
The level of activation, one of the two key dimensions of affective experience

The following variables relate to Arousal:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
AFFGRID Indicate how you feel right now using the grid below. ESM Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven BPD study
AROUSAL How passive / active do you feel at this moment? ESM Leuven emotion dynamics 2017
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven couples study 2014
GRID_AROUSAL_PARTNER Partner's Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven couples study 2014
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven couples study 2016
GRID_AROUSAL_PARTNER Partner's arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven couples study 2016
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Everyday emotion regulation
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM 50 beeps per day
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Leuven emotion dynamics study
GRID_AROUSAL Arousal: computed from the affect grid ESM Trier social stress study