Momentary Mindfulness and Everyday Emotion 2020


Citation article

Impact of a Momentary Mindfulness Intervention on Rumination, Negative Affect, and their Dynamics in Daily Life
Bolzenkötter, T., Neubauer A. B., Koval, P.
Year of publication:
Publication name:
Affective Science
Volume number:
Issue number:
Page numbers:
Publication type:
Refereed Journal Article

Study details

Baseline session:
Followup session:
Study design:
First, participants completed an online baseline survey two days prior to the ESM phase. The baseline comprised demographic questions, reports of meditation experience, meditation practice frequency and several validated self-report questionnaires. The day before the ESM phase, participants installed the SEMA3 app which was used to send the ESM surveys to participants. On this day participants also watched videos with instructions on how to use the app, and explanations of the content of the ESM surveys. The following day the ESM phase commenced where participants received 8 ESM surveys each day for 10 days. ESM surveys were sent via a stratified random-interval scheme. Participants received one survey approximately every 90 minutes. At each ESM survey, participants were randomly assigned to the mindfulness or active control task. Either intervention or control instructions were presented to participants asking them to listen to a 3-minute audio task hosted on, after which participants were instructed to return to the ESM questionnaire. They then completed 15 ESM items. The same set of items were asked, regardless of whether the participants was assigned to the control or intervention task for each survey. The probability of receiving either task varied between-persons, however this was also randomly assigned. Therefore, while all participants received either the mindfulness or active control task throughout the study, the proportion of interventions delivered differed between participants.
ESM measurement waves:
Ethics granting body:
The University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee
Ethics protocol number:
Location of participants (Countries):
Background information:
A technical error occurred on Day 1 of the ESM phase for the first batch of participants, making these data unusable. Therefore, data from Day 1 of Batch 1 was removed from the dataset. Data from Batch 1 begins from Day 2 onwards.
Collection platform:
Days of ESM data collection:
Number of ESM measures per day:
Sampling schedule:
ESM schedule start time:
ESM schedule end time:
ESM schedule duration:

Sample details

Type of sample:
Participants were Prolific participants, whose mean age was 29.2 years (SD = 8.99) and of whom 51.6% were female (46.2% male, 2.2% other).
Recruitment information:
Participants were recruited via the online research platform Prolific. To be eligible, participants were required to (1) be aged at least 18 years; (2) be fluent in English; (3) have a smartphone running Android or iOS; (4) have normal or corrected-to-normal vision; (5) have no hearing loss/difficulties; and (6) have no untreated mental health conditions impacting their daily functioning.
Participants received £6.5 for completing the pre-ESM baseline questionnaires and an additional £4 for watching the ESM introduction video and successfully signing into the ESM app (SEMA3). During the 10-day ESM portion of the study, participants received three payments of £5 for their ongoing participation in the study on days 2, 4 and 7. At the end of the study, participants received £5 for completing the post-ESM follow-up questionnaires and a further £15 bonus if they had an overall ESM compliance rate of 75% or higher.
After initially recruiting 146 participants, 28 participants did not commence the ESM phase (due to technical reasons or voluntarily withdrawal). Additionally, 21 participants whose compliance with the ESM protocol or the intervention was low were excluded during data collection . Six more participants were excluded with low intervention compliance who had not been previously excluded during data collection.
Number of participants:

Contact info

Imogen Smith
Contact email:
Selection Variable Info Assessment type Constructs
BATCH Number of batch the participant belongs to Global
START_DATETIME Date and time baseline started Baseline
END_DATETIME Date and time baseline completed Baseline
DURATION_TOTAL Time taken to complete baseline Baseline
COVID_AFFEC How much have you been affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic? Baseline
AGE How old are you in years? Baseline
GENDER What is your gender? Baseline
ETHN How do you describe your ethnicity? Baseline
ESL Is English your first language? Baseline
EDU What is the highest level of education you have completed? Baseline
EMPLOY_STUDENT What is your current employment status (select all that apply)? Student Baseline
EMPLOY_PARTTIME What is your current employment status (select all that apply)? Part time Baseline
EMPLOY_FULLTIME What is your current employment status (select all that apply)? Full time Baseline
EMPLOY_NOTEMPLOYED What is your current employment status (select all that apply)? Not employed Baseline
EMPLOY_RETIRED What is your current employment status (select all that apply)? Retired Baseline
RELAT What is your relationship status? Baseline
EXP_MEDITATION Do you have any previous experience with meditation (e.g. Mindfulness, Zen, Vipashyana,meditative comtemplation, mind training etc.)? Baseline
PRAC_MEDITATION Are you currently practicing mindfulness meditation, if yes, how frequent is it? Baseline
DASS_1 I found it hard to wind down. Baseline
DASS_2 I was aware of dryness of my mouth Baseline
DASS_3 I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all Baseline
DASS_4 I experienced breathing difficulty (e.g. excessively rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion) Baseline
DASS_5 I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things Baseline
DASS_6 I tended to over-react to situations Baseline
DASS_7 I experienced trembling (e.g. in the hands) Baseline
DASS_8 I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy Baseline
DASS_9 I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself Baseline
DASS_10 I felt that I had nothing to look forward to Baseline
DASS_11 I found myself getting agitated Baseline
DASS_12 I found it difficult to relax Baseline
DASS_13 I felt down-hearted and blue Baseline
DASS_14 I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I was doing Baseline
DASS_15 I felt I was close to panic Baseline
DASS_16 I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything Baseline
DASS_17 I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person Baseline
DASS_18 I felt that I was rather touchy Baseline
DASS_19 I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical exertion (e.g. sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat) Baseline
DASS_20 I felt scared without any good reason Baseline
DASS_21 I felt that life was meaningless Baseline
WEMWBS_1 I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future Baseline
WEMWBS_2 I’ve been feeling useful Baseline
WEMWBS_3 I’ve been feeling interested in other people Baseline
WEMWBS_4 I’ve had energy to spare Baseline
WEMWBS_5 I’ve been dealing with problems well Baseline
WEMWBS_6 I’ve been thinking clearly Baseline
WEMWBS_7 I’ve been feeling good about myself Baseline
WEMWBS_8 I’ve been feeling close to other people Baseline
WEMWBS_9 I’ve been feeling confident Baseline
WEMWBS_10 I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things Baseline
WEMWBS_11 I’ve been feeling loved Baseline
WEMWBS_12 I’ve been interested in new things Baseline
WEMWBS_13 I’ve been feeling cheerful Baseline
PANAS_1 Interested Baseline
PANAS_2 Distressed Baseline
PANAS_3 Excited Baseline
PANAS_4 Upset Baseline
PANAS_5 Strong Baseline
PANAS_6 Guilty Baseline
PANAS_7 Scared Baseline
PANAS_8 Hostile Baseline
PANAS_9 Enthusiastic Baseline
PANAS_10 Proud Baseline
PANAS_11 Irritable Baseline
PANAS_12 Alert Baseline
PANAS_13 Ashamed Baseline
PANAS_14 Inspired Baseline
PANAS_15 Nervous Baseline
PANAS_16 Determined Baseline
PANAS_17 Attentive Baseline
PANAS_18 Jittery Baseline
PANAS_19 Active Baseline
PANAS_20 Afraid Baseline
RRS_1 Think "What am I doing to deserve this?" Baseline
RRS_2 Analyse recent events to try to understand why you are depressed Baseline
RRS_3 Think "Why do I always react this way?" Baseline
RRS_4 Go away by yourself and think about why you feel this way Baseline
RRS_5 Write down what you are thinking and analyse it Baseline
RRS_6 Think about a recent situation, wishing it had gone better Baseline
RRS_7 Think "Why do I have problems other people don't have?" Baseline
RRS_8 Think "Why can't I handle things better?" Baseline
RRS_9 Analyse your personality to try to understand why you are depressed Baseline
RRS_10 Go someplace alone to think about your feelings Baseline
FFMQ_1 While walking, I am aware of the sensations in my body. Baseline
FFMQ_2 I can describe my feelings well. Baseline
FFMQ_3 I criticize myself for having irrational emotions and thoughts. Baseline
FFMQ_4 I can perceive emotions without reacting to them. Baseline
FFMQ_5 When I do things, my mind wanders off and I’m easily distracted. Baseline
FFMQ_6 I am aware of the bodily sensations when I take a bath Baseline
FFMQ_7 I can easily talk about my thoughts and opinions. Baseline
FFMQ_8 I don’t pay attention to my work as I am busy daydreaming most of the time. Baseline
FFMQ_9 I can watch my feelings without getting attached to them. Baseline
FFMQ_10 I correct myself when I think the way I shouldn’t. Baseline
FFMQ_11 I can feel how eating and drinking affect my body and mind. Baseline
FFMQ_12 I find it hard to express what I feel. Baseline
FFMQ_13 I am easily distracted. Baseline
FFMQ_14 I am aware that some of my thoughts are not normal, and I know that I shouldn’t feel that way. Baseline
FFMQ_15 I can feel pure sensations like the wind or the sunlight touching my skin. Baseline
FFMQ_16 Sometimes I cannot find words to express what I feel. Baseline
FFMQ_17 I judge my thoughts as good or bad. Baseline
FFMQ_18 I find it difficult to sustain focus. Baseline
FFMQ_19 I step back when I catch myself thinking something negative or distressing. Baseline
FFMQ_20 I can pay attention to the clock ticking, birds chirping, and cars passing. Baseline
FFMQ_21 I think before reacting under stressful situations. Baseline
FFMQ_22 I find it difficult to describe my bodily sensations in words Baseline
FFMQ_23 I sometimes feel that I am not in complete awareness of myself. Baseline
FFMQ_24 I can calm down soon after experiencing distressing thoughts and impulses. Baseline
BFI_1 I am someone who tends to be quiet Baseline
BFI_2 I am someone who worries a lot Baseline
BFI_3 I am someone who is dominant, acts as a leader Baseline
BFI_4 I am someone who who tends to feel depressed, blue Baseline
BFI_5 I am someone who is full of energy Baseline
BFI_6 I am someone who who is emotionally stable, not easily upset Baseline
BFI_7 I am someone who is outgoing, sociable Baseline
BFI_8 I am someone who is relaxed, handles stress well Baseline
BFI_9 I am someone who prefers others take charge Baseline
BFI_10 I am someone who feels secure, comfortable with myself Baseline
BFI_11 I am someone who is less active than other people Baseline
BFI_12 I am someone who is temperamental, gets emotional easily Baseline
SWLS_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Baseline
SWLS_2 The conditions of my life are excellent Baseline
SWLS_3 I am satisfied with my life. Baseline
SWLS_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life Baseline
SWLS_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing Baseline
RSE_1 On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. Baseline
RSE_2 At times, I think I am no good at all. Baseline
RSE_3 I feel that I have a number of good qualities. Baseline
RSE_4 I am able to do things as well as most other people. Baseline
RSE_5 I feel I do not have much to be proud of. Baseline
RSE_6 I certainly feel useless at times. Baseline
RSE_7 I feel that I’m a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others. Baseline
RSE_8 I wish I could have more respect for myself. Baseline
RSE_9 All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure. Baseline
RSE_10 I take a positive attitude toward myself. Baseline
SURVEY_NUMBER Sequential number of survey for entire ESM phase ESM
SURVEY_NUMBER_EACHDAY Number of survey within the given day ESM
CREATED_DATETIME Date and time ESM survey created ESM
SCHEDULED_DATETIME Date and time ESM survey scheduled ESM
STARTED_DATETIME Date and time ESM survey started ESM
PROB_ID randomized probability of receiving the mindfulness intervention vs. the control task for this participant. ESM
OCCASION_PROB randomized probability of this specific survey to deliver the mindfulness intervention vs. the control task. ESM
RAND_PROB Final randomized probability of delivering the mindfulness (vs. active control) intervention. ESM
INTERVEN_RT reaction time to the mindfulness intervention in miliseconds ESM
CONTRL_RT reaction time to the control task in miliseconds ESM
MOMENT_MINDFUL1_RT reaction time to the item MOMENT_MINDFUL1 (used for checking compliance for the audio task) ESM
MOMENT_MINDFUL2_RT reaction time to the item MOMENT_MINDFUL2 used for checking compliance for the audio task) ESM
RUM_RT reaction time to the item RUM (used for checking compliance for the audio task) ESM
MOMENT_MINDFUL1 Over the last minutes, were you curious about each thought/feeling that you had? ESM
MOMENT_MINDFUL2 Over the last minutes, did you try to accept each thought/feeling you had, whether it was pleasant or unpleasant? ESM
RUM Over the last minutes, did you find yourself getting stuck on your feelings and problems? ESM
SAD Right now, how sad do you feel? ESM
STR Right now, how stressed do you feel? ESM
ANX Right now, how anxious do you feel? ESM
DEPR Right now, how depressed do you feel? ESM
ANG Right now, how angry do you feel? ESM
RLX Right now, how relaxed do you feel? ESM
CALM Right now, how calm do you feel? ESM
HAP Right now, how happy do you feel? ESM
CHEER Right now, how cheerful do you feel? ESM
EXCITE Right now, how excited do you feel? ESM
NEGEV_INTENSITY Think about the most negative event that has occurred since the last survey, how intense was it? ESM
POSEV_INTENSITY Think about the most positive event that has occurred since the last survey, how intense was it? ESM
INTERVENTION_OR_CTRL Whether the mindfulness intervention or control task was completed at this survey ESM
START_DATETIME Follow up start date and time Follow_up
END_DATETIME Follow up end date and time Follow_up
DURATION_TOTAL Time taken to complete follow up Follow_up
DASS_1 I found it hard to wind down. Follow_up
DASS_2 I was aware of dryness of my mouth Follow_up
DASS_3 I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all Follow_up
DASS_4 I experienced breathing difficulty (e.g. excessively rapid breathing, breathlessness in the absence of physical exertion) Follow_up
DASS_5 I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things Follow_up
DASS_6 I tended to over-react to situations Follow_up
DASS_7 I experienced trembling (e.g. in the hands) Follow_up
DASS_8 I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy Follow_up
DASS_9 I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a fool of myself Follow_up
DASS_10 I felt that I had nothing to look forward to Follow_up
DASS_11 I found myself getting agitated Follow_up
DASS_12 I found it difficult to relax Follow_up
DASS_13 I felt down-hearted and blue Follow_up
DASS_14 I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what I was doing Follow_up
DASS_15 I felt I was close to panic Follow_up
DASS_16 I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything Follow_up
DASS_17 I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person Follow_up
DASS_18 I felt that I was rather touchy Follow_up
DASS_19 I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physical exertion (e.g. sense of heart rate increase, heart missing a beat) Follow_up
DASS_20 I felt scared without any good reason Follow_up
DASS_21 I felt that life was meaningless Follow_up
WEMWBS_1 I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future Follow_up
WEMWBS_2 I’ve been feeling useful Follow_up
WEMWBS_3 I’ve been feeling interested in other people Follow_up
WEMWBS_4 I’ve had energy to spare Follow_up
WEMWBS_5 I’ve been dealing with problems well Follow_up
WEMWBS_6 I’ve been thinking clearly Follow_up
WEMWBS_7 I’ve been feeling good about myself Follow_up
WEMWBS_8 I’ve been feeling close to other people Follow_up
WEMWBS_9 I’ve been feeling confident Follow_up
WEMWBS_10 I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things Follow_up
WEMWBS_11 I’ve been feeling loved Follow_up
WEMWBS_12 I’ve been interested in new things Follow_up
WEMWBS_13 I’ve been feeling cheerful Follow_up
RRS_1 Think "What am I doing to deserve this?" Follow_up
RRS_2 Analyse recent events to try to understand why you are depressed Follow_up
RRS_3 Think "Why do I always react this way?" Follow_up
RRS_4 Go away by yourself and think about why you feel this way Follow_up
RRS_5 Write down what you are thinking and analyse it Follow_up
RRS_6 Think about a recent situation, wishing it had gone better Follow_up
RRS_7 Think "Why do I have problems other people don't have?" Follow_up
RRS_8 Think "Why can't I handle things better?" Follow_up
RRS_9 Analyse your personality to try to understand why you are depressed Follow_up
RRS_10 Go someplace alone to think about your feelings Follow_up
FFMQ_1 While walking, I am aware of the sensations in my body. Follow_up
FFMQ_2 I can describe my feelings well. Follow_up
FFMQ_3 I criticize myself for having irrational emotions and thoughts. Follow_up
FFMQ_4 I can perceive emotions without reacting to them. Follow_up
FFMQ_5 When I do things, my mind wanders off and I’m easily distracted. Follow_up
FFMQ_6 I am aware of the bodily sensations when I take a bath Follow_up
FFMQ_7 I can easily talk about my thoughts and opinions. Follow_up
FFMQ_8 I don’t pay attention to my work as I am busy daydreaming most of the time. Follow_up
FFMQ_9 I can watch my feelings without getting attached to them. Follow_up
FFMQ_10 I correct myself when I think the way I shouldn’t. Follow_up
FFMQ_11 I can feel how eating and drinking affect my body and mind. Follow_up
FFMQ_12 I find it hard to express what I feel. Follow_up
FFMQ_13 I am easily distracted. Follow_up
FFMQ_14 I am aware that some of my thoughts are not normal, and I know that I shouldn’t feel that way. Follow_up
FFMQ_15 I can feel pure sensations like the wind or the sunlight touching my skin. Follow_up
FFMQ_16 Sometimes I cannot find words to express what I feel. Follow_up
FFMQ_17 I judge my thoughts as good or bad. Follow_up
FFMQ_18 I find it difficult to sustain focus. Follow_up
FFMQ_19 I step back when I catch myself thinking something negative or distressing. Follow_up
FFMQ_20 I can pay attention to the clock ticking, birds chirping, and cars passing. Follow_up
FFMQ_21 I think before reacting under stressful situations. Follow_up
FFMQ_22 I find it difficult to describe my bodily sensations in words Follow_up
FFMQ_23 I sometimes feel that I am not in complete awareness of myself. Follow_up
FFMQ_24 I can calm down soon after experiencing distressing thoughts and impulses. Follow_up
SWLS_1 In most ways my life is close to my ideal. Follow_up
SWLS_2 The conditions of my life are excellent Follow_up
SWLS_3 I am satisfied with my life. Follow_up
SWLS_4 So far I have gotten the important things I want in life Follow_up
SWLS_5 If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing Follow_up
ESM_EASY I found that the daily ESM surveys were easy to complete. Follow_up
MINDFULNESS_HELPFUL I found that the mindfulness exercises were helpful. Follow_up
AUDIO_EASY I found that the background sound audio tasks were easy to complete. Follow_up