
Information about medications being taken by a participant

The following variables relate to Medication:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
MED_1 Do you currently use any medication(s)? Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
MED_2 Please list the medications you are currently taking and the purpose of use. Baseline Depressive symptoms diary
CONTRA Do you take hormonal contraceptives? Baseline FEEL Study 1
MEDICATION Do you use any kind of medication? Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
MEDICATION Do you use any kind of medication? Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
MEDICATION Do you use any kind of medication? Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
CONTRA Have you been taking the pill? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
CONTRA Have you been taking the pill? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
MED Are you currently on psychiatric medication? Baseline Emotional events in daily life
MED Are you currently taking medication for any psychological complaints? Follow_up Leuven clinical study
MED_1 Number antipsychotics Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_2 Number old neuroleptics Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_3 Number antidepressants Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_4 Numbe benzodiazepines Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_5 Number lithum Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_6 Number mood stabilizers Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_7 Number stimulants Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_8 Number of other medications Baseline Leuven BPD study
MED_1 If you take medication on a regular basic, please describe it here. Also note the condition for w... Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
MED_2 If yes:-Are you taking medications? Baseline ACU emotions in daily life