Selection | Variable | Info | Assessment type | Constructs |
RESS_EMA_8 | I looked at the situation from several different angles. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_8_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Reappraisal item 2 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_9 | I engaged in something else to keep busy. | ESM | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_26 | Being sure to hide what I was feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_27 | Taking deep breaths | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_28 | Continually trying to decide what went wrong | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
BFI2_35 | Values art and beauty. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
RESS_EMA_7_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Reappraisal item 1 | ESM | ||
VALENCE | Current affect (How are you feeling right now?) | ESM | AFFECT VALENCE | |
VALENCE_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "now" | ESM | ||
EMOTION_CATEG | Strongest negative emotion experienced in the last hour | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
EMOTION_CATEG_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "strong" | ESM | ||
EMOTION_INTENSITY | Emotional intensity (How intense was the negative emotion?) | ESM | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
EMOTION_INTENSITY_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "int" | ESM | ||
SOCSUP_CATEG | Presence of social supports (Did you feel supported by the other person(s) present?) | ESM | APPRAISAL SOCIAL_INTERACTION SOCIAL_SUPPORT | |
SOCSUP_CATEG_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "alone" | ESM | ||
SOCSUP1 | Social support (present condition) (To what extent did you feel supported by the other person(s) present?) | ESM | APPRAISAL SOCIAL_SUPPORT | |
SOCSUP1_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for sprt1 | ESM | ||
SOCSUP2 | Social support (absent condition) (To what extent would you have benefited from support from others?) | ESM | APPRAISAL SOCIAL_SUPPORT | |
SOCSUP2_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for sprt2 | ESM | ||
CTRL | Situational control (How much control did you have over the situation that caused this emotion?) | ESM | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
CTRL_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "ctrl" | ESM | ||
EMOTION_CTRL | Emotional control (How much control did you have over your emotions?) | ESM | APPRAISAL CONTROLLABILITY | |
EMOTION_CTRL_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for "emoctrl" | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_1 | I tried to slow my heart rate and breathing. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_1_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Relaxation item 1 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_2_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Relaxation item 2 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_3_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Expression item 1 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_4_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Expression item 2 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_5 | I thought about the emotional event again and again. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_5_RT | Response time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Rumination item 1 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_6 | I continually thought about what was bothering me. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_6_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Rumination item 2 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_7 | I thought of other ways to interpret the situation. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_9_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Distraction item 1 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_10 | I engaged in activities to distract myself. | ESM | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_10_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Distraction item 2 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_11 | I made an effort to hide my feelings. | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_EMA_11_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Supression item 1 | ESM | ||
RESS_EMA_12_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for RESS-EMA Supression item 2 | ESM | ||
ER_SUCCESS | Regulatory Success (Overall, how successful were you in managing your emotions?) | ESM | EMOTION_REGULATION ER_SUCCESS SELF_EFFICACY | |
ER_SUCCESS_RT | Reaction time (milliseconds) for scss | ESM | ||
AGE | How old are you in years? | Baseline | AGE DEMOGRAPHICS | |
GENDER | What is your gender? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS GENDER | |
RACE_1 | Caucasian (White) | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_2 | Chinese | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_3 | South Asian/Desi (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, etc.) | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_4 | Indonesian | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_5 | Other Asian | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_6 | Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_7 | African or African American | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_8 | Middle Eastern | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_9 | Hispanic | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
RACE_10 | Prefer not to say | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS ETHNICITY | |
LAN | Is English your first language? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS LANGUAGE | |
EDU | What is the highest level of education you have completed? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EDUCATION | |
EMPLOY_1 | Part-time employed | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EMPLOYMENT | |
EMPLOY_2 | Full-time employed | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EMPLOYMENT | |
EMPLOY_3 | Unemployed | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EMPLOYMENT | |
RELAT | What is your relationship status? | Baseline | DEMOGRAPHICS EMPLOYMENT | |
RESS_1 | Thinking repeatedly about what was bothering me | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_2 | Using facial expressions to show that I was upset | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_4 | Letting my emotions show | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_5 | Vocalising how I was feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_6 | Focusing on slowing my heart rate and breathing | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_7 | Showing my feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_8 | Trying to slow my heart rate and breathing | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_9 | Immediately working on something to keep myself busy | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_10 | Continually thinking about what was bothering me | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_11 | Outwardly showing what I was feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_12 | Vocalising how I was feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_13 | Doing something else to distract myself | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_14 | Trying to see the emotional event from a different perspective | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_16 | Telling others exactly how I felt | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_17 | Going over the emotional event again and again in my mind | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_18 | Looking at the emotional event from a different perspective | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_19 | Expressing my feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_20 | Identifying different angles to see the situation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_21 | Thinking of other ways to interpret the situation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_22 | Engaging in something else to keep busy | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_23 | Showing that I was upset | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_24 | Looking at the situation from several different angles | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_29 | Engaging in activities to distract myself | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_30 | Decreasing tension in my body | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_31 | Making an effort to hide my feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_32 | Concealing how I was feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_33 | Thinking about the emotional event again and again in my mind | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_34 | Thinking again and again about what went wrong | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RESS_35 | Trying to pretend I wasn't upset | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
RESS_36 | Thinking of Alternate ways to see the situation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_37 | Trying to think of the emotional event in a more positive light | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
RESS_38 | Trying to see the situation in a more positive light | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
WAYS_TR1 | Getting away from it for a while; trying to rest or take a vacation | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RELAXATION STRATEGY | |
WAYS_TR2 | Trying to make myself feel better by eating, drinking, smoking, using drugs or medication, etc | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
WAYS_TR3 | Jogging or exercising | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_1 | I am clear about my feelings | Baseline | CLARITY EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_2 | I pay attention to how I fee | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_3 | I experience my emotions as overwhelming and out of control | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_4 | I have no idea how I am feeling | Baseline | CLARITY EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_5 | I have difficulty making sense out of my feelings | Baseline | CLARITY EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_6 | I am attentive to my feelings | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_7 | I know exactly how I am feeling | Baseline | CLARITY EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_8 | I care about what I am feeling | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_9 | I am confused about how I feel | Baseline | CLARITY EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_10 | When I'm upset, I acknowledge my emotions | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_11 | When I'm upset, I become angry with myself for feeling that way | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_12 | When I'm upset, I become embarrassed for feeling that way | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_13 | When I'm upset, I have difficulty getting work done | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION GOAL | |
DERS_14 | When I'm upset, I become out of control | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_15 | When I'm upset, I believe that I will remain that way for a long time | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_16 | When I'm upset, I believe that I will end up feeling very depressed | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_17 | When I'm upset, I believe that my feelings are valid and important | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_18 | When I'm upset, I have difficulty focusing on other things | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION GOAL | |
DERS_19 | When I'm upset, I feel out of control | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_20 | When I'm upset, I can still get things done | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION GOAL | |
DERS_21 | When I'm upset, I feel shamed at myself for feeling that way | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_22 | When I'm upset, I know that I can find a way to eventually feel better | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION PROBLEM_SOLVING STRATEGY | |
DERS_23 | When I'm upset, I feel like I am weak | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_24 | When I'm upset, I feel like I can remain in control of my behaviours | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_25 | When I'm upset, I feel guilty for feeling that way | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_26 | When I'm upset, I have difficulty concentrating | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION GOAL | |
DERS_27 | When I'm upset, I have difficulty controlling my behaviours | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_28 | When I'm upset, I believe there is nothing I can do to make myself feel better | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_29 | When I'm upset, I become irritated at myself for feeling that way | Baseline | ACCEPTANCE EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_30 | When I'm upset, I start to feel very bad about myself | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_31 | When I'm upset, I believe that wallowing in it is all I can do | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_32 | When I'm upset, I lose control over my behaviour | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION IMPULSIVITY | |
DERS_33 | When I'm upset, I have difficulty thinking about anything else | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION GOAL | |
DERS_34 | When I'm upset, I take time to figure out what I'm really feelin | Baseline | AWARENESS EMOTION_REGULATION | |
DERS_35 | When I'm upset, it takes me a long time to feel beter | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DERS_36 | When I'm upset, my emotions feel overwhelming | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_3 | Think about your feelings of fatigue and achiness | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_4 | Remind yourself these feelings won't last | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_16 | Think "Why can't I handle things better?" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_7 | Analyse recent events to try to understand why you are depressed | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_19 | Think about how you don't feel up to doing anything | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_15 | Think "Why do I have problems other people don't have?" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_8 | Think "I'm going to go out and have some fun" | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_9 | Do something you enjoy | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_2 | Think "I'm going to do something to make myself feel better" | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_1 | Think about how alone you feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_17 | Think about how sad you feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_3 | Help someone else with something in order to distract yourself | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_10 | Think "Why do I always react this way?" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_11 | Go away by yourself and think about why you feel this way | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_8 | Think about how you don't seem to feel anything anymore | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_13 | Think about a recent situation, wishing it had gone better | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_18 | Think about all your shortcomings, failing, faults, mistakes | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_5 | Go to a favourite place to get your mind off your feelings | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_12 | Write down what you are thinking about and analyse it | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_6 | Think about how passive and unmotivated you feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_1 | Try to find something positive in the situation or something you learned | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_6 | Think "I'll concentrate on something other than how I feel" | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_22 | Think about how angry you are with yourself | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_4 | Think about how hard it is to concentrate | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_9 | Think "Why can't I get going?" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_5 | Think "What am I doing to deserve this?" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_7 | Do something that has made you feel better in the past | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
DRS_10 | Do something fun with a friend | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_14 | Think "I won't be able to concentrate if I keep feeling this way" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_21 | Go someplace alone to think about your feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_20 | Analyse your personality to try to understand why you are depressed | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
RRS_2 | Think "I won't be able to do my job if I don't snap out of this" | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION RUMINATION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_1 | When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I’m thinking about. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_2 | I keep my emotions to myself. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_3 | When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I’m thinking about. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_4 | When I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_5 | When I’m faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_6 | I control my emotions by not expressing them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_7 | When I want to feel more positive emotion, I change the way I’m thinking about the situation. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_8 | I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I’m in. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
ERQ_9 | When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION STRATEGY | |
ERQ_10 | When I want to feel less negative emotion, I change the way I’m thinking about the situation. | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION REAPPRAISAL STRATEGY | |
EES_1 | I don't express my emotions to other people | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_2 | Even when I'm experiencing strong feelings, I don't express them outwardly | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_3 | Other people believe me to be very emotional | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_4 | People can "read" my emotions | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_5 | I keep my feelings to myself | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_6 | Other people aren't easily able to observe what I'm feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_7 | I display my emotions to other people | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_8 | People think of me as an unemotional person | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_9 | I don't like to let other people see how I am feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_10 | I can't hide the way I am feeling | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_11 | I am not very emotionally expressive | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_12 | I am often considered indifferent by others | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_13 | I am able to cry in front of other people | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_14 | Even if I am feeling very emotional, I don't let others see my feelings | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_15 | I think of myself as emotionally expressive | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_16 | The way I feel is different from how others think I feel | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
EES_17 | I hold my feelings in | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_2 | I turn to work or other substitute activities to take my mind off things | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_16 | I daydream about things other than this | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_31 | I sleep more than usual | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_43 | I go to movies or watch TV to think about it less | Baseline | DISTRACTION EMOTION_REGULATION STRATEGY | |
COPE_3 | I get upset and let my emotions out | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_17 | I get upset, and am really aware of it | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_28 | I let my feelings out | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
COPE_46 | I feel a lot of emotional distress and I find myself expressing those feelings a lot | Baseline | EMOTION_REGULATION EXPRESSION STRATEGY | |
BFI2_1 | Is outgoing, sociable. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_2 | Is compassionate, has a soft heart. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_3 | Tends to be disorganized | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_4 | Is relaxed, handles stress well. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_5 | Has few artistic interests. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_6 | Has an assertive personality. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_7 | Is respectful, treats others with respect | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_8 | Tends to be lazy | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_9 | Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_10 | Is curious about many different things. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_11 | Rarely feels excited or eager. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_12 | Tends to find fault with others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_13 | Is dependable, steady. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_14 | Is moody, has up and down mood swings. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_15 | Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_16 | Tends to be quiet. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_17 | Feels little sympathy for others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_18 | Is systematic, likes to keep things in order. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_19 | Can be tense. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_20 | Is fascinated by art, music, or literature. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_21 | Is dominant, acts as a leader. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_22 | Starts arguments with others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_23 | Has difficulty getting started on tasks. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_24 | Feels secure, comfortable with self. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_25 | Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_26 | Is less active than other people. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_27 | Has a forgiving nature. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_28 | Can be somewhat careless. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_29 | Is emotionally stable, not easily upset. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_30 | Has little creativity. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_31 | Is sometimes shy, introverted. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_32 | Is helpful and unselfish with others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_33 | Keeps things neat and tidy. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_34 | Worries a lot. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_36 | Finds it hard to influence people. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_37 | Is sometimes rude to others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_38 | Is efficient, gets things done. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_39 | Often feels sad. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_40 | Is complex, a deep thinker. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_41 | Is full of energy. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_42 | Is suspicious of others’ intentions. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_43 | Is reliable, can always be counted on. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_44 | Keeps their emotions under control. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_45 | Has difficulty imagining things. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_46 | Is talkative | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_47 | Can be cold and uncaring. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_48 | Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_49 | Rarely feels anxious or afraid. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_50 | Thinks poetry and plays are boring. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_51 | Prefers to have others take charge. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_52 | Is polite, courteous to others. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_53 | Is persistent, works until the task is finished. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_54 | Tends to feel depressed, blue. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_55 | Has little interest in abstract ideas. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_56 | Shows a lot of enthusiasm. | Baseline | EXTRAVERSION PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_57 | Assumes the best about people. | Baseline | AGREEABLENESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_58 | Sometimes behaves irresponsibly. | Baseline | CONSCIENTIOUSNESS PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_59 | Is temperamental, gets emotional easily. | Baseline | NEUROTICISM PERSONALITY | |
BFI2_60 | Is original, comes up with new ideas. | Baseline | OPENNESS PERSONALITY | |
PSS4_1 | In general, how often do you feel that you are unable to control the important things in your life? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS4_2 | In general, how often do you feel confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS4_3 | In general, how often do you feel that things are going your way? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PSS4_4 | In general, how often do you feel difficulties are piling up so high that you cannot overcome them? | Baseline | PSYCHOPATHOLOGY STRESS SYMPTOMS | |
PANAS_X_1 | Delighted | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_2 | Joyful | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_3 | Blue | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_4 | Nervous | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_5 | Cheerful | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_7 | Alone | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_8 | Shaky | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_9 | Happy | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_10 | At ease | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_11 | Lively | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_12 | Calm | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_13 | Lonely | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_14 | Downhearted | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_15 | Jittery | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_16 | Energetic | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_17 | Relaxed | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_18 | Afraid | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_19 | Excited | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_20 | Frightened | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_21 | Enthusiastic | Baseline | AFFECT POSITIVE_AFFECT | |
PANAS_X_22 | Scared | Baseline | AFFECT NEGATIVE_AFFECT | |
RSE_1 | On the whole, I am satisfied with myself | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_2 | At times I think I am no good at all | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_3 | I feel I have a number of good qualities | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_4 | I am able to do things as well as most other people | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_5 | I feel I don’t have much to be proud of | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_6 | I certainly feel useless at times | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_7 | I feel that I'm a person of worth | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_8 | I wish I could have more respect for myself | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_9 | All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM | |
RSE_10 | I have a positive attitude toward myself | Baseline | SELF SELF_ESTEEM |
2/01/25: Data from 5 participants was removed due to technical issues (outlined in the publication). The UUIDs of these participants: fbd47ade-98af-45f2-8b92-f2f4b2688c2c; 49bec836-ded5-4c60-bb7f-3477e2668876; c2346785-f482-42ad-b085-41c9fd3020bb; 243e717e-8335-46e0-bc80-3872d2dd9ebd; 83e111a8-b502-4145-9fed-52871d64eaf6.
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