
A feeling involving calm and low tension

The following variables relate to Relaxation:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
RLX Today, to what extent did you feel relaxed? ESM Depressive symptoms diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? ESM FEEL Study 1
RLXchange How relaxed do you want to feel in the next 1-2 hours? ESM FEEL Study 1
RLX During the past few weeks, how relaxed did you feel? ESM2 FEEL Study 1
RLXCHANGE During the past few weeks, how relaxed did you want to feel? ESM2 FEEL Study 1
BREATH I took deep breaths ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
BREATH I take deep breaths Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? - . Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
BREATH I took deep breaths Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
RLX At the moment, how RELAXED do you feel? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Emotional events in daily life
RLX_EVENT How relaxed did you feel during the event? ESM Emotional events in daily life
LEARN_EMO12 relaxed Baseline Exam results study
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Leuven clinical study
RLX Right now, I feel relaxed ESM Leuven BPD study
RLX To what extent do you feel relaxed at this moment? ESM Leuven emotion dynamics 2017
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Leuven couples study 2014
RLX How relaxed do you feel at the moment? ESM Leuven couples study 2016
RLX At the moment, I feel relaxed ESM Everyday emotion regulation
RLX how RELAXED do you feel right now? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
RESS_EMA_1 I tried to slow my heart rate and breathing. ESM RESS-EMA study
RESS_EMA_2 I took deep breaths. ESM RESS-EMA study
RESS_6 Focusing on slowing my heart rate and breathing Baseline RESS-EMA study
RESS_8 Trying to slow my heart rate and breathing Baseline RESS-EMA study
RESS_27 Taking deep breaths Baseline RESS-EMA study
RESS_30 Decreasing tension in my body Baseline RESS-EMA study
WAYS_TR1 Getting away from it for a while; trying to rest or take a vacation Baseline RESS-EMA study
RLX Relaxed ESM Secrecy diary
RLX Relaxed Baseline Secrecy diary
RLX How relaxed did you feel today? ESM William & Mary emotion diary
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
RLX At the moment, how Relaxed are you feeling? ESM Trier social stress study
T1_RLX_1 I feel at ease. Baseline Trier social stress study
T1_RLX_2 I feel peaceful. Baseline Trier social stress study
T1_RLX_3 I feel serene. Baseline Trier social stress study
T2_RLX_1 I feel at ease. Follow_up Trier social stress study
T2_RLX_2 I feel peaceful. Follow_up Trier social stress study
T2_RLX_3 I feel serene. Follow_up Trier social stress study
T3_RLX_1 I feel at ease. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T3_RLX_2 I feel peaceful. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T3_RLX_3 I feel serene. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T4_RLX_1 I feel at ease. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T4_RLX_2 I feel peaceful. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T4_RLX_3 I feel serene. Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
RESS_6 Focusing on slowing my heart rate and breathing Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
RESS_8 Trying to slow my heart rate and breathing Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
RESS_21 Taking deep breaths Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
RESS_24 Decreasing the tension in my body Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
RLX How relaxed do you feel right now? ESM Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024