Positive Event

Events that are positively valenced

The following variables relate to Positive Event:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
POSEV Have you experienced a very positive event today? ESM Depressive symptoms diary
PLEAS_1 During this experience, how intense was the pleasure? ESM Depressive symptoms diary
PLEAS_2 During this experience, how was your mood? ESM Depressive symptoms diary
POSEV Think of the most positive event since the last beep, how intense was this event? ESM Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
POSEV Has anything positive happened since the previous beep? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
POSEV Did something positive happen since the last beep? ESM Leuven clinical study
POSEV Did something positive happen since the last beep? ESM Leuven emotion dynamics 2017
POSEV_PARTNER Since the last beep, has anything POSITIVE happened that involved your partner? ESM Leuven couples study 2014
POSEV_NOPARTNER Since the last beep, has anything POSITIVE happened that didn't involve your partner? ESM Leuven couples study 2014
POSEV_PARTNER_1 Have you had a positive event since with your partner since the last beep? Yes ESM Leuven couples study 2016
POSEV_PARTNER_2 Have you had a positive event since with your partner since the last beep? No ESM Leuven couples study 2016
EVENT Has anything happened since the last beep? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
POSEV Have you experienced a POSITIVE/PLEASANT EVENT since last survey? ESM ACU emotions in daily life