
The conscious exertion of mental or physical activity

The following variables relate to Effort:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
ER_CHANGE How often do you try to decrease your level of irritation? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
ER_EFFORT_2 Today, how hard did you try to decrease your irritation? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
TIP Did you read the tip that was sent to you via email earlier today? ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
TIP_IMP To what extent did you try to implement the tip? - . ESM Motivated emotion regulation diary
ER_CHANGE How often do you try to decrease your level of irritation? (1, 9: trait; 2-8: state) Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
ER_EFFORT In general, how hard do you try to decrease your irritation? Baseline Motivated emotion regulation diary
CTXT_APPR_9 To what extent did you feel you needed to exert yourself to deal with this situation? ESM Negative events diary
ER_CHANGE How often do you try to decrease your level of irritation? Motivated emotion regulation diary
ER_EFFORT In the past week, how hard did you try to decrease your irritation? Motivated emotion regulation diary
NEG_DOWN_EFFORT How much did you try to decrease your negative feelings during the event? ESM Emotional events in daily life
EFFORT Since the last beep, have you tried to change your feelings? ESM Leuven emotions in daily life 2012
EFFORT How much did you try to influence your emotions about the secret today? ESM Secrecy diary