
Appraisals that a situation or feeling is controllable

The following variables relate to Controllability:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
CTXT_APPR_3 How much control did you think you had over this event? ESM Negative events diary
CTRL #SLS, were you in control of the situation? ESM FEEL Study 1
CTRL During the past few weeks, were you in control of the situations you were in? ESM2 FEEL Study 1
CTRL To what extent do you think you can change something about your current situation? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CTRL How much control did you have over this event? ESM Emotional events in daily life
ACAD_CONTROL1 I have a great deal of control over my academic performance in my psychology course. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL2 The more effort I put in to my courses, the better I do in them. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL3 No matter what I do, I can't seem to do well in my courses. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL4 I see myself as largely responsible for my performance throughout my college career. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL5 How well I do in my courses is often the "luck of the draw". Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL6 There is little I can do about my performance in university. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL7 When I do poorly in a course, it's usually because I haven't given it my best effort. Baseline Exam results study
ACAD_CONTROL8 My grades are basically determined by thing beyond my control and there is little I can do to change that. Baseline Exam results study
CTRL Situational control (How much control did you have over the situation that caused this emotion?) ESM RESS-EMA study
EMOTION_CTRL Emotional control (How much control did you have over your emotions?) ESM RESS-EMA study
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? Follow_up Secrecy diary
CTRL To what extent WERE YOUR IN CONTROL of what's happened since last survey? ESM ACU emotions in daily life
T2_CTRL_1 Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? Follow_up Trier social stress study
T2_CTRL_2 Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? Follow_up Trier social stress study
T3_CTRL_1 Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T3_CTRL_2 Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T4_CTRL_1 Do you think that you can affect the outcome of these tasks? Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
T4_CTRL_2 Do you think you will be able to control the situation during these tasks? Follow_up2 Trier social stress study
EBQ_1 Once people are experiencing negative emotions, there is nothing they can do about modifying them Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_2 People cannot control their positive emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_5 It doesn’t matter how hard people try, they cannot change their negative emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_6 People cannot learn techniques to effectively control their positive emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_9 People cannot control their negative emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_10 It doesn’t matter how hard people try, they cannot change their positive emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_13 People cannot learn techniques to effectively control their negative emotions Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
EBQ_14 Once people are experiencing positive emotions, there is nothing they can do about modifying them Baseline Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
CTRL_NEG In the last hour, how much control did you have over your negative feelings? ESM Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024
CTRL_POS In the last hour, how much control did you have over your positive feelings? ESM Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024