Social Processes Under Daily Situations (SPUDS)

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Citation article

Year of publication:
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Volume number:
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Publication type:
Refereed Journal Article

Study details

Baseline session:
Followup session:
Study design:
Participants completed a baseline survey, and the following day commenced 7 days of ESM surveys. Participants received 8 ESM surveys each day. Participants were required to respond to the survey within 30 minutes before the survey expired. Surveys were sent at semi-random intervals between 9:00 and 22:15 Including expiring time, there was at least 15 minutes between successive surveys. This project aimed to investigate how and why people engage in interpersonal emotion regulation. Items in the ESM surveys included measures around social interactions and the emotional outcomes of these interactions.
ESM measurement waves:
Ethics granting body:
University of Melbourne Human Ethics Sub-Committee
Ethics protocol number:
Location of participants (Countries):
Background information:
Collection platform:
Days of ESM data collection:
Number of ESM measures per day:
Sampling schedule:
ESM schedule start time:
ESM schedule end time:
ESM schedule duration:

Sample details

Type of sample:
Recruitment information:
Participants were recruited in the community via on campus University flyers and online advertising. To be included in this study, participants required an iPhone (iOS 8 or above) or Android phone (Android 6.0 or above) that is not an Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi, or RealMe phone (because of issues with notifications being received on these models). They must also be based in Victoria, Australia. Participants were also excluded if they failed both instructional attention checks or an open-ended attention check in the baseline survey.
Participants received $7 for the baseline survey, and up to $40 for the ESM surveys. The amount of payment participant received for the ESM phase depended on how many surveys they completed. If they completed 85% or more of the surveys, they received the full payment. Participants also received a personalised report of their ESM data at the end of the study. Payment was in Australian dollars.
Five participants were excluded prior to analysis based on the following pre-registered criteria: two were ineligible, voluntarily withdrew, or had technical issues making their data unusable, two did not complete any ESM surveys, and one failed the attention checks. We excluded individual ESM survey items that were responded to in less than 650ms, as well as entire surveys that had more than 50% of items responded to in under this time (Geeraerts & Kuppens, 2020 ). Accordingly, we excluded 431 items (0.8% of all relevant items), and 62 surveys (0.7% of all surveys) prior to analysis.
Number of participants:

Contact info

Imogen Smith
Contact email:
Selection Variable Info Assessment type Constructs
SurveyNumber Number of survey received by participant ESM
DayNumber ESM phase study day ESM
TMZ Particpant time zone ESM
SCHEDULED_TS Date and time ESM survey scheduled ESM
EXPIRED_TS Date and time ESM survey expired ESM
TOTAL_RT Total response time for ESM survey (in ms) ESM
SOCINT Within the last hour, have you interacted with anyone? ESM
SOCINT_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_INFO Social interaction variables information text ESM
SOCINT_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_TYPE Did this interaction happen in person or digitally/virtually? ESM
SOCINT_TYPE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_REL_1 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Friend ESM
SOCINT_REL_2 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Family member ESM
SOCINT_REL_3 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Romantic partner ESM
SOCINT_REL_4 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Co-worker/classmate ESM
SOCINT_REL_5 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Housemate (who is not a family member or friend) ESM
SOCINT_REL_6 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Neighbour ESM
SOCINT_REL_7 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. A stranger ESM
SOCINT_REL_8 What is your relationship with the person(s) you interacted with? Select all that apply. Other ESM
SOCINT_REL_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_RLX Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how relaxed do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_RLX_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_ENTHU Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how enthusiastic do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_ENTHU_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_SAD Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how sad do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_SAD_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_ANX Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how anxious do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_ANX_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_IRR Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how irritated do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_IRR_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_GRA Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how grateful do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_GRA_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SOCINT_GUILT Right now, when thinking about the interaction, how guilty do you feel? ESM
SOCINT_GUILT_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_INTRO The following questions ask about how you tried to manage your own emotions by turning to the other person(s) during your most significant interaction. ESM
IER_INTRO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_GOAL_0 How did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I did not turn to them to change my emotions ESM
IER_GOAL_1 How did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I turned to them to increase or maintain my positive emotion ESM
IER_GOAL_2 How did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I turned to them to increase or maintain my negative emotion ESM
IER_GOAL_3 How did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I turned to them to decrease my positive emotion ESM
IER_GOAL_4 How did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I turned to them to decrease my negative emotion ESM
IER_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_WHY_1 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to feel better ESM
IER_WHY_2 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
IER_WHY_3 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to maintain or build a good relationship ESM
IER_WHY_4 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to seek clarity, perspective, or advice ESM
IER_WHY_5 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to seek comfort or reassurance ESM
IER_WHY_6 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted their help to resolve something ESM
IER_WHY_7 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to understand their feelings or what they were going through ESM
IER_WHY_8 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted them to give me a reality check or manage my expectations ESM
IER_WHY_9 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to punish myself for something I did ESM
IER_WHY_10 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted them to validate how I felt ESM
IER_WHY_11 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted their attention ESM
IER_WHY_12 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to feel powerful ESM
IER_WHY_13 Why did you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I did not have a reason ESM
IER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOIER_WHY_1 Why didn’t you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions? Please select all that apply: It was too difficult ESM
NOIER_WHY_2 Why didn’t you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions? Please select all that apply: I didn't want to ESM
NOIER_WHY_3 Why didn’t you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions? Please select all that apply: I had another reason ESM
NOIER_WHY_4 Why didn’t you turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions? Please select all that apply: I didn't have a reason ESM
NOIER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOIER_DES Would you have liked to turn to the other person(s) to change your emotions? ESM
NOIER_DES_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_INFO Information variable for IER_STRAT variables ESM
IER_STRAT_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_REAP They helped me see things in a different way ESM
IER_STRAT_REAP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_VALUE They actively made me feel special or cared for ESM
IER_STRAT_VALUE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_DIST They diverted my attention to something else ESM
IER_STRAT_DIST_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_SUPP They asked me to keep my feelings to myself ESM
IER_STRAT_SUPP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_DEVALUE They ignored or invalidated my feelings ESM
IER_STRAT_DEVALUE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IER_STRAT_RUMI They continued talking about what was bothering me ESM
IER_STRAT_RUMI_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_INTRO Information variables for EER variables ESM
EER_INTRO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_GOAL_0 How did you try to change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I did not try to change their emotions ESM
EER_GOAL_1 How did you try to change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I tried to increase or maintain their positive emotion ESM
EER_GOAL_2 How did you try to change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I tried to increase or maintain their negative emotion ESM
EER_GOAL_3 How did you try to change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I tried to decrease their positive emotion ESM
EER_GOAL_4 How did you try to change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I tried to decrease their negative emotion ESM
EER_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOEER_WHY_1 Why didn’t you try to change the emotions of the other person(s)? Please select all that apply: It was too difficult ESM
NOEER_WHY_2 Why didn’t you try to change the emotions of the other person(s)? Please select all that apply: I didn't want to ESM
NOEER_WHY_3 Why didn’t you try to change the emotions of the other person(s)? Please select all that apply: I had another reason ESM
NOEER_WHY_4 Why didn’t you try to change the emotions of the other person(s)? Please select all that apply: I didn't have a reason ESM
NOEER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOEER_DES Would you have liked to change the emotions of the other person(s)? ESM
NOEER_DES_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_WHY_1 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to make them feel better ESM
EER_WHY_2 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to get them to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
EER_WHY_3 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to maintain or build a good relationship ESM
EER_WHY_4 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to offer clarity, perspective, or advice ESM
EER_WHY_5 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to avoid uncomfortable feelings or situations ESM
EER_WHY_6 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to feel helpful or good about myself ESM
EER_WHY_7 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted them to understand my feelings, or what I was going through ESM
EER_WHY_8 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I personally wanted to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
EER_WHY_9 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to give them a reality check or manage their expectations ESM
EER_WHY_10 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to punish them for something they did ESM
EER_WHY_11 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to feel better about myself ESM
EER_WHY_12 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I wanted to help them ESM
EER_WHY_13 Why did you change the emotions of the other person(s) during this interaction? Please select all that apply: I did not have a reason ESM
EER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_INFO Information presented before ER_STRAT variables ESM
EER_STRAT_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_REAP I helped them see things in a different way ESM
EER_STRAT_REAP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_VALUE I actively made them feel special or cared for ESM
EER_STRAT_VALUE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_DIST I diverted their attention to something else ESM
EER_STRAT_DIST_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_SUPP I asked them to keep their feelings to themselves ESM
EER_STRAT_SUPP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_DEVALUE I ignored or invalidated their feelings ESM
EER_STRAT_DEVALUE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
EER_STRAT_RUMI I continued talking about what was bothering them ESM
EER_STRAT_RUMI_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOSOCINT_INFO Information about "NO SO branched items ESM
NOSOCINT_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
LONE Right now, how lonely do you feel? ESM
LONE_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
LONE_EMO Right now, how much do you miss having a really close friend? ESM
LONE_EMO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
LONE_SOC Right now, how much do you feel that there are enough people you feel close to? ESM
LONE_SOC_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
LONE_PHY Right now, how much do you miss the pleasure of the company of others? ESM
LONE_PHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SELF_EFF Right now, how much do you feel like you could reach out to other people if you wanted to? ESM
SELF_EFF_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PAIN How much pain do you have right now? ESM
PAIN_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RLX Right now, how relaxed do you feel? ESM
RLX_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
ENTHU Right now, how enthusiastic do you feel? ESM
ENTHU_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
SAD Right now, how sad do you feel? ESM
SAD_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
ANX Right now, how anxious do you feel? ESM
ANX_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
IRR Right now, how irritated do you feel? ESM
IRR_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
GUILT Right now, how guilty do you feel? ESM
GUILT_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
GRA Right now, how grateful do you feel? ESM
GRA_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_INFO Information about presented before PER items ESM
PER_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_EMO How intense were these emotions? ESM
PER_EMO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_CTRL_EMO How much control did you have over these emotions? ESM
PER_CTRL_EMO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_CTRL_SIT How much control did you have over the situation that caused these emotions? ESM
PER_CTRL_SIT_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_GOAL_0 How did you change your emotions during this situation? Please select all that apply: I did not try to change my emotions ESM
PER_GOAL_1 How did you change your emotions during this situation? Please select all that apply: I tried to increase or maintain my positive emotion ESM
PER_GOAL_2 How did you change your emotions during this situation? Please select all that apply: I tried to increase or maintain my negative emotion ESM
PER_GOAL_3 How did you change your emotions during this situation? Please select all that apply: I tried to decrease my positive emotion ESM
PER_GOAL_4 How did you change your emotions during this situation? Please select all that apply: I tried to decrease my negative emotion ESM
PER_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
PER_WHY_1 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to increase my immediate pleasure ESM
PER_WHY_2 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to increase my immediate displeasure ESM
PER_WHY_3 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to do something ESM
PER_WHY_4 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to learn something ESM
PER_WHY_5 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to build or maintain my social relationships ESM
PER_WHY_6 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I wanted to grow as a person ESM
PER_WHY_7 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I had another reason ESM
PER_WHY_8 Why did you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't have a reason ESM
PER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
NOPER_WHY_1 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't know what to do with my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_2 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I was tired or didn't have the energy to change my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_3 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I liked feeling that way ESM
NOPER_WHY_4 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: It didn't occur to me to change my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_5 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't believe I could change my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_6 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: trying to change my emotions is not something I often do ESM
NOPER_WHY_7 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: It wasn't the right time or place ESM
NOPER_WHY_8 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: It was easier not to ESM
NOPER_WHY_9 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't think I should change my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_10 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't know how to change my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_11 Why didn’t you try to change your emotion? Please select all that apply: I didn't pay attention to my emotions ESM
NOPER_WHY_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_INFO Information presented before RESS variables ESM
RESS_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_RELX I tried to slow my heart rate and breathing ESM
RESS_RELX_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_RUMI I continually thought about what was making me emotional ESM
RESS_RUMI_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_REAP I thought of other ways to interpret the situation ESM
RESS_REAP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_DIST I engaged in activities to distract myself ESM
RESS_DIST_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_SUPP I made an effort to hide my feelings ESM
RESS_SUPP_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
RESS_ACC I accepted my emotions as they were ESM
RESS_ACC_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
VIC_INFO To end the survey, we would like to know how you currently feel about living in Victoria ESM
VIC_INFO_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
VIC Right now, I identify with Victorians ESM
VIC_RT Response time for relevant variable (in ms) ESM
survey_completed Whether the survey was completed or not ESM
number_completed Total number of ESM surveys completed by the participant across the study ESM
number_sent Total number of ESM surveys sent to the participant across the study ESM
SCHEDULED_TS_d Date and time survey scheduled ESM
SCHEDULED_TS_dt_lag Date and time previous survey scheduled ESM
inter_survey_interval Time in minutes between current ESM survey and previous ESM survey ESM
compliance Percentage of total ESM surveys completed, relative to total ESM surveys received ESM
Duration Time taken to complete baseline in seconds Baseline
Finished Whether the baseline was finished or not Baseline
RecordedDate Date and Time baseline completed Baseline
IRQ_1 When something bad happens, my first impulse is to seek out the company of others. Baseline
IRQ_2 When I’m having trouble, I cannot wait to tell someone about it. Baseline
IRQ_3 I just have to get help from someone when things are going wrong. Baseline
IRQ_4 I manage my emotions by expressing them to others. Baseline
IRQ_5 I appreciate having others’ support through difficult times. Baseline
IRQ_6 Sometimes I just need someone to understand where I’m coming from. Baseline
IRQ_7 It really helps me feel better during stressful situations when someone knows and cares about what I’m going through. Baseline
IRQ_8 I really appreciate having other people to help me figure out my problems. Baseline
IRQ_9 When things are going well, I just have to tell other people about it. Baseline
IRQ_10 When something good happens, my first impulse is to tell someone about it. Baseline
IRQ_11 When things are going well, I feel compelled to seek out other people. Baseline
IRQ_12 When I want to celebrate something good, I seek out certain people to tell them about it. Baseline
IRQ_13 I’m happier when I’m with my friends than when I’m by myself. Baseline
IRQ_14 Being with other people tends to put a smile on my face. Baseline
IRQ_15 I find that even just being around other people can help me to feel better Baseline
IRQ_16 I really enjoy being around the people I know. Baseline
EROS_1 I gave someone helpful advice to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_2 I told someone about their shortcomings to try to make them feel worse Baseline
EROS_3 I did something nice with someone to try to make them feel better Baseline
EROS_4 I acted annoyed towards someone to try to make them feel worse Baseline
EROS_5 I explained to someone how they had hurt myself or others, to try to make the person feel worse Baseline
EROS_6 I discussed someone's positive characteristics to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_7 I made someone laugh to try to make them feel better Baseline
EROS_8 I listened to someone's problems to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_9 I spent time with someone to try to improve how they felt Baseline
ECR.RS_1 It helps to turn to people in times of need. Baseline
ECR.RS_2 I usually discuss my problems and concerns with others. Baseline
ECR.RS_3 I talk things over with people. Baseline
ECR.RS_4 I find it easy to depend on others. Baseline
ECR.RS_5 I don't feel comfortable opening up to others. Baseline
ECR.RS_6 I prefer not to show others how I feel deep down. Baseline
ECR.RS_7 I often worry that other people do not really care for me. Baseline
ECR.RS_8 I'm afraid that other people may abandon me. Baseline
ECR.RS_9 I worry that others won't care about me as much as I care about them. Baseline
BFI_1 Tends to be quiet Baseline
BFI_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart Baseline
BFI_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline
BFI_4 Worries a lot Baseline
BFI_5 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature Baseline
BFI_6 Is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline
BFI_7 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline
BFI_8 Has difficulty getting started on tasks Baseline
BFI_9 Tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline
BFI_10 Has little interest in abstract ideas Baseline
BFI_11 Is full of energy Baseline
BFI_12 Assumes the best about people Baseline
BFI_13 Is reliable, can always be counted on Baseline
BFI_14 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline
BFI_15 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline
BFI_16 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline
BFI_17 Can be cold and uncaring Baseline
BFI_18 Keeps things neat and tidy Baseline
BFI_19 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline
BFI_20 Has few artistic interests Baseline
BFI_21 Prefers to have others take charge Baseline
BFI_22 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline
BFI_23 Is persistent, works until the task is finished Baseline
BFI_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self Baseline
BFI_25 Is complex, a deep thinker Baseline
BFI_26 Is less active than other people Baseline
BFI_27 Tends to find fault with others Baseline
BFI_28 Can be somewhat careless Baseline
BFI_29 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline
BFI_30 Has little creativity Baseline
DASS21_1 I found it hard to wind down Baseline
DASS21_2 I was aware of dryness of my mouth Baseline
DASS21_3 I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all Baseline
DASS21_4 I experienced breathing difficulty (eg, excessively rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion) Baseline
DASS21_5 I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things Baseline
DASS21_6 I tended to over-react to situations Baseline
DASS21_7 I experienced trembling (eg, in the hands) Baseline
DASS21_8 I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy Baseline
DASS21_9 I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself Baseline
DASS21_10 I felt that I had nothing to look forward to Baseline
DASS21_11 I found myself getting agitated Baseline
DASS21_12 I found it difficult to relax Baseline
DASS21_13 I felt down-hearted and blue Baseline
DASS21_14 I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I was doing Baseline
DASS21_15 I felt I was close to panic Baseline
DASS21_16 I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything Baseline
DASS21_17 I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person Baseline
DASS21_18 I felt that I was rather touchy Baseline
DASS21_19 I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physicalexertion (eg, sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat) Baseline
DASS21_20 I felt scared without any good reason Baseline
DASS21_21 I felt that life was meaningless Baseline
DASS21_attn If you are reading this, click on 'Never' Baseline
SWL_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Baseline
SWL_2 The conditions of my life are excellent. Baseline
SWL_3 I am satisfied with my life. Baseline
SWL_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Baseline
SWL_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Baseline
UCLA_1 I am unhappy doing so many things alone Baseline
UCLA_2 I have nobody to talk to Baseline
UCLA_3 I cannot tolerate being so alone Baseline
UCLA_4 I lack companionship Baseline
UCLA_5 I feel as if nobody really understands me Baseline
UCLA_6 I find myself waiting for people to get in touch Baseline
UCLA_7 There is no one I can turn to Baseline
UCLA_8 I am no longer close to anyone Baseline
UCLA_9 My interests and ideas are not shared by those around me Baseline
UCLA_10 I feel left out Baseline
UCLA_11 I feel completely alone Baseline
UCLA_12 I am unable to reach out and communicate with those around me Baseline
UCLA_13 My social relationships are superficial Baseline
UCLA_14 I feel starved for company Baseline
UCLA_15 No one really knows me well Baseline
UCLA_16 I feel isolated from others Baseline
UCLA_17 I am unhappy being so withdrawn Baseline
UCLA_18 It is difficult for me to make friends Baseline
UCLA_19 I feel shut out and excluded by others Baseline
UCLA_20 People are around me but not with me Baseline
GENDER I identify my gender as... Baseline
GENDER_4_TEXT Prefer to self-identify (text entry) Baseline
AGE What is your age in years (please only enter a number)? Baseline
RACE_1 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. White or Caucasian Baseline
RACE_2 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Latino or Hispanic Baseline
RACE_3 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Baseline
RACE_4 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. East Asian Baseline
RACE_5 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. South Asian Baseline
RACE_6 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. South-East Asian Baseline
RACE_7 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Black or African American Baseline
RACE_8 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Middle Eastern Baseline
RACE_9 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. African Baseline
RACE_10 What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Other (please specify; text entry) Baseline
RACE_10_TEXT What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Other (please specify; text entry) Baseline
NAT What is your nationality? Baseline
ESL Is English your first or native language? Baseline
RELATE What is your relationship status? Baseline
RELATE_6_TEXT Relationship status if specfied "Other" Baseline
HOUSEHOLD How many people, including you, live in your household? Please only enter a number. Baseline
EDU What is your level of education? Baseline
EMPLOY What is your employment status? Baseline
EMPLOY_9_TEXT Employment status if specified "Other" Baseline
CHILD Do you have any children? Baseline
StartDate_date Baseline start date and time Baseline
EndDate_date Baseline start end date and time Baseline
GENDER_recoded I identify my gender as... Baseline
ESL_recoded Is English your first or native language? Baseline
CHILD_recoded Do you have any children? Baseline
EDU_recoded What is your level of education? Coded in words Baseline
EMPLOY_recoded What is your employment status? Coded in words Baseline
RELATE_recoded What is your relationship status? Coded in words Baseline
RACE_recoded What is your ethnicity? Coded in words Baseline