Emotion Regulation Effort (2020)

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Citation article

Flexibility or instability? Emotion goal dynamics and mental health
Year of publication:
Publication name:
Volume number:
Issue number:
Page numbers:
doi: 10.1037/emo0001318
Publication type:
Refereed Journal Article

Study details

Baseline session:
Followup session:
Study design:
First, a screening survey was completed on Qualtrics to assess potential participants eligibility for the study. If eligible, participants completed the baseline survey, also on Qualtrics. At the beginning of this survey, participants were given the Plain Language Statement and provided informed consent. Participants then responded to a number of self-report measures of emotion-relevant trait variables. At the end of the baseline participants watched two videos explaining the methdological details of the study and how to use the SEMA3 ESM survey smartphone app. The day after the baseline, participants began the ESM component, where they received survey notifications on their smartphones via the application SEMA3. Participants received 8 surveys each day for seven consecutive days. Participants responded to 22 questions in each ESM survey. The questions were identical in each survey. In the ESM surveys participants were asked about their emotion regulation efforts, emotion regulation strategies, current emotions and other emotion regulation related items. To ensure an equal distribution of surveys across the day, the surveys were scheduled using a stratified random interval scheme, with the day divided into eight equal windows. Participants received an ESM prompt at a random time within the first 45 minutes of each window. To ensure two surveys did not arrive too close together, we programmed the survey so that there were at least 30 minutes between beeps. Once they received a beep, participants had 20 minutes to fill out the survey. If a participant did not respond within the first 10 minutes, they received a survey reminder, and if they still did not respond they received another reminder just before the end of the expiry period. Participants received approximately 56 surveys overall (M = 55.66).
ESM measurement waves:
Ethics granting body:
The Psychology Health and Applied Sciences Human Ethics Sub-Committee of The University of Melbourne
Ethics protocol number:
Location of participants (Countries):
Background information:
Collection platform:
Days of ESM data collection:
Number of ESM measures per day:
Sampling schedule:
ESM schedule start time:
ESM schedule end time:
ESM schedule duration:

Sample details

Type of sample:
Participants were aged 18 to 66 (M = 28.84, SD = 10.24), with 132 women, 38 men, and 3 participants who listed another gender. Two participants listed infeasible ages (likely typographical errors), and so their ages were coded as missing data. Fifty percent of participants identified as White or Caucasian, 17% as East Asian, 16% as South Asian, and 17% as other ethnicities.
Recruitment information:
Participants were recruited in three ways: the University of Melbourne Research Experience Program (n = 28), the University of Melbourne online paid SONA system (a registry of participants interested in paid research opportunities, n = 38), and community advertising (using Facebook, Twitter, and University staff newsletters, n = 107). Research Experience Program (REP) participants were first year undergraduate students who received up to 3% course credit for participation in the baseline and ESM surveys, with credit amount depending on level of participation. Paid and community participants were reimbursed $45 for completion of the baseline and ESM surveys, with payment amount depending on level of participation. Participants were required to own an Android or iPhone smartphone compatible with the application used for the ESM surveys. An additional criterion for paid and community participants was that they were required to be current residents of Australia. We implemented this criterion due to coordination problems that arose from time zone differences
REP students received 1% course credit for participants in the baseline session. If REP students completed up to 28 of the 56 smartphone surveys, they received 1% course credit. If they completed between 29 or more of the surveys, they received 2% course credit. Paid participants received $15 in vouchers for participating in the baseline session (Part 1), and up to $30 in vouchers for participating in the smartphone surveys (Part 2), for a possible $45 in vouchers in total. They received the full $30 for the smartphone surveys if they completed at least 80% of the surveys. They received $5 less for every 10% fewer surveys they completed (so for example, if they completed between 70 - 79% they received $25 for the smartphone surveys)
No participants were excluded from analyses, however four participants stopped the study early: Two because of technical issues, one because of issues related to COVID-19, and one did not provide a reason. Data exclusions have yet to be applied to this dataset based on careless responding. However, this data contains corresponding columns indicating which items were completed too quickly. There are 3668 item responses within surveys (.02% of all item responses) that were completed in less than 650 ms and 149 complete survey responses (.02%of all surveys) had more than 50% of the items completed in less than 650 ms. Data exclusions can be applied to this dataset using the relevant response time information in the dataset.
Number of participants:

Contact info

Imogen Smith
Contact email:
Selection Variable Info Assessment type Constructs
bfi2_16 Tends to be quiet Baseline
bfi2_17 Feels little sympathy for others Baseline
bfi2_18 Is systematic, likes to keep things in order Baseline
bfi2_19 Can be tense Baseline
bfi2_20 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature Baseline
bfi2_21 Is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline
bfi2_22 Starts arguments with others Baseline
bfi2_23 Has difficulty getting started on tasks Baseline
bfi2_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self Baseline
bfi2_25 Avoids intellectual, philosophical discussions Baseline
bfi2_26 Is less active than other people Baseline
bfi2_27 Has a forgiving nature Baseline
bfi2_28 Can be somewhat careless Baseline
bfi2_29 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline
bfi2_30 Has little creativity Baseline
bfi2_31 Is sometimes shy, introverted Baseline
bfi2_32 Is helpful and unselfish with others Baseline
bfi2_33 Keeps things neat and tidy Baseline
bfi2_34 Worries a lot Baseline
bfi2_35 Values art and beauty Baseline
bfi2_36 Finds it hard to influence people Baseline
bfi2_37 Is sometimes rude to others Baseline
bfi2_38 Is efficient, gets things done Baseline
bfi2_39 Often feels sad Baseline
bfi2_40 Is complex, a deep thinker Baseline
bfi2_41 Is full of energy Baseline
bfi2_42 Is suspicious of others’ intentions Baseline
bfi2_43 Is reliable, can always be counted on Baseline
bfi2_44 Keeps their emotions under control Baseline
bfi2_45 Has difficulty imagining things Baseline
bfi2_46 Is talkative Baseline
bfi2_47 Can be cold and uncaring Baseline
bfi2_48 Leaves a mess, doesn’t clean up Baseline
bfi2_49 Rarely feels anxious or afraid Baseline
bfi2_50 Thinks poetry and plays are boring Baseline
bfi2_51 Prefers to have others take charge Baseline
bfi2_52 Is polite, courteous to others Baseline
bfi2_53 Is persistent, works until the task is finished Baseline
bfi2_54 Tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline
bfi2_55 Has little interest in abstract ideas Baseline
bfi2_56 Shows a lot of enthusiasm Baseline
bfi2_57 Assumes the best about people Baseline
bfi2_58 Sometimes behaves irresponsibly Baseline
bfi2_59 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline
bfi2_60 Is original, comes up with new ideas Baseline
TMZ Participant timezone ESM
STUDY_NAME Name of study Global
CREATED_TS Date and time survey created ESM
SCHEDULED_TS Date and time survey scheduled ESM
STARTED_TS Date and time survey started ESM
EXPIRED_TS Date and time survey expired ESM
UPLOADED_TS Date and time survey uploaded ESM
TOTAL_RT Total survey resonse time (in ms) ESM
HAPPY_NOW Right now, how happy do you feel? ESM
HAPPY_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
CALM_NOW Right now, how calm do you feel? ESM
CALM_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
HOPEFUL_NOW Right now, how hopeful do you feel? ESM
HOPEFUL_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
ANXIOUS_NOW Right now, how anxious do you feel? ESM
ANXIOUS_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
STRESSED_NOW Right now, how stressed do you feel? ESM
STRESSED_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
SAD_NOW Right now, how sad do you feel? ESM
SAD_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
ANGRY_NOW Right now, how angry do you feel? ESM
ANGRY_NOW_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
HAPPY_GOAL Right now, how happy do you want to feel? ESM
HAPPY_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
CALM_GOAL Right now, how calm do you want to feel? ESM
CALM_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
HOPEFUL_GOAL Right now, how hopeful do you want to feel? ESM
HOPEFUL_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
ANXIOUS_GOAL Right now, how anxious do you want to feel? ESM
ANXIOUS_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
STRESSED_GOAL Right now, how stressed do you want to feel? ESM
STRESSED_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
SAD_GOAL Right now, how sad do you want to feel? ESM
SAD_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
ANGRY_GOAL Right now, how angry do you want to feel? ESM
ANGRY_GOAL_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
MOTIVE_1 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Increasing my immediate pleasure ESM
MOTIVE_2 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Increasing my immediate displeasure ESM
MOTIVE_3 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Helping me undertake a task ESM
MOTIVE_4 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Helping me learn something ESM
MOTIVE_5 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Helping with my social relationships ESM
MOTIVE_6 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: Helping me grow as a person ESM
MOTIVE_7 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: I have another motivation ESM
MOTIVE_8 What are your motivations for wanting to feel these different emotions? Please select all that apply: I do not have a motivation ESM
MOTIVE_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
EFFORT_AMOUNT Since the last survey, how much effort did you put into influencing your emotions? ESM
EFFORT_AMOUNT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
EFFORT_INTENT Since the last survey, did you try to influence your emotions? ESM
EFFORT_INTENT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
EFFORT_TYPE_1 I tried to increase or maintain positive emotion ESM
EFFORT_TYPE_2 I tried to increase or maintain negative emotion ESM
EFFORT_TYPE_3 I tried to decrease negative emotion ESM
EFFORT_TYPE_4 I tried to decrease positive emotion ESM
EFFORT_TYPE_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
EFFICACY Since the last survey, did you feel like you could control your emotions? ESM
EFFICACY_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
SUCCESS Since the last survey, how successful were you in controlling your emotions? ESM
SUCCESS_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NO_EFFORT_1 Why didn't you try to influence your emotions? Please select all that apply: It was too difficult ESM
NO_EFFORT_2 Why didn't you try to influence your emotions? Please select all that apply: I didn't want to ESM
NO_EFFORT_4 Why didn't you try to influence your emotions? Please select all that apply: I didn't have a reason ESM
NO_EFFORT_3 Why didn't you try to influence your emotions? Please select all that apply: I had another reason ESM
NO_EFFORT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NO_EFFICACY Since the last survey, if you'd wanted to, do you feel like you could've controlled your emotions? ESM
NO_EFFICACY_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NO_SUCCESS Since the last survey, if you'd wanted to, how successful do you feel you could've been in controlling your emotions? ESM
NO_SUCCESS_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
POS_EVENT Since the last survey, have you experienced a positive event? ESM
POS_EVENT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
POS_EXTENT How positive was this event? ESM
POS_EXTENT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NO_POS Since the last survey, how positive have things generally been for you? ESM
NO_POS_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NEG_EVENT Since the last survey, have you experienced a negative event? ESM
NEG_EVENT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NEG_EXTENT How negative was this event? ESM
NEG_EXTENT_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
NO_NEG Since the last survey, how negative have things generally been for you? ESM
NO_NEG_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
STRATEGY_1 Distracted myself from my emotions ESM
STRATEGY_2 Changed the way I was thinking ESM
STRATEGY_3 Accepted my emotions as they are ESM
STRATEGY_4 Suppressed the expression of my emotions ESM
STRATEGY_5 Dwelled on my emotions ESM
STRATEGY_6 Shared my emotions with others ESM
STRATEGY_7 I used another strategy ESM
STRATEGY_8 I did not use a strategy ESM
STRATEGY_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
EFFORT_BHVR Since the last survey, how much effort did you put into influencing the way you behaved or acted? ESM
EFFORT_BHVR_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
CHANGE_BHVR Since the last survey, did you try to influence the way you behaved or acted? ESM
CHANGE_BHVR_RT Response time for relevant variable ESM
SurveyNumber ESM survey number ESM
survey_completed Whether the ESM survey was completed ESM
number_completed Total number of surveys completed by participant ESM
DayNumber ESM phase day number ESM
SCHEDULED_TS_dt_lag Lagged survey time (Date and time previous survey scheduled) ESM
inter_survey_interval Time between previous and current survey (in minutes) ESM
toofast.HAPPY_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.CALM_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.HOPEFUL_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.ANXIOUS_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.STRESSED_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.SAD_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.ANGRY_NOW_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.HAPPY_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.CALM_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.HOPEFUL_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.ANXIOUS_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.STRESSED_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.SAD_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.ANGRY_GOAL_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.MOTIVE_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.EFFORT_AMOUNT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.EFFORT_INTENT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.EFFORT_TYPE_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.EFFICACY_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.SUCCESS_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NO_EFFORT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NO_EFFICACY_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NO_SUCCESS_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.POS_EVENT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.POS_EXTENT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NO_POS_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NEG_EVENT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NEG_EXTENT_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.NO_NEG_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.STRATEGY_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.EFFORT_BHVR_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast.CHANGE_BHVR_RT Whether to keep or remove item based on response time ESM
toofast_count Number of surveys completed too fast ESM
StartDate Baseline start date and time ESM
EndDate Baseline end date and time ESM
Duration..in.seconds. Time taken to complete baseline Baseline
GENDER What is your gender? Baseline
gender_4_TEXT Gender if selected "Prefer to self-identify" Baseline
AGE What is your age in years (please ONLY enter a NUMBER)? Baseline
ETHN What is your ethnicity? Please select all that apply. Baseline
ethnicity_8_TEXT Ethnicity if specified "Other" Baseline
NATION What is your nationality? (e.g. Australian) Baseline
home_country Home country Baseline
esl Is English your first or native language? Baseline
children Do you have children under 18 years of age? Baseline
children_number Number of children under 18 Baseline
caregiving Do you have any other caregiving responsibilities? Baseline
RELAT What is your relationship status? Baseline
rel_status_6_TEXT Relationship status text (if specified "Other") Baseline
house_size How many people, including you, live in your household? Baseline
EDU What is your level of education? Baseline
edu_current Are you currently studying? (e.g. at University, TAFE, School) Baseline
EMPLOY What is your employment status? Baseline
employ_9_TEXT Employment status is specified "Other" Baseline
religious Are you religious? Baseline
stress_3 In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”? Baseline
stress_1 In the last month, how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? Baseline
stress_2 In the last month, how often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? Baseline
stress_4 In the last month, how often have you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? Baseline
stress_5 In the last month, how often have you felt that things were going your way? Baseline
stress_6 In the last month, how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do? Baseline
stress_7 In the last month, how often have you been able to control irritations in your life? Baseline
stress_8 In the last month, how often have you felt that you were on top of things? Baseline
stress_9 In the last month, how often have you been angered because of things that were outside of your control? Baseline
stress_10 In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? Baseline
GAD.7_1 Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge Baseline
GAD.7_2 Not being able to stop or control worrying Baseline
GAD.7_3 Worrying too much about different things Baseline
GAD.7_4 Trouble relaxing Baseline
GAD.7_5 Being so restless that it's hard to sit still Baseline
GAD.7_6 Becoming easily annoyed or irritable Baseline
GAD.7_7 Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen Baseline
SWLS_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Baseline
SWLS_2 The conditions of my life are excellent. Baseline
SWLS_3 I am satisfied with my life. Baseline
SWLS_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Baseline
SWLS_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. Baseline
CESD_1 I was bothered by things that usually don't bother me. Baseline
CESD_2 I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor. Baseline
CESD_3 I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. Baseline
CESD_4 I felt I was just as good as other people. Baseline
CESD_5 I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing. Baseline
CESD_6 I felt depressed. Baseline
CESD_7 I felt that everything I did was an effort. Baseline
CESD_8 I felt hopeful about the future. Baseline
CESD_9 I thought my life had been a failure. Baseline
CESD_10 I felt fearful. Baseline
CESD_11 My sleep was restless. Baseline
CESD_12 I was happy. Baseline
CESD_13 I talked less than usual. Baseline
CESD_14 I felt lonely. Baseline
CESD_15 People were unfriendly. Baseline
CESD_16 I enjoyed life. Baseline
CESD_17 I had crying spells. Baseline
CESD_18 I felt sad. Baseline
CESD_19 I felt that people dislike me. Baseline
CESD_20 I could not get "going." Baseline
bfi2_1 Is outgoing, sociable Baseline
bfi2_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart Baseline
bfi2_3 Tends to be disorganized Baseline
bfi2_4 Is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline
bfi2_5 Has few artistic interests Baseline
bfi2_6 Has an assertive personality Baseline
bfi2_7 Is respectful, treats others with respect Baseline
bfi2_8 Tends to be lazy Baseline
bfi2_9 Stays optimistic after experiencing a setback Baseline
bfi2_10 Is curious about many different things Baseline
bfi2_11 Rarely feels excited or eager Baseline
bfi2_12 Tends to find fault with others Baseline
bfi2_13 Is dependable, steady Baseline
bfi2_14 Is moody, has up and down mood swings Baseline
bfi2_15 Is inventive, finds clever ways to do things Baseline
social_stat_1 Where would you place yourself on this ladder? Choose the number which best represents where you would be on this ladder at this time in your life relative to other people in Australia. Baseline
infected Have you been infected with the novel coronavirus? Baseline
fam_infected Have any of your close family members had COVID-19? Baseline
employ_covid How has your employment been affected by COVID-19? Please select all that apply. Baseline
employ_covid_8_TEXT COVID employment if specfied "Other" Baseline
employ_essential Are you deemed as an “essential worker” (e.g. healthcare worker, teacher, food services, retail worker)? Baseline
employ_home Are you currently working from home? Baseline
chronic_illness Do you have a chronic physical illness (e.g. diabetes, asthma)? Baseline
worry_general_covid_1 In general, how worried are you about COVID-19? Baseline
worry_specific_covid_1 Becoming unwell myself Baseline
worry_specific_covid_2 Someone I love becoming unwell Baseline
worry_specific_covid_3 Economic recession Baseline
worry_specific_covid_4 Restricted access to supplies (e.g. food) Baseline
worry_specific_covid_5 Health system being overloaded Baseline
worry_specific_covid_6 Becoming unemployed Baseline
PID Sequential participant ID Global