Selection | Variable | Info | Assessment type | Constructs |
RSE_4 | I am able to do things as well as most other people. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_5 | I feel I do not have much to be proud of. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_6 | I take a positive attitude toward myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_7 | On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_8 | I wish I could have more respect for myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_9 | I certainly feel useless at times. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_10 | At times I think I am no good at all. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
SPS_1 | I become anxious if I have to write in front of other people. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_2 | I become self-conscious when using public toilets. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_3 | I can suddenly become aware of my own voice and of others listening to me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
T3_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
SPS_4 | I get nervous that people are staring at me as I walk down the street. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_5 | I fear I may blush when I am with others. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
T3_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
SPS_6 | I feel self-conscious if I have to enter a room where others are already seated. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
T3_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
SPS_7 | I worry about shaking or trembling when I’m watched by other people. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
T3_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
SPS_8 | I would get tense if I had to sit facing other people on a bus or a train. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_9 | I get panicky that others might see me to be faint, sick or ill. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_10 | I would find it difficult to drink something if in a group of people. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_11 | It would make me feel self-conscious to eat in front of a stranger at a restaurant. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_12 | I am worried people will think my behaviour is odd. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_13 | I would get tense if I had to carry a tray across a crowded cafeteria. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_14 | I worry I will lose control of myself in front of other people. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_15 | I worry I might do something to attract the attention of others. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_16 | When I am in an elevator I am tense if people look at me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_17 | I can feel conspicuous standing in a queue. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_18 | I get tense when I speak in front of other people. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_19 | I worry my head will shake or nod in front of others. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
SPS_20 | I feel awkward and tense if I know people are watching me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
T1_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T1_SELFE_1 | I have high self-esteem. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T1_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T1_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T1_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Baseline | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T1_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T1_SELFE_2 | I feel good about myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T1_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T1_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T1_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Baseline | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T1_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T1_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Baseline | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T1_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Baseline | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_7 | upset | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
TSST_TIME | string variable indicating when TSST occurred | ESM | ||
AFFGRID_RT | reaction time for affect grid | ESM | ||
HAP_RT | reaction time for happy | ESM | ||
RLX_RT | reaction time for relaxed | ESM | ||
SAD_RT | reaction time for sad | ESM | ||
STR_RT | reaction time for stressed | ESM | ||
ANX_RT | reaction time for Anxious | ESM | ||
ANG_RT | reaction time for Angry | ESM | ||
SELFE_RT | reaction time for Self-Esteem | ESM | ||
HAP | At the moment, how Happy are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
RLX | At the moment, how Relaxed are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
SAD | At the moment, how Sad are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
STR | At the moment, how Stressed are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
ANX | At the moment, how Anxious are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
ANG | At the moment, how Angry are you feeling? | ESM | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
SELFE | At the moment, how is your Self-Esteem? | ESM | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
GRID_AROUSAL | Arousal: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT AROUSAL | |
GRID_VALENCE | Valence: computed from the affect grid | ESM | AFFECT VALENCE | |
AGE | Age | Baseline | AGE DEMOGRAPHICS | |
BIRTH_COUNTRY | Country of birth | Baseline | BIRTH_COUNTRY DEMOGRAPHICS | |
NAT | Are you a Citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS NATIONALITY | |
YEARS_IN_COUNTRY | How long have you lived in Australia? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS NATIONALITY | |
LAN | What is your first/native language? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS LANGUAGE | |
RACE | What is your ethnic/cultural background? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
TIPI_1 | Extraverted, enthusiastic. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_2 | Critical, quarrelsome. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_3 | Dependable, self-disciplined. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_4 | Anxious, easily upset. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_5 | Open to new experiences, complex. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_6 | Reserved, quiet. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_7 | Sympathetic, warm. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_8 | Disorganized, careless. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_9 | Calm, emotionally stable. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
TIPI_10 | Conventional, uncreative. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
PANAS_1 | interested | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_2 | irritable | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_3 | distressed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_4 | alert | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_5 | excited | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_6 | ashamed | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T1_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Baseline | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_8 | inspired | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_9 | strong | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_10 | nervous | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_11 | guilty | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_12 | determined | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_13 | scared | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_14 | attentive | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_15 | hostile | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_16 | jittery | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_17 | enthusiastic | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_18 | active | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_19 | proud | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_20 | afraid | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
CESD_1 | I was bothered by things that usually don’t bother me. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_2 | I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_3 | I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_4 | I felt I was just as good as other people. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_5 | I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_6 | I felt depressed. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_7 | I felt that everything I did was an effort. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_8 | I felt hopeful about the future. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_9 | I thought my life has been a failure. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_10 | I felt fearful. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_11 | My sleep was restless. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_13 | I talked less than usual. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_15 | People were unfriendly. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_16 | I enjoyed life. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_17 | I had crying spells. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_19 | I felt that people dislike me. | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
CESD_20 | I could not get “going.” | Baseline | DEPRESSION PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_1 | I worry about what other people will think of me even when I know it doesn’t make any difference. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_2 | I am unconcerned even if I know people are forming an unfavourable impression of me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_3 | I am frequently afraid of other people noticing my shortcomings. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_4 | I rarely worry about what kind of impression I am making on someone. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_5 | I am afraid that others will not approve of me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_6 | I am afraid that people will find fault with me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_7 | Other people’s opinions of me do not bother me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_8 | When I am talking to someone, I worry about what they may be thinking about me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_9 | I am usually worried about what kind of impression I make. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_10 | If I know someone is judging me, it has little effect on me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_11 | Sometimes I think I am too concerned with what other people think of me. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
BFNE_12 | I often worry that I will say or do the wrong things. | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY SOCIAL_ANXIETY SYMPTOMS | |
COPE_1 | I turn to work or other activities to take my mind off things. | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_2 | I concentrate my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION PROBLEM_SOLVING STRATEGY | |
COPE_3 | I say to myself "this isn't real." | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
COPE_4 | I use alcohol or other drugs to make myself feel better. | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_5 | I've been getting emotional support from others. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION SOCIAL_SUPPORT STRATEGY | |
COPE_6 | I give up trying to deal with it. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_7 | I take action to try to make the situation better. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION PROBLEM_SOLVING STRATEGY | |
COPE_8 | I refuse to believe that it has happened. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_9 | I say things to let my unpleasant feelings escape. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_10 | I get help and advice from other people. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION SOCIAL_SUPPORT STRATEGY | |
COPE_11 | I use alcohol or other drugs to help me get through it. | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_12 | I try to see it in a different light, to make it seem more positive. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
COPE_13 | I criticize myself. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
T1_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
COPE_14 | I try to come up with a strategy about what to do. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION PROBLEM_SOLVING STRATEGY | |
COPE_15 | I get comfort and understanding from someone. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION SOCIAL_SUPPORT STRATEGY | |
COPE_16 | I give up the attempt to cope. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_17 | I look for something good in what is happening. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
COPE_18 | I make jokes about it. | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_19 | I do something to think about it less, like going to movies, watching TV, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping. | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_20 | I accept the reality of the fact that it has happened. | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_21 | I express my negative feelings. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_22 | I try to find comfort in my religion or spiritual beliefs. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
COPE_23 | I try to get advice or help from other people about what to do. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION SOCIAL_SUPPORT STRATEGY | |
COPE_24 | I learn to live with it. | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_25 | I think hard about what steps to take. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
COPE_26 | I blame myself for things that happened. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_27 | I pray or meditate. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REFLECTION STRATEGY | |
COPE_28 | I make fun of the situation. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_1 | When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I’m thinking about. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_2 | I keep my emotions to myself. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_3 | When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I’m thinking about. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_4 | When I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_5 | When I’m faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_6 | I control my emotions by not expressing them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_7 | When I want to feel more positive emotion, I change the way I’m thinking about the situation. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_8 | I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I’m in. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_9 | When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_10 | When I want to feel less negative emotion, I change the way I’m thinking about the situation. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
PSWQ_1 | If I don’t have enough time to do everything, I do not worry about it. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_2 | My worries overwhelm me. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_3 | I don’t tend to worry about things. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_4 | Many situations make me worry. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_5 | I know I shouldn’t worry about things, but I just can’t help it. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_6 | When I’m under pressure I worry a lot. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_7 | I’m always worrying about something | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_8 | I find it easy to dismiss worrisome thoughts. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_9 | As soon as I finish one task, I start worrying about everything else I have to do. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_10 | I never worry about anything. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_11 | When there’s nothing more I can do about a concern, I don’t worry about it anymore. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_12 | I have been a worrier all my life. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_13 | I notice that I have been worrying about things. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_14 | Once I start worrying, I can’t stop. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_15 | I worry all the time. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
PSWQ_16 | I worry about projects until they are all done. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY WORRY | |
RRS_10_1 | I think “What am I doing to deserve this?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_2 | I analyze recent events to try to understand why I am depressed. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_3 | I think “Why do I always react this way?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_4 | I go away by myself and think about why I feel this way | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_5 | I write down what I am thinking and analyze it. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_6 | I think about a recent situation, wishing it had gone better. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
T1_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Baseline | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RRS_10_7 | I think “Why do I have problems other people don’t have?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_8 | I think “Why can’t I handle things better?” | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
T1_SELFE_3 | I am satisfied with myself. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RRS_10_9 | I analyze my personality to try to understand why I am depressed. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10_10 | I go someplace alone to think about my feelings. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
T1_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Baseline | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RSE_1 | I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_2 | I feel that I have a number of good qualities.. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_3 | All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T1_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T1_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T1_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T1_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Baseline | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T1_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T1_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Baseline | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
TIME_START_LAB2 | start time of lab session 2 (morning of day 2) | Follow_up | ||
TIME_END_LAB2 | end time of lab session 2 (morning of day 2) | Follow_up | ||
T2_IMPORT | Is it important for you to perform well on these tasks? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T2_SRESP | Are you responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T2_ORESP | Is someone else responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T2_CTRL_1 | Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T2_EMOCOPE | Do you think you will be able to cope emotionally with these tasks? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T2_FUTUREXP | Do you think your performance on these tasks will turn out how you want? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL FUTURE_EXPECTANCY | |
T2_STRAPR | Do you think these tasks will be stressful for you? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL STRESS | |
T2_NOVEL | Do the tasks involve something that you have not done before? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T2_CTRL_2 | Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T2_PREDICT | Are you able to predict what these tasks will be like? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T2_RELEVANCE | Will your performance on these tasks reflect something about you as a person? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T2_THREAT | Are these tasks threatening to you? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL THREAT | |
T2_CHALLENGE | Do you think these tasks will be difficult for you? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T2_PROBCOPE | Do you think you can perform these tasks successfully? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T2_VALENCE | In general, how do you feel about these tasks? | Follow_up | APPRAISAL VALENCE | |
T2_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T2_SELFE_1 | I have high self-esteem. | Follow_up | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T2_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T2_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T2_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T2_SELFE_2 | I feel good about myself. | Follow_up | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T2_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T2_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T2_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T2_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T2_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_SELFE_3 | I am satisfied with myself. | Follow_up | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T2_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T2_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T2_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T2_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T2_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T2_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_IMPORT | Is it important for you to perform well on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T3_SRESP | Are you responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T3_ORESP | Is someone else responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T3_CTRL_1 | Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T3_EMOCOPE | Do you think you will be able to cope emotionally with these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T3_FUTUREXP | Do you think your performance on these tasks will turn out how you want? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL FUTURE_EXPECTANCY | |
T3_STRAPR | Do you think these tasks will be stressful for you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL STRESS | |
T3_NOVEL | Do the tasks involve something that you have not done before? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T3_CTRL_2 | Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T3_PREDICT | Are you able to predict what these tasks will be like? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T3_RELEVANCE | Will your performance on these tasks reflect something about you as a person? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T3_THREAT | Are these tasks threatening to you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL THREAT | |
T3_CHALLENGE | Do you think these tasks will be difficult for you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T3_PROBCOPE | Do you think you can perform these tasks successfully? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T3_VALENCE | In general, how do you feel about these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL VALENCE | |
T3_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T3_SELFE_1 | I have high self-esteem. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T3_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T3_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T3_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T3_SELFE_2 | I feel good about myself. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T3_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T3_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T3_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T3_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_SELFE_3 | I am satisfied with myself. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T3_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T3_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T3_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T3_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T3_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T3_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
TSST_JOB | job assigned to participant for mock job interview | Follow_up2 | ||
TSST_PAUSE1TIME | time of first pause during mock job interview | Follow_up2 | ||
TSST_PAUSES | number of pauses during mock job interview | Follow_up2 | ||
TSST_ERRORS | number of errors during mental arithmetic task | Follow_up2 | ||
TSST_LOWVAL | lowest correct number reached during mental arithmetic task | Follow_up2 | ||
T4_IMPORT | Is it important for you to perform well on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T4_SRESP | Are you responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T4_ORESP | Is someone else responsible for your performance on these tasks? | Follow_up2 | AGENCY APPRAISAL | |
T4_CTRL_1 | Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T4_EMOCOPE | Do you think you will be able to cope emotionally with these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T4_FUTUREXP | Do you think your performance on these tasks will turn out how you want? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL FUTURE_EXPECTANCY | |
T4_STRAPR | Do you think these tasks will be stressful for you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL STRESS | |
T4_NOVEL | Do the tasks involve something that you have not done before? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T4_CTRL_2 | Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
T4_PREDICT | Are you able to predict what these tasks will be like? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T4_RELEVANCE | Will your performance on these tasks reflect something about you as a person? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL IMPORTANCE | |
T4_THREAT | Are these tasks threatening to you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL THREAT | |
T4_CHALLENGE | Do you think these tasks will be difficult for you? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL CHALLENGE | |
T4_PROBCOPE | Do you think you can perform these tasks successfully? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL COPING_POTENTIAL | |
T4_VALENCE | In general, how do you feel about these tasks? | Follow_up2 | APPRAISAL VALENCE | |
T4_RLX_1 | I feel at ease. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T4_SELFE_1 | I have high self-esteem. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T4_STR_1 | I feel tense. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T4_SHAM_1 | I feel embarrassed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T4_HAP_1 | I feel cheerful. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_STR_2 | I feel under pressure. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T4_SELFE_2 | I feel good about myself. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T4_SHAM_2 | I feel ashamed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T4_RLX_2 | I feel peaceful. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T4_ANG_1 | I feel irritated. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_SHAM_3 | I feel humiliated. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SHAME | |
T4_HAP_2 | I feel happy. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_ANG_2 | I am 'pissed off'. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_ANX_1 | I feel nervous. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_SAD_1 | I am down in the dumps. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T4_ANG_3 | I feel angry. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANGER NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_SELFE_3 | I am satisfied with myself. | Follow_up2 | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
T4_ANX_2 | I feel anxious. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_SAD_2 | I feel gloomy. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T4_RLX_3 | I feel serene. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT RELAXATION | |
T4_STR_3 | I feel stressed. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT STRESS | |
T4_HAP_3 | I am in good spirits. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT HAPPINESS POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
T4_SAD_3 | I feel sad. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT SADNESS | |
T4_ANX_3 | I feel worried. | Follow_up2 | AFFECT ANXIETY NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
STUDY_PHASE | Block, coding for when TSST occurred | ESM |
2/01/25: Data removed for 6 participants who withdrew early (UUID: 33aa585e-89c9-4844-b503-e939b8792dfe; d88f00fc-3bae-42d5-ad80-64aef3eee0ca; 5fc21dd2-e348-422b-a8b9-36d435e6ef10; fe462749-a676-4838-9566-e740b8eab0e3; 01053f59-c0e7-45d2-9b49-5b7c1f42333a; a60fa32d-95ec-45a5-9555-be43e2532436)
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