Implicit Theory

Beliefs about the nature of human attributes

The following variables relate to Implicit Theory:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
ITES_1 Everyone can learn to control their emotions Baseline Negative events diary
ITES_2 If they want to, people can change the emotions they have Baseline Negative events diary
ITES_3 No matter how hard they try, people can't really change the emotions that they have Baseline Negative events diary
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions Baseline Negative events diary
ITES_1 Everyone can learn to control their emotions Baseline FEEL Study 1
ITES_2 If they want to, people can change the emotions that they have Baseline FEEL Study 1
ITES_3 No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have Baseline FEEL Study 1
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. Baseline FEEL Study 1
ITES_1 Everyone can learn to control their emotions Follow_up FEEL Study 1
ITES_2 If they want to, people can change the emotions that they have Follow_up FEEL Study 1
ITES_3 No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have Follow_up FEEL Study 1
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. Follow_up FEEL Study 1
ITES_IRR_1 Everyone can learn to decrease their irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_2 If they want to, people can make themselves feel less irritated. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_3 No matter how hard they try, people can't really decrease their irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_4 The truth is, people have very little control over how irritated they feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_1 I can learn to decrease my irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_2 If I want to, I can make myself feel less irritated. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_3 No matter how hard I try, I can't really decrease my irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_4 The truth is, I have very little control over how irritated I feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_SAD_SELF_1 I can learn to decrease my sadness. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_SAD_SELF_2 If I want to, I can make myself feel less sad. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_SAD_SELF_3 No matter how hard I try, I can't really decrease my sadness. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_SAD_SELF_4 The truth is, I have very little control over how sad I feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_CALM_SELF_1 I can learn to increase my calmness. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_CALM_SELF_2 If I want to, I can make myself feel calmer. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_CALM_SELF_3 No matter how hard I try, I can't really increase my calmness. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_CALM_SELF_4 The truth is, I have very little control over how calm I feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_1 Everyone can learn to control their emotions Baseline Emotional events in daily life
ITES_2 If they want to, people can change the emotions they have Baseline Emotional events in daily life
ITES_3 No matter how hard they try, people can’t really change the emotions that they have Baseline Emotional events in daily life
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions Baseline Emotional events in daily life
ITES_1 Anyone can learn to control their emotions. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_2 If people want to, they can change the emotions they experience. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_3 No matter how hard people try, they can't really change the emotions they experience. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_1 Anyone can learn to control their emotions. Follow_up Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_2 If people want to, they can change the emotions they experience. Follow_up Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_3 No matter how hard people try, they can't really change the emotions they experience. Follow_up Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
ITES_4 The truth is, people have very little control over their emotions. Follow_up Leuven emotions in daily life 2012