
Individual differences in experiences, behaviour, and cognition

The following variables relate to Personality:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up" Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_1 Is talkative Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_2 Tends to find fault with others Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_3 Does a thorough job Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_4 Is depressed, blue Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_5 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_6 Is reserved Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_7 Is helpful and unselfish with others Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_8 Can be somewhat careless Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_9 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_10 Is curious about many different things Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_11 Is full of energy Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_12 Starts quarrels with others Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_13 Is a reliable worker Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_14 Can be tense Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_15 Is ingenious, a deep thinker Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_16 Generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_17 Has a forgiving nature Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_18 Tends to be disorganized Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_19 Worries a lot Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_20 Has an active imagination Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_21 Tends to be quiet Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_22 Is generally trusting Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_23 Tends to be lazy Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_24 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_25 Is inventive Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_26 Has an assertive personality Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_27 Can be cold and aloof Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_28 Perseveres until the task is finished Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_29 Can be moody Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_30 Values artistic, aesthetic experiences Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_31 Is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_32 Is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_33 Does things efficiently Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_34 Remains calm in tense situations Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_35 Prefers work that is routine Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_36 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_37 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_38 Makes plans and follows through with them Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_39 Gets nervous easily Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_40 Likes to reflect, play with ideas Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_41 Has few artistic interests Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_42 Likes to cooperate with others Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_43 Is easily distracted Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_44 Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature Baseline Negative events diary
BFI_1 Is talkative Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_2 Tends to find fault with others Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_3 Does a thorough job Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_4 Is depressed, blue Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_6 Is reserved Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_9 Is relaxed, handles stress well. Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_10 Is curious about many different things Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_11 Is full of energy Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_14 Can be tense Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_16 Generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_18 Tends to be disorganized Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_19 Worries a lot Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_20 Has an active imagination Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_21 Tends to be quiet Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_22 Is generally trusting Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_23 Tends to be lazy Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_24 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_26 Has an assertive personality Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_28 Perseveres until the task is finished Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_29 Can be moody Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_31 Is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_32 Is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_34 Remains calm in tense situations Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_35 Prefers work that is routine Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_36 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_37 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_39 Gets nervous easily Baseline FEEL Study 1
BFI_41 Has few artistic interests Baseline FEEL Study 1
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
BFI_14 ... can be tense Baseline Exam results study
BFI_9 ... is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline Exam results study
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
BFI_16 ... generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
BFI_15 ... is ingenious, a deep thinker Baseline Exam results study
BFI_16 ... generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline Exam results study
BFI_10 ... is curious about many different things Baseline Exam results study
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
BFI_3 …Does a thorough job Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_17 ... has a forgiving nature Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_5 …Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_11 ... is full of energy Baseline Exam results study
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BFI_1 ... is talkative Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_2 ... tends to find fault with others Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_3 ... does a thorough job Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_4 ... is depressed, blue Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_5 ... is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_12 ... starts quarrels with others Baseline Exam results study
BFI_6 ... is reserved Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_7 ... is helpful, unselfish with others Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_8 ... can be somewhat careless Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_9 ... is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_10 ... is curious about many different things Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_11 ... is full of energy Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_12 ... starts quarrels with others Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_13 ... is a reliable worker Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_14 ... can be tense Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_15 ... is ingenious, a deep thinker Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_16 ... generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_17 ... has a forgiving nature Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_18 ... tends to be disorganized Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_19 ... worries a lot Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_20 ... has an active imagination Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_21 ... tends to be quiet Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_22 ... is generally trusting Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_23 ... tends to be lazy Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_24 ... is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_25 ... is inventive Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_26 ... has an assertive personality Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_27 ... can be cold and aloof Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_28 ... perseveres until the task is finished Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_29 ... can be moody Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_30 ... values artistic, aesthetic experiences Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_31 ... is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_32 ... is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_33 ... does things efficiently Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_34 ... remains calm in tense situations Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_35 ... prefers work that is routine Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_36 ... is outgoing, sociable Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_37 ... is sometimes rude to others Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_38 ... makes plans and follows through with them Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_39 ... gets nervous easily Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_40 ... likes to reflect, play with ideas Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_41 ... has few artistic interests Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_42 ... likes to cooperate with others Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_43 ... is easily distracted Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
BFI_44 ... is sophisticated in art, music, or literature Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_8 Disorganised, careless Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
BFI_6 …Is reserved Baseline Emotional events in daily life
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_8 Disorganised, careless Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
BFI_1 … Is talkative Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_2 … Tends to find fault with others Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_7 …Is helpful and unselfish with others Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_8 …Can be somewhat careless Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_10 …Is curious about many different things Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_11 …Is full of energy Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_12 …Starts quarrels with others Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_13 …Is a reliable worker Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_15 …Is ingenious, a deep thinker Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_16 …Generates a lot of enthusiasm Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_17 …Has a forgiving nature Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_18 …Tends to be disorganized Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_20 ….Has an active imagination Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_21 …Tends to be quiet Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_22 …Is generally trusting Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_23 …Tends to be lazy Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_25 …Is inventive Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_26 …Has an assertive personality Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_27 …Can be cold and aloof Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_28 …Perseveres until the task is finished Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_30 …Values artistic, aesthetic experiences Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_31 …Is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_32 …Is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_33 …Does things efficiently Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_35 …Prefers work that is routine Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_36 …Is outgoing, sociable Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_37 …Is sometimes rude to others Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_38 …Makes plans and follows through with them Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_40 …Likes to reflect, play with ideas Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_41 …Has few artistic interests Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_42 …Likes to cooperate with others Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_43 …Is easily distracted Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_13 ... is a reliable worker Baseline Exam results study
BFI_44 …is sophisticated in art, music, or literature Baseline Emotional events in daily life
BFI_4 ...Is depressed, blue Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_9 ...Is relaxed, handles stress well Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_14 ...Can be tense Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_19 ...Worries a lot Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_24 ...Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_29 ...Can be moody Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_34 ...Remains calm in tense situations Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_39 ...Gets nervous easily Screening Emotional events in daily life
BFI_18 ... tends to be disorganized Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_1 ... is talkative Baseline Exam results study
BFI_2 ... tends to find fault with others Baseline Exam results study
BFI_3 ... does a thorough job Baseline Exam results study
BFI_4 ... is depressed, blue Baseline Exam results study
BFI_5 ... is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Exam results study
BFI_6 ... is reserved Baseline Exam results study
BFI_7 ... is helpful, unselfish with others Baseline Exam results study
BFI_8 ... can be somewhat careless Baseline Exam results study
BFI_17 ... has a forgiving nature Baseline Exam results study
BFI_18 ... tends to be disorganized Baseline Exam results study
BFI_19 ... worries a lot Baseline Exam results study
BFI_20 ... has an active imagination Baseline Exam results study
BFI_21 ... tends to be quiet Baseline Exam results study
BFI_22 ... is generally trusting Baseline Exam results study
BFI_23 ... tends to be lazy Baseline Exam results study
BFI_24 ... is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline Exam results study
BFI_25 ... is inventive Baseline Exam results study
BFI_26 ... has an assertive personality Baseline Exam results study
BFI_27 ... can be cold and aloof Baseline Exam results study
BFI_28 ... perseveres until the task is finished Baseline Exam results study
BFI_29 ... can be moody Baseline Exam results study
BFI_30 ... values artistic, aesthetic experiences Baseline Exam results study
BFI_31 ... is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline Exam results study
BFI_32 ... is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline Exam results study
BFI_33 ... does things efficiently Baseline Exam results study
BFI_34 ... remains calm in tense situations Baseline Exam results study
BFI_35 ... prefers work that is routine Baseline Exam results study
BFI_36 ... is outgoing, sociable Baseline Exam results study
BFI_37 ... is sometimes rude to others Baseline Exam results study
BFI_38 ... makes plans and follows through with them Baseline Exam results study
BFI_39 ... gets nervous easily Baseline Exam results study
BFI_40 ... likes to reflect, play with ideas Baseline Exam results study
BFI_41 ... has few artistic interests Baseline Exam results study
BFI_42 ... likes to cooperate with others Baseline Exam results study
BFI_43 ... is easily distracted Baseline Exam results study
BFI_44 ... is sophisticated in art, music, or literature Baseline Exam results study
CEI_1 I actively seek as much information as I can in new situations. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_2 I am the type of person who really enjoys the uncertainty of everyday life. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_3 I am at my best when doing something that is complex or challenging. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_4 Everywhere I go, I am out looking for new things or experiences. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_5 I view challenging situations as an opportunity to grow and learn. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_6 I like to do things that are a little frightening. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_7 I am always looking for experiences that challenge how I think about myself and the world. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_8 I prefer jobs that are excitingly unpredictable. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_9 I frequently seek out opportunities to challenge myself and grow as a person. Baseline Exam results study
CEI_10 I am the kind of person who embraces unfamiliar people, events, and places. Baseline Exam results study
BFI_19 ... worries a lot Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_20 ... has an active imagination Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_21 ... tends to be quiet Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_22 ... is generally trusting Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Leuven BPD study
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Leuven BPD study
BFI_23 ... tends to be lazy Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Leuven couples study 2014
NEO_27 Prefers to do things alone Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
IPIP_1 Am the life of the party. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_2 Feel little concern for others. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_3 Am always prepared. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_4 Get stressed out easily. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_5 Have a rich vocabulary. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_6 Don't talk a lot. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_7 Am interested in people. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_8 Leave my belongings around. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_9 Am relaxed most of the time. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_10 Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_11 Feel comfortable around people. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_12 Insult people. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_13 Pay attention to details. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_14 Worry about things. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_15 Have a vivid imagination Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_16 Keep in the background Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_17 Sympathize with others' feelings Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_18 Make a mess of things Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_19 Seldom feel blue Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_20 Am not interested in abstract ideas Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_21 Start conversations Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_22 Am not interested in other people's problems Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_23 Get chores done right away Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_24 Am easily disturbed Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_25 Have excellent ideas Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_26 Have little to say Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_27 Have a soft heart Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_28 Often forget to put things back in their proper place Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_29 Get upset easily Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_30 Do not have a good imagination Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_31 Talk to a lot of different people at parties Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_32 Am not really interested in others Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_33 Like order Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_34 Change my mood a lot Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_35 Am quick to understand things Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_36 Don't like to draw attention to myself. Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_37 Take time out for others Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_38 Shirk my duties Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_39 Have frequent mood swings Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_40 Use difficult words Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_41 Don't mind being the center of attention Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_42 Feel others' emotions Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_43 Follow a schedule Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_44 Get irritated easily Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_45 Spend time reflecting on things Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_46 Am quiet around strangers Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_47 Make people feel at ease Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_48 Am exacting in my work Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_49 Often feel blue Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
IPIP_50 Am full of ideas Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up" Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
BFI2_35 Values art and beauty. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_52 Is polite, courteous to others Baseline Secrecy diary
NEO_28 Tries new foods Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_29 Thinks people will take advantage Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BFI2_1 Is outgoing, sociable. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_4 Is relaxed, handles stress well. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_5 Has few artistic interests. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_6 Has an assertive personality. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_7 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_8 Tends to be lazy Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_9 Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_10 Is curious about many different things. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_11 Rarely feels excited or eager. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_12 Tends to find fault with others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_13 Is dependable, steady. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_14 Is moody, has up and down mood swings. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_15 Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_16 Tends to be quiet. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_17 Feels little sympathy for others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_18 Is systematic, likes to keep things in order. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_19 Can be tense. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_20 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_21 Is dominant, acts as a leader. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_22 Starts arguments with others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_23 Has difficulty getting started on tasks. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_25 Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_26 Is less active than other people. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_27 Has a forgiving nature. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_28 Can be somewhat careless. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_29 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_30 Has little creativity. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_31 Is sometimes shy, introverted. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_32 Is helpful and unselfish with others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_33 Keeps things neat and tidy. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_34 Worries a lot. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_36 Finds it hard to influence people. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_37 Is sometimes rude to others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_38 Is efficient, gets things done. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_39 Often feels sad. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_40 Is complex, a deep thinker. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_41 Is full of energy. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_42 Is suspicious of others’ intentions. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_43 Is reliable, can always be counted on. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_44 Keeps their emotions under control. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_45 Has difficulty imagining things. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_46 Is talkative Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_47 Can be cold and uncaring. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_48 Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_49 Rarely feels anxious or afraid. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_50 Thinks poetry and plays are boring. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_51 Prefers to have others take charge. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_52 Is polite, courteous to others. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_53 Is persistent, works until the task is finished. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_54 Tends to feel depressed, blue. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_55 Has little interest in abstract ideas. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_56 Shows a lot of enthusiasm. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_57 Assumes the best about people. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_58 Sometimes behaves irresponsibly. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_59 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_60 Is original, comes up with new ideas. Baseline RESS-EMA study
BFI2_1 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_4 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_5 Has few artistic interests Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_6 Has an assertive personality Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_7 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_8 Tends to be lazy Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_9 Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_10 Is curious about many different things Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_11 Rarely feels excited or eager Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_12 Tends to find fault with others Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_13 Is dependable, steady Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_14 Is moody, has up and down mood swings Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_15 Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_16 Tends to be quiet Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_17 Feels little sympathy for others Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_18 Is systematic, likes to keep things in order Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_19 Can be tense Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_20 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_21 Is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_22 Starts arguments with others Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_23 Has difficulty getting started on tasks Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_25 Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_26 Is less active than other people Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_27 Has a forgiving nature Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_28 Can be somewhat careless Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_29 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_30 Has little creativity Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_31 Is sometimes shy, introverted Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_32 Is helpful and unselfish with others Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_33 Keeps things neat and tidy Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_34 Worries a lot Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_35 Values art and beauty Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_36 Finds it hard to influence people Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_37 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_38 Is efficient, gets things done Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_39 Often feels sad Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_40 Is complex, a deep thinker Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_41 Is full of energy Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_42 Is suspicious of others’ intentions Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_43 Is reliable, can always be counted on Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_44 Keeps their emotions under control Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_45 Has difficulty imagining things Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_46 Is talkative Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_47 Can be cold and uncaring Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_48 Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_49 Rarely feels anxious or afraid Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_50 Thinks poetry and plays are boring Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_51 Prefers to have others take charge Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_53 Is persistent, works until the task is finished Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_54 Tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_55 Has little interest in abstract ideas Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_56 Shows a lot of enthusiasm Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_57 Assumes the best about people Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_58 Sometimes behaves irresponsibly Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_59 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI2_60 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Secrecy diary
BFI_1 ... is talkative Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_2 ... tends to find fault with others Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_3 ... does a thorough job Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_4 ... is depressed, blue Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_5 ... is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_6 ... is reserved Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_7 ... is helpful, unselfish with others Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_8 ... can be somewhat careless Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_9 ... is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_10 ... is curious about many different things Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_11 ... is full of energy Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_12 ... starts quarrels with others Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_13 ... is a reliable worker Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_14 ... can be tense Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_15 ... is ingenious, a deep thinker Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_24 ... is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_25 ... is inventive Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_26 ... has an assertive personality Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_27 ... can be cold and aloof Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_28 ... perseveres until the task is finished Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_29 ... can be moody Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_30 ... values artistic, aesthetic experiences Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_31 ... is sometimes shy, inhibited Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_32 ... is considerate and kind to almost everyone Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_33 ... does things efficiently Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_34 ... remains calm in tense situations Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_35 ... prefers work that is routine Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_36 ... is outgoing, sociable Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_37 ... is sometimes rude to others Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_38 ... makes plans and follows through with them Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_39 ... gets nervous easily Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_40 ... likes to reflect, play with ideas Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_41 ... has few artistic interests Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_42 ... likes to cooperate with others Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_43 ... is easily distracted Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
BFI_44 ... is sophisticated in art, music, or literature Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
NEO_1 Not a worrier Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_2 Likes having many people around Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_3 Doesn't waste time daydreaming Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_4 Courteous Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_5 Keeps belongings neat and clean Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_6 Feels inferior Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_7 Laughs easily Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_8 Sticks to a single way of doing things Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_9 Often gets into arguments Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_10 Good at pacing themself Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_11 Goes to pieces under stress Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_12 Not cheerful or light-hearted Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_13 Intruiged by patterns Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_14 Some consider them selfish or egotistical Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_15 Not very methodical Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_16 Rarely lonely or blue Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_17 Enjoys talking to people Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_18 Thinks controversial speakers only confuse students Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_19 Prefers cooperation to competition Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_20 Perfoms tasks conscientiously Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_21 Tense, jittery Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_22 Likes to be where the action is Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_23 Not affected by poetry Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_24 Cycnical, skeptical Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_25 Has a clear set of goals Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_26 Feels worthless Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_30 Wastes time before settling down to work Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_31 Rarely fearful or anxious Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_32 Bursting with energy Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_33 Doesn't notice moods different environments produce Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_34 Most people like them Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_35 Works hard Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_36 Angry at the way people treat them Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_37 Cheerful, vivacious Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_38 Looks to religious authorities for moral decisions Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_39 Some consider them cold or calculating Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_40 Follows through on commitments Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_41 Easily discouraged Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_42 Not a cheerful optimist Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_43 Excited by poetry or art Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_44 Business-like, unsentimental Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_45 Not dependable Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_46 Seldom sad or depressed Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_47 Leads a fast-paced life Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_48 Little interest in speculating about nature of universe Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_49 Thoughtful, considerate Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_50 Productive Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_51 Feels helpless Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_52 Very active Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_53 Wide range of intellectual interests Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_54 Shows if they don't like people Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_55 Unable to get organized Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_56 Ashamed Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_57 Rather go their own way than lead others Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_58 Enjoys playing with theories Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_59 Prepared to manipulate Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_60 Strives for excellence Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up" Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
NEO_1 Not a worrier Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_2 Likes having many people around Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_3 Doesn't waste time daydreaming Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_4 Courteous Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_5 Keeps belongings neat and clean Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_6 Feels inferior Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_7 Laughs easily Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_8 Sticks to a single way of doing things Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_9 Often gets into arguments Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_10 Good at pacing themself Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_11 Goes to pieces under stress Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_12 Not cheerful or light-hearted Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_13 Intruiged by patterns Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_14 Some consider them selfish or egotistical Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_15 Not very methodical Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_16 Rarely lonely or blue Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_17 Enjoys talking to people Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_18 Thinks controversial speakers only confuse students Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_19 Prefers cooperation to competition Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_20 Perfoms tasks conscientiously Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_21 Tense, jittery Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_22 Likes to be where the action is Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_23 Not affected by poetry Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_24 Cycnical, skeptical Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_25 Has a clear set of goals Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_26 Feels worthless Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_27 Prefers to do things alone Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_28 Tries new foods Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_29 Thinks people will take advantage Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_30 Wastes time before settling down to work Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_31 Rarely fearful or anxious Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_32 Bursting with energy Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_33 Doesn't notice moods different environments produce Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_34 Most people like them Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_35 Works hard Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_36 Angry at the way people treat them Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_37 Cheerful, vivacious Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_38 Looks to religious authorities for moral decisions Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_39 Some consider them cold or calculating Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_40 Follows through on commitments Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_41 Easily discouraged Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_42 Not a cheerful optimist Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_43 Excited by poetry or art Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_44 Business-like, unsentimental Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_45 Not dependable Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_46 Seldom sad or depressed Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_47 Leads a fast-paced life Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_48 Little interest in speculating about nature of universe Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_49 Thoughtful, considerate Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_50 Productive Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_51 Feels helpless Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_52 Very active Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_53 Wide range of intellectual interests Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_54 Shows if they don't like people Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_55 Unable to get organized Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_56 Ashamed Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_57 Rather go their own way than lead others Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_58 Enjoys playing with theories Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_59 Prepared to manipulate Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_60 Strives for excellence Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_10 Good at pacing themself Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up" Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline 50 beeps per day
NEO_1 Not a worrier Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_2 Likes having many people around Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_3 Doesn't waste time daydreaming Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_4 Courteous Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_5 Keeps belongings neat and clean Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_6 Feels inferior Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_7 Laughs easily Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_8 Sticks to a single way of doing things Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_9 Often gets into arguments Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_11 Goes to pieces under stress Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_12 Not cheerful or light-hearted Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_13 Intruiged by patterns Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_14 Some consider them selfish or egotistical Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_15 Not very methodical Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_16 Rarely lonely or blue Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_17 Enjoys talking to people Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_18 Thinks controversial speakers only confuse students Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_19 Prefers cooperation to competition Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_20 Perfoms tasks conscientiously Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_21 Tense, jittery Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_22 Likes to be where the action is Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_23 Not affected by poetry Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_24 Cycnical, skeptical Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_25 Has a clear set of goals Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_26 Feels worthless Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_27 Prefers to do things alone Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_28 Tries new foods Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_29 Thinks people will take advantage Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_30 Wastes time before settling down to work Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_31 Rarely fearful or anxious Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_32 Bursting with energy Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_33 Doesn't notice moods different environments produce Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_34 Most people like them Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_35 Works hard Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_36 Angry at the way people treat them Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_37 Cheerful, vivacious Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_38 Looks to religious authorities for moral decisions Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_39 Some consider them cold or calculating Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_40 Follows through on commitments Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_41 Easily discouraged Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_42 Not a cheerful optimist Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_43 Excited by poetry or art Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_44 Business-like, unsentimental Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_45 Not dependable Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_46 Seldom sad or depressed Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_47 Leads a fast-paced life Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_48 Little interest in speculating about nature of universe Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_49 Thoughtful, considerate Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_50 Productive Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_51 Feels helpless Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_52 Very active Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_53 Wide range of intellectual interests Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_54 Shows if they don't like people Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_55 Unable to get organized Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_56 Ashamed Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_57 Rather go their own way than lead others Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_58 Enjoys playing with theories Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_59 Prepared to manipulate Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
NEO_60 Strives for excellence Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_2 Even if something bad is about to happen to me, I rarely experience fear or nervousness Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_3 I go out of my way to get things I want Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_4 When I'm doing well at something I love to keep at it Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_7 When I get something I want, I feel excited and energized Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_8 Criticism or scolding hurts me quite a bit Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_9 When I want something I usually go all-out to get it Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_12 If I see a chance to get something I want I move on it right away Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_13 I feel pretty worried or upset when I think or know somebody is angry at me Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_14 When I see an opportunity for something I like I get excited right away Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_16 If I think something unpleasant is going to happen I usually get pretty "worked up" Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_18 When good things happen to me, it affects me strongly Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_19 I feel worried when I think I have done poorly at something important Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_21 When I go after something I use a "no holds barred" approach Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_22 I have very few fears compared to my friends Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_23 It would excite me to win a contest Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_24 I worry about making mistakes Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
TIPI_1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_2 Critical, quarrelsome. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_3 Dependable, self-disciplined. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_4 Anxious, easily upset. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_5 Open to new experiences, complex. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_6 Reserved, quiet. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_7 Sympathetic, warm. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_8 Disorganized, careless. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_9 Calm, emotionally stable. Baseline Trier social stress study
TIPI_10 Conventional, uncreative. Baseline Trier social stress study
IPIP_1 Am the life of the party Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_2 Sympathize with others' feelings Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_3 Get chores done right away Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_4 Have frequent mood swings Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_5 Have a vivid imagination Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_6 Don't talk a lot Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_7 Am not interested in other peoples' problems Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_8 Often forget to put things back in their proper place Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_9 Am relaxed most of the time Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_10 Am not interested in abstract ideas Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_11 Talk to a lot of different people at parties Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_12 Feel others'emotions Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_13 Like order Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_14 Get upset easily Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_15 Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_16 Keep in the background Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_17 Am not really interested in others Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_18 Make a mess of things Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_19 Seldom feel blue Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IPIP_20 Do not have a good imagination Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
BFI_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_1 Tends to be quiet Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_4 Worries a lot Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_5 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_6 Is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_7 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_8 Has difficulty getting started on tasks Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_9 Tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_10 Has little interest in abstract ideas Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_11 Is full of energy Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_12 Assumes the best about people Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_13 Is reliable, can always be counted on Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_14 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_15 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_16 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_17 Can be cold and uncaring Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_18 Keeps things neat and tidy Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_19 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_20 Has few artistic interests Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_21 Prefers to have others take charge Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_22 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_23 Is persistent, works until the task is finished Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_25 Is complex, a deep thinker Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_26 Is less active than other people Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_27 Tends to find fault with others Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_28 Can be somewhat careless Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_29 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
BFI_30 Has little creativity Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024