Social Interaction

The occurrence, amount, or quality of interactions with others

The following variables relate to Social Interaction:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
SII_5 Do you have at least monthly contact (face-to-face, telephone, skype, sms, e-mail) with your chil... Baseline FEEL Study 1
SII_6 Do you have at least monthly contact (face-to-face, telephone, skype, sms, e-mail) with members o... Baseline FEEL Study 1
SII_7 Do you have at least monthly contact (face-to-face, telephone, skype, sms, e-mail) with friends ? Baseline FEEL Study 1
FB_FRIENDS Number of facebook friends Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SOCINT Since the last survey, who have you spent the most time with? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
SOC_INT Since the previous beep, I met and talked with other people ESM Everyday emotion regulation
IRQ_1 I enjoy visiting old friends and neighbors in my hometown. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
IRQ_2 My friends would describe me as kind and affectionate. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
IRQ_3 Family members often say that I am good-natured and have a heart for helping people. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
IRQ_4 I am highly receptive to the needs of those around me. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
IRQ_5 I feel that my relationships with others are friendly and comforting. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
IRQ_6 I am like a spider web, with connections to many different people. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
SOCSUP_CATEG Presence of social supports (Did you feel supported by the other person(s) present?) ESM RESS-EMA study
SECRET_TIMESPENT How much time did you spend today with the person or people you are hiding this secret from? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEW Today, did you confide this secret to anybody who you hadn’t told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWNUMBER How many people did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you confided your secret in who you hadn't told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHO Who did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confidenew_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLD Today, did you talk about this secret with anybody who already knows the secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDNUMBER How many of people did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you talked to about the secret who already knew? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHO Who did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confideold_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SOCINT Who have you spent the most time with today? ESM Secrecy diary
SOCINT_OTHER Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_timespent ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_KNOW Does this person know about the secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_PEOPLE How many people are you keeping this secret from? Please ONLY enter a NUMBER. If you are keeping this secret from everyone in your life, please write 99. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGET Who are you keeping this secret from? (select all that apply) Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGETTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_target Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_REVEAL Do you plan to reveal this secret at some point in the future? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_PEOPLE How many people are you keeping this secret from? Please ONLY enter a NUMBER. If you are keeping this secret from everyone in your life, please write 99. Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGET Who are you keeping this secret from? (select all that apply) Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGETTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_target Follow_up Secrecy diary
SOCINT WITH WHOM have you SPENT MOST OF YOUR TIME since last survey? ESM ACU emotions in daily life
SOC_INT In the last hour, who were you mostly with? ESM Goals, Emotions, Moods, and Strategies (GEMS) 2024