
Variables related to sexual behaviours or thoughts, or sexuality

The following variables relate to Sexual:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
PREG If Female, are you pregnant, or do you think that you might be? Baseline FEEL Study 1
SEXUALITY Sexual orientation: Baseline FEEL Study 1
SEXUALITY What is your sexual orientation? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
MENSTR Over the past three-to-four months have you missed any menstrual periods? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
MENSTR_MISS If so, how many? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
CONTRA Have you been taking the pill? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
SEXUALITY_1 What is your sexual orientation? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
MENSTR Over the past three-to-four months have you missed any menstrual periods? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
MENSTR_MISS If so, how many? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
CONTRA Have you been taking the pill? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
SEXUALITY_1 What is your sexual orientation? Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
PARTNER_DESIRE To what extent do you currently feel like having sex with your partner? ESM Leuven couples study 2016
MMQ_SS_5 How satisfied are you with how often the two of you hug, kiss, and touch each other? Baseline Leuven couples study 2016
MMQ_SS_1 How often have you had sexual intercourse in the last month? Baseline Leuven couples study 2016
MMQ_SS_2 Are you satisfied with the present frequency of sexual intercourse? Baseline Leuven couples study 2016
MMQ_SS_4 How often do you reach a climax/orgasm during sex with your partner? (if you never have sexual intercourse, mark 8) Baseline Leuven couples study 2016
MMQ_SS_3 Do you find sex with your partner enjoyable? Baseline Leuven couples study 2016
PREG If Female, are you pregnant, or think you might be? Baseline ACU emotions in daily life
CONTRA Do you take hormonal contraceptives? Baseline ACU emotions in daily life