Social Connection Daily Diary Study (2020)

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Citation article

Does Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Effort Pay Off?
Tran, Anh, Greenaway, Katharine H., Kostopoulos, Joanne, Tamir, Maya, Gutentag, Tony, Kalokerinos, Elise K.
Year of publication:
Publication name:
Volume number:
Issue number:
Page numbers:
Publication type:
Refereed Journal Article

Study details

Baseline session:
Followup session:
Study design:
The study consisted of three consecutive parts. First, participants completed a baseline session in which they read a Plain Language Statement, completed a consent form, responded to a number of scales, and provided demographic information. The following day, participants commenced the daily diary phase of the study. For seven consecutive days, participants completed a daily diary survey at the end of the day. Participants were asked about their daily social interactions, feelings of loneliness, group identification and emotion regulation. The daily diary survey consisted of 54 questions all items are close-ended questions. Each daily diary was sent out at 5pm, and expired at 11:59pm the same evening. The day after the final daily diary survey, participants completed a follow-up survey in which they responded to a number of scales and were debriefed about the study.
ESM measurement waves:
Ethics granting body:
The University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee
Ethics protocol number:
Location of participants (Countries):
Background information:
Collection platform:
Days of ESM data collection:
Number of ESM measures per day:
Sampling schedule:
ESM schedule start time:
ESM schedule end time:
ESM schedule duration:

Sample details

Type of sample:
The sample consisted of 171 participants, aged 18-62 (M = 28.96, SD = 11.81, 79% women).
Recruitment information:
Participants were from the community via university advertising. Participants were also recruited via a research experience program within the University of Melbourne psychology department, where undergraduate psychology students receive course credits for participating in research. Participants were required to be over 18 and residing in Victoria, Australia to participate.
University students in the research program were reimbursed up to 2 course credits for their participation. They received 1 course credit for completing the baseline and up to 1 credit for completing the daily diary surveys. They received the full credit amount if they completed all surveys. Community participants received up to $40 dollars for participating. They received $20 for the baseline and follow up survey and up to $20 for the daily diary surveys. Payment was in Australian dollars.
Fifty-five participants were screened from further participation or excluded prior to analysis for the following reasons (some participants failed multiple criteria): 16 were located outside the specified recruitment location, 22 completed the baseline in less than 10 minutes which indicated careless responding, 5 formally withdrew, 2 were under 18 years old, 6 did not complete any daily diary, and 17 displayed suspicious bot-like behaviors (e.g., using similar emails, signing up within seconds of one another, and unfeasible geolocation changes with every survey). In addition, 6 participants completed the baseline survey twice, so we kept only the most complete entry. This left a final sample of 171.
Number of participants:

Contact info

Imogen Smith
Contact email:
Selection Variable Info Assessment type Constructs
f_UCLA_15 No one really knows me well Follow_up
f_UCLA_16 I feel isolated from others Follow_up
day Daily diary survey day ESM
StartDate Date and time daily survey started ESM Time taken to complete survey ESM
Finished Whether the survey was completed ESM
id_uni_1 Right now, I see myself as a University of Melbourne student ESM
id_uni_2 Right now, I am pleased to be a University of Melbourne student ESM
id_uni_3 Right now, I feel strong ties with students at the University of Melbourne ESM
id_uni_4 Right now, I identify with students at the University of Melbourne ESM
id_vic_1 Right now, I see myself as a Victorian ESM
id_vic_2 Right now, I am pleased to be a Victorian ESM
id_vic_3 Right now, I feel strong ties with Victorians ESM
id_vic_4 Right now, I identify with Victorians ESM
loneliness_1 How lonely did you feel today? ESM
interact_inperson Did you interact with anyone in person today? ESM
IER_strategy_3 Someone expressed anger or hostility toward me ESM
interact_digital Did you interact with anyone digitally today (e.g., via phone or computer)? ESM
b_BFI2_13 Is dependable, steady Baseline
b_BFI2_14 Is moody, has up and down mood swings Baseline
b_BFI2_15 Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things Baseline
b_BFI2_16 Tends to be quiet Baseline
b_BFI2_17 Feels little sympathy for others Baseline
b_BFI2_18 Is systematic, likes to keep things in order Baseline
b_BFI2_19 Can be tense Baseline
b_BFI2_20 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature Baseline
IEREeffort_intention Did you try to influence the emotions of other people during this interaction? ESM
IEREeffort_amount_1 How much effort did you put into influencing the emotions of other people during this interaction? ESM
IEREeffort_type How did you try to influence your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply ESM
PER_strategy_1 I accepted my emotions as they were ESM
PER_strategy_2 I was able to experience my emotions without immediately trying to fight them off ESM
PER_strategy_3 I tried to slow my heart rate and breathing ESM
PER_strategy_4 I took deep breaths ESM
PER_strategy_5 I showed my feelings ESM
PER_strategy_6 I expressed my feelings ESM
PER_strategy_7 I thought about my emotions again and again ESM
PER_strategy_8 I continually thought about what was making me emotional ESM
PER_strategy_9 I thought of other ways to interpret the situation ESM
PER_strategy_10 I looked at the situation from several different angles ESM
PER_strategy_11 I engaged in something else to keep busy ESM
PER_strategy_12 I engaged in activities to distract myself ESM
PER_strategy_13 I made an effort to hide my feelings ESM
PER_strategy_14 I pretended I wasn't feeling anything ESM
IER_strategy_1 Someone encouraged me to share my feelings with them ESM
IER_strategy_2 Someone made an effort to listen to me ESM
interact_how Did this interaction happen in person or digitally? ESM
interact_how_4_TEXT Text entry if specified "Other" for interact_how ESM
interact_quality_1 How would you rate the quality of this interaction? ESM
interact_quantity How long did you spend in this interaction? ESM
emo_1 How sad did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_2 How nervous did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_3 How angry did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_4 How stressed did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_5 How happy did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_6 How relaxed did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_7 How hopeful did you feel during this interaction? ESM
emo_8 Did you feel like you could control your emotions during this interaction? ESM
emo_9 How successful were you in controlling your emotions during this interaction? ESM
PEReffort_intention Did you try to influence your emotions during this interaction? ESM
PEReffort_amount_1 How much effort did you put into influencing your own emotions? ESM
PEReffort_type How did you try to influence your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply ESM
IERIeffort_intention Did you try use other people to influence your own emotions during this interaction? ESM
IERIeffort_amount_1 How much effort did you put into using other people to influence your own emotions during this interaction? ESM
IERIeffort_type How did you use other people to influence your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply ESM
IER_strategy_4 Someone ignored or invalidated my feelings ESM
IER_strategy_5 Someone gave me advice ESM
IER_strategy_6 Someone helped me to see a situation in a new light ESM
IER_strategy_7 Someone communicated their thoughts and feelings to me through physical contact (for example, a pat on the shoulder, a hug) ESM
IER_strategy_8 Someone let me know that they were physically present with me ESM
dd_completed Whether the daily diary survey was completed ESM
number_completed Total number of daily diary surveys completed by the particpant across the study ESM
compliance Percentage compliance (number of surveys completed/number of surveys received) ESM
b_StartDate Baseline start date Baseline
b_EndDate Baseline end date Baseline Time taken to complete baseline Baseline
b_Finished Whether baseline was finished Baseline
b_RecordedDate Date and time baseline completed Baseline
b_UserLanguage Language baseline completed in Baseline
b_consent I have read the above information and consent to participate in this project (please select one) Baseline
b_BFI2_1 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline
b_BFI2_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart Baseline
b_BFI2_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline
b_BFI2_4 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline
b_BFI2_5 Has few artistic interests Baseline
b_BFI2_6 Has an assertive personality Baseline
b_BFI2_7 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline
b_BFI2_8 Tends to be lazy Baseline
b_BFI2_9 Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback Baseline
b_BFI2_10 Is curious about many different things Baseline
b_BFI2_11 Rarely feels excited or eager Baseline
b_BFI2_12 Tends to find fault with others Baseline
b_BFI2_21 Is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline
b_BFI2_22 Starts arguments with others Baseline
b_BFI2_23 Has difficulty getting started on tasks Baseline
b_BFI2_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self Baseline
b_BFI2_25 Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions Baseline
b_BFI2_26 Is less active than other people Baseline
b_BFI2_27 Has a forgiving nature Baseline
b_BFI2_28 Can be somewhat careless Baseline
b_BFI2_29 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline
b_BFI2_30 Has little creativity Baseline
b_BFI2_31 Is sometimes shy, introverted Baseline
b_BFI2_32 Is helpful and unselfish with others Baseline
b_BFI2_33 Keeps things neat and tidy Baseline
b_BFI2_34 Worries a lot Baseline
b_BFI2_35 Values art and beauty Baseline
b_BFI2_36 Finds it hard to influence people Baseline
b_BFI2_37 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline
b_BFI2_38 Is efficient, gets things done Baseline
b_BFI2_39 Often feels sad Baseline
b_BFI2_40 Is complex, a deep thinker Baseline
b_BFI2_41 Is full of energy Baseline
b_BFI2_42 Is suspicious of others’ intentions Baseline
b_BFI2_43 Is reliable, can always be counted on Baseline
b_BFI2_44 Keeps their emotions under control Baseline
b_BFI2_45 Has difficulty imagining things Baseline
b_BFI2_46 Is talkative Baseline
b_BFI2_47 Can be cold and uncaring Baseline
b_BFI2_48 Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up Baseline
b_BFI2_49 Rarely feels anxious or afraid Baseline
b_BFI2_50 Thinks poetry and plays are boring Baseline
b_BFI2_51 Prefers to have others take charge Baseline
b_BFI2_52 Is polite, courteous to others Baseline
b_BFI2_53 Is persistent, works until the task is finished Baseline
b_BFI2_54 Tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline
b_BFI2_55 Has little interest in abstract ideas Baseline
b_BFI2_56 Shows a lot of enthusiasm Baseline
b_BFI2_57 Assumes the best about people Baseline
b_BFI2_58 Sometimes behaves irresponsibly Baseline
b_BFI2_59 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline
b_BFI2_60 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline
b_SWL_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Baseline
b_SWL_2 The conditions of my life are excellent. Baseline
b_SWL_3 I am satisfied with my life. Baseline
b_SWL_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Baseline
b_SWL_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_1 Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_2 Not being able to stop or control worrying Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_3 Worrying too much about different things Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_4 Trouble relaxing Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_5 Being so restless that it's hard to sit still Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_6 Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Baseline
b_DSM_GAD_7 Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Baseline
b_CESD_1 I was bothered by things that usually don’t bother me. Baseline
b_CESD_2 I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. Baseline
b_CESD_3 I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. Baseline
b_CESD_4 I felt I was just as good as other people. Baseline
b_CESD_5 I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. Baseline
b_CESD_6 I felt depressed. Baseline
b_CESD_7 I felt that everything I did was an effort. Baseline
b_CESD_8 I felt hopeful about the future. Baseline
b_CESD_9 I thought my life had been a failure Baseline
b_CESD_10 I felt fearful Baseline
b_CESD_11 My sleep was restless. Baseline
b_CESD_12 I was happy Baseline
b_CESD_13 I talked less than usual Baseline
b_CESD_14 I felt lonely Baseline
b_CESD_15 People were unfriendly Baseline
b_CESD_16 I enjoyed life Baseline
b_CESD_17 I had crying spells Baseline
b_CESD_18 I felt sad Baseline
b_CESD_19 I felt that people dislike me Baseline
b_CESD_20 I could not get “going.” Baseline
b_SGSES_1 When I make plans, I am certain I can make them work Baseline
b_SGSES_2 One of my problems is that I cannot get down to work when I should Baseline
b_SGSES_3 If I can’t do a job the first time, I keep tyring until I can Baseline
b_SGSES_4 When I set important goals for myself, I rarely achieve them Baseline
b_SGSES_5 I give up on things before completing them Baseline
b_SGSES_6 I avoid facing difficulties Baseline
b_SGSES_7 If something looks too complicated, I will not even bother to try it Baseline
b_SGSES_8 When I have something unpleasant to do, I stick to it until I finish it Baseline
b_SGSES_9 When I decide to do something, I go right to work on it Baseline
b_SGSES_10 When trying to learn something new, I soon give up if I am not initially successful Baseline
b_SGSES_11 When unexpected problems occur, I don’t handle them well Baseline
b_SGSES_12 I avoid trying to learn new things when they look too difficult for me Baseline
b_SGSES_13 Failure just makes me try harder Baseline
b_SGSES_14 I feel insecure about my ability to do things Baseline
b_SGSES_15 I am a self-reliant person Baseline
b_SGSES_16 I give up easily Baseline
b_SGSES_17 I do not seem capable of dealing with most problems that come up in my life Baseline
b_SGSES_18 It is difficult for me to make new friends Baseline
b_SGSES_19 If I see someone I would like to meet, I go to that person instead of waiting for him or her to come to me Baseline
b_SGSES_20 If I meet someone interesting who is hard to make friends with, I’ll soon stop trying to make friends with that person Baseline
b_SGSES_21 When I’m trying to become friends with someone who seems uninterested at first, I don’t give up easily Baseline
b_SGSES_22 I do not handle myself well in social gatherings Baseline
b_SGSES_23 I have acquired my friends through my personal abilities at making friends Baseline
b_UCLA_1 I am unhappy doing so many things alone Baseline
b_UCLA_2 I have nobody to talk to Baseline
b_UCLA_3 I cannot tolerate being so alone Baseline
b_UCLA_4 I lack companionship Baseline
b_UCLA_5 I feel as if nobody really understands me Baseline
b_UCLA_6 I find myself waiting for people to get in touch Baseline
b_UCLA_7 There is no one I can turn to Baseline
b_UCLA_8 I am no longer close to anyone Baseline
b_UCLA_9 My interests and ideas are not shared by those around me Baseline
b_UCLA_10 I feel left out Baseline
b_UCLA_11 I feel completely alone Baseline
b_UCLA_12 I am unable to reach out and communicate with those around me Baseline
b_UCLA_13 My social relationships are superficial Baseline
b_UCLA_14 I feel starved for company Baseline
b_UCLA_15 No one really knows me well Baseline
b_UCLA_16 I feel isolated from others Baseline
b_UCLA_17 I am unhappy being so withdrawn Baseline
b_UCLA_18 It is difficult for me to make friends Baseline
b_UCLA_19 I feel shut out and excluded by others Baseline
b_UCLA_20 People are around me but not with me Baseline
b_RESS_1 I accept my emotions as they are Baseline
b_RESS_2 I talk to others about my emotions Baseline
b_RESS_3 I try to slow my heart rate and breathing Baseline
b_RESS_4 I take deep breaths Baseline
b_RESS_5 I show my feelings Baseline
b_RESS_6 I express my feelings Baseline
b_RESS_7 I think about my emotions again and again Baseline
b_RESS_8 I continually think about what is making me emotional Baseline
b_RESS_9 I think of other ways to interpret the situation Baseline
b_RESS_10 I look at the situation from several different angles Baseline
b_RESS_11 I engage in something else to keep busy Baseline
b_RESS_12 I engage in activities to distract myself Baseline
b_RESS_13 I make an effort to hide my feelings Baseline
b_RESS_14 I pretend I am not feeling anything Baseline
b_IERQ_1 It makes me feel better to learn how others dealt with their emotions Baseline
b_IERQ_2 It helps me deal with my depressed mood when others point out that things aren't as bad as they seem Baseline
b_IERQ_3 I like being around others when I'm excited to share my joy Baseline
b_IERQ_4 I look for other people to offer me compassion when I'm upset Baseline
b_IERQ_5 Hearing another person's thoughts on how to handle things helps me when I am worried Baseline
b_IERQ_6 Being in the presence of certain other people feels good when I'm elated Baseline
b_IERQ_7 Having people remind me that others are worse off helps me when I'm upset Baseline
b_IERQ_8 I like being in the presence of others when I feel positive because it magnifies the good feeling Baseline
b_IERQ_9 Feeling upset often causes me to seek out others who will express sympathy Baseline
b_IERQ_10 When I am upset, others make me feel better by making me realize that things could be a lot worse Baseline
b_IERQ_11 Seeing how others would handle the same situation helps me when I am frustrated Baseline
b_IERQ_12 I look to others for comfort when I feel upset Baseline
b_IERQ_13 Because happiness is contagious, I seek out other people when I'm happy Baseline
b_IERQ_14 When I am annoyed, others can soothe me by telling me not to worry Baseline
b_IERQ_15 When I'm sad, it helps me to hear how others have dealt with similar feelings Baseline
b_IERQ_16 I look to other people when I feel depressed just to know that I am loved Baseline
b_IERQ_17 Having people telling me not to worry can calm me down when I am anxious Baseline
b_IERQ_18 When I feel elated, I seek out other people to make them happy Baseline
b_IERQ_19 When I feel sad, I seek out others for consolation Baseline
b_IERQ_20 If I'm upset, I like knowing what other people would do if they were in my situation Baseline
b_IRQ_1 When something bad happens, my first impulse is to seek out the company of others Baseline
b_IRQ_2 When I’m having trouble, I cannot wait to tell someone about it Baseline
b_IRQ_3 I just have to get help from someone when things are going wrong Baseline
b_IRQ_4 I manage my emotions by expressing them to others Baseline
b_IRQ_5 I appreciate having others’ support through difficult times Baseline
b_IRQ_6 Sometimes I just need someone to understand where I’m coming from Baseline
b_IRQ_7 It really helps me feel better during stressful situations when someone knows and cares about what I’m going through Baseline
b_IRQ_8 I really appreciate having other people to help me figure out my problems Baseline
b_IRQ_9 When things are going well, I just have to tell other people about it Baseline
b_IRQ_10 When something good happens, my first impulse is to tell someone about it Baseline
b_IRQ_11 When things are going well, I feel compelled to seek out other people Baseline
b_IRQ_12 When I want to celebrate something good, I seek out certain people to tell them about it Baseline
b_IRQ_13 I’m happier when I’m with my friends than when I’m by myself Baseline
b_IRQ_14 Being with other people tends to put a smile on my face Baseline
b_IRQ_15 I find that even just being around other people can help me to feel better Baseline
b_IRQ_16 I really enjoy being around the people I know Baseline
b_emotion_1 Sad Baseline
b_emotion_2 Nervous Baseline
b_emotion_3 Angry Baseline
b_emotion_4 Stressed Baseline
b_emotion_5 Lonely Baseline
b_emotion_6 Hopeful Baseline
b_emotion_7 Happy Baseline
b_emotion_8 Relaxed Baseline
b_covid_self Have you had, or do you have, COVID-19? Baseline
b_covid_other Have any of your close family members had COVID-19? Baseline
b_covid_living I'm living Baseline
b_covid_living_5_TEXT Living situation text entry if specifed "Other" Baseline
b_covid_livingothers How many people are with you in your living quarters? (please only enter a number) Baseline
b_covid_livingdepen How many of the people who live with you depend on you? (e.g. kids, elders, people with special needs) Baseline
b_covid_employment Due to COVID-19 (select all that apply) Baseline
b_covid_employment_5_TEXT b_covid_employment text entry (If specfied "Other") Baseline
b_covid_healthcare Do you work in the healthcare industry? Baseline
b_covid_illness Do you have a chronic physical illness (e.g. diabetes, asthma)? Baseline
b_covid_worried_1 In general, how worried are you about COVID-19? Baseline
AGE What is your age in years (please ONLY enter a NUMBER)? Baseline
b_nationality What is your nationality (e.g., British, Australian)? Baseline
b_Victoria Are you currently living in Victoria? Baseline
b_australia Are you currently living in Australia? Baseline
b_EFL Is English your first language? Baseline
GENDER What is your gender? Baseline
NATION What is your nationality (e.g., British, Australian)? Baseline
RELAT What is your relationship status? Baseline
f_StartDate Follow up survey start date Follow_up
f_EndDate Follow up survey end date Follow_up Time taken to complete follow up survey Follow_up
f_RecordedDate Time and date follow up survey completed Follow_up
f_UserLanguage Language follow up survey completed in Follow_up
f_SWL_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Follow_up
f_SWL_2 The conditions of my life are excellent. Follow_up
f_SWL_3 I am satisfied with my life. Follow_up
f_SWL_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Follow_up
f_SWL_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_1 Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_2 Not being able to stop or control worrying Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_3 Worrying too much about different things Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_4 Trouble relaxing Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_5 Being so restless that it's hard to sit still Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_6 Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Follow_up
f_DSM_GAD_7 Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Follow_up
f_CESD_1 I was bothered by things that usually don’t bother me. Follow_up
f_CESD_2 I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. Follow_up
f_SGSES_11 When unexpected problems occur, I don’t handle them well Follow_up
f_CESD_3 I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. Follow_up
f_CESD_4 I felt I was just as good as other people. Follow_up
f_CESD_5 I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. Follow_up
f_CESD_6 I felt depressed. Follow_up
f_CESD_7 I felt that everything I did was an effort. Follow_up
f_CESD_8 I felt hopeful about the future. Follow_up
f_CESD_9 I thought my life had been a failure Follow_up
f_CESD_10 I felt fearful Follow_up
f_CESD_11 My sleep was restless. Follow_up
f_CESD_12 I was happy Follow_up
f_CESD_13 I talked less than usual Follow_up
f_CESD_14 I felt lonely Follow_up
f_CESD_15 People were unfriendly Follow_up
f_CESD_16 I enjoyed life Follow_up
f_CESD_17 I had crying spells Follow_up
f_CESD_18 I felt sad Follow_up
f_CESD_19 I felt that people dislike me Follow_up
f_CESD_20 I could not get “going.” Follow_up
f_SGSES_1 When I make plans, I am certain I can make them work Follow_up
f_SGSES_2 One of my problems is that I cannot get down to work when I should Follow_up
f_SGSES_3 If I can’t do a job the first time, I keep tyring until I can Follow_up
f_SGSES_4 When I set important goals for myself, I rarely achieve them Follow_up
f_SGSES_5 I give up on things before completing them Follow_up
f_SGSES_6 I avoid facing difficulties Follow_up
f_SGSES_7 If something looks too complicated, I will not even bother to try it Follow_up
f_SGSES_8 When I have something unpleasant to do, I stick to it until I finish it Follow_up
f_SGSES_9 When I decide to do something, I go right to work on it Follow_up
f_SGSES_10 When trying to learn something new, I soon give up if I am not initially successful Follow_up
f_SGSES_12 I avoid trying to learn new things when they look too difficult for me Follow_up
f_SGSES_13 Failure just makes me try harder Follow_up
f_SGSES_14 I feel insecure about my ability to do things Follow_up
f_SGSES_15 I am a self-reliant person Follow_up
f_SGSES_16 I give up easily Follow_up
f_SGSES_17 I do not seem capable of dealing with most problems that come up in my life Follow_up
f_SGSES_18 It is difficult for me to make new friends Follow_up
f_SGSES_19 If I see someone I would like to meet, I go to that person instead of waiting for him or her to come to me Follow_up
f_SGSES_20 If I meet someone interesting who is hard to make friends with, I’ll soon stop trying to make friends with that person Follow_up
f_SGSES_21 When I’m trying to become friends with someone who seems uninterested at first, I don’t give up easily Follow_up
f_SGSES_22 I do not handle myself well in social gatherings Follow_up
f_SGSES_23 I have acquired my friends through my personal abilities at making friends Follow_up
f_UCLA_1 I am unhappy doing so many things alone Follow_up
f_UCLA_2 I have nobody to talk to Follow_up
f_UCLA_3 I cannot tolerate being so alone Follow_up
f_UCLA_4 I lack companionship Follow_up
f_UCLA_5 I feel as if nobody really understands me Follow_up
f_UCLA_6 I find myself waiting for people to get in touch Follow_up
f_UCLA_7 There is no one I can turn to Follow_up
f_UCLA_8 I am no longer close to anyone Follow_up
f_UCLA_9 My interests and ideas are not shared by those around me Follow_up
f_UCLA_10 I feel left out Follow_up
f_UCLA_11 I feel completely alone Follow_up
f_UCLA_12 I am unable to reach out and communicate with those around me Follow_up
f_UCLA_13 My social relationships are superficial Follow_up
f_UCLA_14 I feel starved for company Follow_up
f_UCLA_17 I am unhappy being so withdrawn Follow_up
f_UCLA_18 It is difficult for me to make friends Follow_up
f_UCLA_19 I feel shut out and excluded by others Follow_up
f_UCLA_20 People are around me but not with me Follow_up
f_RESS_1 I accept my emotions as they are Follow_up
f_RESS_2 I talk to others about my emotions Follow_up
f_RESS_3 I try to slow my heart rate and breathing Follow_up
f_RESS_4 I take deep breaths Follow_up
f_RESS_5 I show my feelings Follow_up
f_RESS_6 I express my feelings Follow_up
f_RESS_7 I think about my emotions again and again Follow_up
f_RESS_8 I continually think about what is making me emotional Follow_up
f_RESS_9 I think of other ways to interpret the situation Follow_up
f_RESS_10 I look at the situation from several different angles Follow_up
f_RESS_11 I engage in something else to keep busy Follow_up
f_RESS_12 I engage in activities to distract myself Follow_up
f_RESS_13 I make an effort to hide my feelings Follow_up
f_RESS_14 I pretend I am not feeling anything Follow_up
f_IERQ_1 It makes me feel better to learn how others dealt with their emotions Follow_up
f_IERQ_2 It helps me deal with my depressed mood when others point out that things aren't as bad as they seem Follow_up
f_IERQ_3 I like being around others when I'm excited to share my joy Follow_up
f_IERQ_4 I look for other people to offer me compassion when I'm upset Follow_up
f_IERQ_5 Hearing another person's thoughts on how to handle things helps me when I am worried Follow_up
f_IERQ_6 Being in the presence of certain other people feels good when I'm elated Follow_up
f_IERQ_7 Having people remind me that others are worse off helps me when I'm upset Follow_up
f_IERQ_8 I like being in the presence of others when I feel positive because it magnifies the good feeling Follow_up
f_IERQ_9 Feeling upset often causes me to seek out others who will express sympathy Follow_up
f_IERQ_10 When I am upset, others make me feel better by making me realize that things could be a lot worse Follow_up
f_IERQ_11 Seeing how others would handle the same situation helps me when I am frustrated Follow_up
f_IERQ_12 I look to others for comfort when I feel upset Follow_up
f_IERQ_13 Because happiness is contagious, I seek out other people when I'm happy Follow_up
f_IERQ_14 When I am annoyed, others can soothe me by telling me not to worry Follow_up
f_IERQ_15 When I'm sad, it helps me to hear how others have dealt with similar feelings Follow_up
f_IERQ_16 I look to other people when I feel depressed just to know that I am loved Follow_up
f_IERQ_17 Having people telling me not to worry can calm me down when I am anxious Follow_up
f_IERQ_18 When I feel elated, I seek out other people to make them happy Follow_up
f_IERQ_19 When I feel sad, I seek out others for consolation Follow_up
f_IERQ_20 If I'm upset, I like knowing what other people would do if they were in my situation Follow_up
f_IRQ_1 When something bad happens, my first impulse is to seek out the company of others Follow_up
f_IRQ_2 When I’m having trouble, I cannot wait to tell someone about it Follow_up
f_IRQ_3 I just have to get help from someone when things are going wrong Follow_up
f_IRQ_4 I manage my emotions by expressing them to others Follow_up
f_IRQ_5 I appreciate having others’ support through difficult times Follow_up
f_IRQ_6 Sometimes I just need someone to understand where I’m coming from Follow_up
f_IRQ_7 It really helps me feel better during stressful situations when someone knows and cares about what I’m going through Follow_up
f_IRQ_8 I really appreciate having other people to help me figure out my problems Follow_up
f_IRQ_9 When things are going well, I just have to tell other people about it Follow_up
f_IRQ_10 When something good happens, my first impulse is to tell someone about it Follow_up
f_IRQ_11 When things are going well, I feel compelled to seek out other people Follow_up
f_IRQ_12 When I want to celebrate something good, I seek out certain people to tell them about it Follow_up
f_IRQ_13 I’m happier when I’m with my friends than when I’m by myself Follow_up
f_IRQ_14 Being with other people tends to put a smile on my face Follow_up
f_IRQ_15 I find that even just being around other people can help me to feel better Follow_up
f_IRQ_16 I really enjoy being around the people I know Follow_up
f_emotion_1 Sad Baseline
f_emotion_2 Nervous Baseline
f_emotion_3 Angry Baseline
f_emotion_4 Stressed Baseline
f_emotion_5 Lonely Baseline
f_emotion_6 Hopeful Baseline
f_emotion_7 Happy Baseline
f_emotion_8 Relaxed Baseline