
A feeling of satisfaction and being at ease

The following variables relate to Contentment:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
CONT Contented ESM Negative events diary
CONT How content do you feel right now? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
HAP Happy Baseline Negative events diary
CONT How content do you feel right now? - . Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
SPANE_12 Contented Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
CONT How content do you feel right now? - . Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
SPANE_12 Contented Follow_up Motivated emotion regulation diary
CONT When you think about your grades right now, how content are you feeling? ESM Exam results study
CONT Contented Baseline Exam results study
CONT_SEM1 content Follow_up2 Exam results study
CONT_SEM2 content Follow_up2 Exam results study
CONT To what extent do you feel content this moment? ESM Leuven emotion dynamics 2017
CONT Contented ESM Secrecy diary
CONT Contented Baseline Secrecy diary