes scares people away. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_7 | I try to avoid getting too close to my partner. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_8 | I don't worry about being abandoned. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_9 | I usually discuss my problems and concerns with my partner. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_10 | I get frustrated if my romantic partner is not available when I need them. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_11 | I am nervous when my partner gets too close to me. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
ECR_SF_12 | I worry that a romantic partner won't care about me as much as I care about them. | Baseline | ATTACHMENT RELATIONSHIP | |
REL_EQUAL | Sometimes things get out of balance in a relationship and then one partner contributes more to the relationship than the other partner. Think of all the times when this was the case for a time in your relationship, which one of you was more likely to be the one who contributes more? | Baseline | RELATIONSHIP | |
WIAS_1 | Mild | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_2 | Dominant | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_3 | Shy | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_4 | Quarrelsome | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_5 | Tender | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_6 | Assertive | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_7 | Submissive | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
WIAS_8 | Cold | Baseline | SOCIAL | |
TIPI_1 | Extraverted, enthusiastic. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_2 | Critical, quarrelsome. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_3 | Dependable, self-disciplined. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_4 | Anxious, easily upset. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_5 | Open to new experiences, complex. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_6 | Reserved, quiet. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_7 | Sympathetic, warm. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_8 | Disorganized, careless. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_9 | Calm, emotionally stable. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_10 | Conventional, uncreative. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
CESD_1 | I was bothered by things that don’t usually bother me | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_2 | I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_3 | I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with the help of my family and friends | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_4 | I felt that I was just as good as other people | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_5 | I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_6 | I felt depressed | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_7 | I felt everything I did was an effort | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_8 | I felt hopeful about the future | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_9 | I thought my life had been a failure | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_11 | My sleep was restless | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_13 | I talked less than usual | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_15 | People were unfriendly | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_17 | I had crying spells | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_19 | I felt that people disliked me | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_20 | I could not get “going” | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
IRI_EC_1 | I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_1 | I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the "other guy's" point of view. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_2 | Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are having problems | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_2 | I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_3 | When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel kind of protective towards them. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_3 | I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_4 | Other people's misfortunes do not usually disturb me a great deal. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_4 | If I'm sure I'm right about something, I don't waste much time listening to other people's arguments | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_5 | When I see someone being treated unfairly, I sometimes don't feel very much pity for them. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_6 | I am often quite touched by things that I see happen. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
RSE_5 | I feel I don’t have much to be proud of | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
IRI_PT_5 | I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to look at them both. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_EC_7 | I would describe myself as a pretty soft-hearted person. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_6 | When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to "put myself in his shoes" for a while. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
IRI_PT_7 | Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place. | Baseline | EMPATHY SOCIAL | |
ERQ_1 | When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I’m thinking about | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_2 | I keep my emotions to myself | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_3 | When I want to feel a less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I’m thinking about. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_4 | When I am feeling positiveemotions, I am careful not to express them | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_5 | When I’m faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it,in a way that helps me stay calm | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_6 | I control my emotions by not expressing them | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_7 | When I want to feel more positiveemotion, I change the way I’m thinkingabout the situation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_8 | I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I’m in | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_9 | When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_10 | When I want to feel a less negativeemotion, I change the way I’m thinkingabout the situation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
PANAS_NL_2 | Anxious | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_5 | Determined | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_18 | Nervous | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_12 | Hostile | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_13 | Embarassed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_16 | Attentive | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_17 | Inspired | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_10 | Active | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_NL_20 | Alert | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
RSE_1 | Generally, I am happy with myself | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_2 | Sometimes I don’t think I’m good for anything | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_3 | I feel I have a number of good qualities | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_4 | I can do things as well as most other people | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_6 | Sometimes I feel useless | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
SWL_1 | In most ways my life is close to ideal | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_2 | The conditions of my life are excellent | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_3 | I am satisfied with my life | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_4 | So far I have gotten the important things I want in life | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_5 | If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing | Baseline | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
PSS_1 | how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_2 | how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_3 | how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_4 | how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_5 | how often have you felt that things were going your way? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_6 | how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things you had to do? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_7 | how often have you been able to control irritations in your life? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_8 | how often have you felt you were on top of things? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_9 | how often have you been angered because of things that were outside of your control? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_10 | how often have you felt your difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
RELAT_STILL | Are you still together with the same partner as during the couples study? | Follow_up | DEMOGRAPHICS RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_1 | How well does your partner meet your needs? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_2 | In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_3 | How good is your relationship compared to most? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_4 | How often do you wish you hadn’t gotten into this relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_5 | To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_6 | How much do you love your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
RAS_7 | How many problems are there in your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_1 | How satisfied are you with your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_2 | How content are you with your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_3 | How happy are you with your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_4 | How committed are you to your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_5 | How dedicated are you to your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_6 | How devoted are you to your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_7 | How intimate is your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_8 | How close is your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_9 | How connected are you to your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_10 | How much do you trust your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_11 | How much can you count on yoru partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_12 | How dependendable is your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_13 | How passionate is your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_14 | How lustful is your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_15 | How sexually intense is your relationship? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_16 | How much do you love your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_17 | How much do you adore your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
PRQCI_18 | How much do you cherish your partner? | Follow_up | RELATIONSHIP | |
CESD_1 | I was bothered by things that don’t usually bother me | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_2 | I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_3 | I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with the help of my family and friends | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_4 | I felt that I was just as good as other people | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_5 | I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_6 | I felt depressed | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_7 | I felt everything I did was an effort | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_8 | I felt hopeful about the future | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_9 | I thought my life had been a failure | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_10 | I felt fearful | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_11 | My sleep was restless | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_13 | I talked less than usual | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_15 | People were unfriendly | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_16 | I enjoyed life | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_17 | I had crying spells | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_19 | I felt that people disliked me | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_20 | I could not get “going” | Follow_up | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
SWL_1 | In most ways my life is close to ideal | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_2 | The conditions of my life are excellent | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_3 | I am satisfied with my life | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_4 | So far I have gotten the important things I want in life | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
SWL_5 | If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing | Follow_up | HEDONIC LIFE_SATISFACTION WELL_BEING | |
PSS_1 | how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_2 | how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_3 | how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_4 | how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_5 | how often have you felt that things were going your way? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_6 | how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things you had to do? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_7 | how often have you been able to control irritations in your life? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_8 | how often have you felt you were on top of things? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_9 | how often have you been angered because of things that were outside of your control? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS_10 | how often have you felt your difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? | Follow_up | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_1 | Stomach ache | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_2 | Backache | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_3 | Pain in the arms, legs or joints (knees, hips, etc…) | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_4 | Menstrual pain or other problems during menstruation (only for women!) | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_5 | Headache | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_6 | Chest pain | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_7 | Dizziness | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_8 | Fainting or tendency to faint | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_9 | palpitations | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_10 | shortness of breath | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_11 | Pain or problems with intercourse | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_12 | Constipation, loose stools or diarrhea | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_13 | Nausea, bloating, or digestive problems (indigestion) | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_14 | Feeling tired or lacking energy | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
PHEALTHQ_15 | Difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or sleeping too much | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH SYMPTOMS | |
GEN_HEALTH | How would you rate your physical health in general? | Follow_up | PHYSICAL_HEALTH | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT AROUSAL | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT VALENCE | |
GRID_AROUSAL_PARTNER | Partner's Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT AROUSAL | |
GRID_VALENCE_PARTNER | Partner's Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT VALENCE | |
GRID_WARM | Warmth: computed from the affect grid | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
GRID_DOM | Dominance: computed from the affect grid | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
GRID_WARM_PARTNER | Partner's Warmth: computed from the affect grid | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
GRID_DOM_PARTNER | Partner's Dominance: computed from the affect grid | ESM | RELATIONSHIP SOCIAL | |
COUPLE_ID | ID for couples | Baseline | ||
STR | Have you been under stress since the previous beep? | ESM | SITUATION_CONTEXT STRESS | |
NEGEV_PARTNER | Since the last beep, has anything NEGATIVE happened that involved your partner? | ESM | EVENT NEGATIVE_EVENT RELATIONSHIP SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
POSEV_PARTNER | Since the last beep, has anything POSITIVE happened that involved your partner? | ESM | EVENT POSITIVE_EVENT RELATIONSHIP SITUATION_CONTEXT | |
POSEV_NOPARTNER | Since the last beep, has anything POSITIVE happened that didn't involve your partner? | ESM | EVENT POSITIVE_EVENT RELATIONSHIP SITUATION_CONTEXT |
Ella Wilson 26/04/2024: POSEV_PARTNER, NEGEV_PARTNER, POSEV_NOPARTNER and NEGEV_NOPARTNER variables were mislabeled on EMOTE wesbite. All POSEV have been changed to NEGEV and vice versa. csv is unchanged
KG 31/05/24: changed the variable name "es_os_mp" to "es_pos_mp".
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