
A feeling of annoyance or impatience

The following variables relate to Irritation:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
IRR How irritated do you feel right now? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY How annoyed do you feel right now? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR How irritated do you feel right now? Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY How annoyed do you feel right now? Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_WEEK How much irritation did you experience in the past week? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY_WEEK How much annoyance did you experience in the past week? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_GEN In general, how irritated do you feel? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY_GEN In general, how annoyed do you feel? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR How irritated do you feel right now? Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY How annoyed do you feel right now? Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_WEEK How much irritation did you experience in the past week? - . Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
ANNOY_WEEK How much annoyance did you experience in the past week? - . Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR Irritated ESM Negative events diary
PSS_1 In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? Baseline Negative events diary
IRREV_1 Did anything irritating happen to you today? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRREV_2 How irritating was it? - . ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRRPAST_1 How irritating was it? - . ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_1 Everyone can learn to decrease their irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_2 If they want to, people can make themselves feel less irritated. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_3 No matter how hard they try, people can't really decrease their irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_4 The truth is, people have very little control over how irritated they feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_1 I can learn to decrease my irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_2 If I want to, I can make myself feel less irritated. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_3 No matter how hard I try, I can't really decrease my irritation. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ITES_IRR_SELF_4 The truth is, I have very little control over how irritated I feel. Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_BELIEF_1 Irritation is - - Bad:Good Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_BELIEF_2 Irritation is - - Harmful:Useful Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_BELIEF_3 Irritation is - - Foolish:Wise Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_BELIEF_4 Irritation is - - Worthless:Valuable Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_BELIEF_5 Irritation is - - Redundant:Necessary Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_PLEAS When you feel irritated, how pleasant or unpleasant does it typically feel? Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR_USEFUL When you feel irritated, to what extent is such an experience useful or harmful to you? Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
IRR Irritated Baseline Exam results study
IRR How irritated do you feel right now? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2008