Naturalistic Affect at the Interpersonal Level (NAIL) daily diary


Citation article

Why Do We Engage in Everyday Interpersonal Emotion Regulation?
Anh Tran, Katharine H. Greenaway, Elise K. Kalokerinos
Year of publication:
Publication name:
Why Do We Engage in Everyday Interpersonal Emotion Regulation?
Volume number:
Issue number:
Page numbers:
Publication type:
Refereed Journal Article

Study details

Baseline session:
Followup session:
Study design:
Participants first completed trait measures at baseline. The baseline included attention checks and comprehension checks of the daily diary protocol, which participants must pass to be eligible to proceed to the daily diary portion. The 14-day daily diary portion began the day after baseline. Each evening, participants received a Qualtrics link to the day’s diary between 6pm and 7pm, which they had until 11:59pm the same evening to complete. Each survey contained questions on participants’ most significant social interaction of the day. If they did not have an interaction that day, they instead answered questions about a recent significant interaction.
ESM measurement waves:
Ethics granting body:
Ethics protocol number:
Location of participants (Countries):
United Kingdom
Background information:
Collection platform:
Days of ESM data collection:
Number of ESM measures per day:
Sampling schedule:
ESM schedule start time:
Between 18:00 and 19:00
ESM schedule end time:
23:59 the same evening
ESM schedule duration:

Sample details

Type of sample:
Participants were Prolific workers. The sample was demographically representative of the UK.
Recruitment information:
Participants were recruited through, an online data collection platform. To be eligible to participate, participants must be over 18 years old, reside in the UK, and pass all checks for attention and comprehension in the baseline.
We reimbursed participants through Prolific for surveys they have completed each day. Participants received: £3.5 for completing the baseline survey, £0.7 for completing each daily diary (up to £9.80 total), and £2 bonus at the end of the study for completing at least 13 daily diaries.
Twenty-one participants were excluded prior to analysis based on the following pre-registered criteria: 1 failed the comprehension check, 11 only partially completed the baseline survey, and 9 did not complete any daily diaries.
Number of participants:

Contact info

Anh Tran
Contact email:
Selection Variable Info Assessment type Constructs
AGE What is your age in years? Please only enter a number. Baseline
GENDER I identify my gender as... Baseline
BFI_1 Tends to be quiet. Baseline
BFI_2 Is compassionate, has a soft heart. Baseline
BFI_3 Tends to be disorganized. Baseline
BFI_4 Worries a lot. Baseline
BFI_5 Is fascinated by art, music, or literature. Baseline
BFI_6 Is dominant, acts as a leader. Baseline
BFI_7 Is sometimes rude to others. Baseline
BFI_8 Has difficulty getting started on tasks. Baseline
BFI_9 Tends to feel depressed, blue. Baseline
BFI_10 Has little interest in abstract ideas. Baseline
BFI_11 Is full of energy. Baseline
BFI_12 Assumes the best about people. Baseline
BFI_13 Is reliable, can always be counted on. Baseline
BFI_14 Is emotionally stable, not easily upset. Baseline
BFI_15 Is original, comes up with new ideas. Baseline
BFI_16 Is outgoing, sociable. Baseline
BFI_17 Can be cold and uncaring. Baseline
BFI_18 Keeps things neat and tidy. Baseline
BFI_19 Is relaxed, handles stress well. Baseline
BFI_20 Has few artistic interests. Baseline
BFI_21 Prefers to have others take charge. Baseline
BFI_22 Is respectful, treats others with respect. Baseline
BFI_23 Is persistent, works until the task is finished. Baseline
BFI_24 Feels secure, comfortable with self. Baseline
BFI_25 Is complex, a deep thinker. Baseline
BFI_26 Is less active than other people. Baseline
BFI_27 Tends to find fault with others. Baseline
BFI_28 Can be somewhat careless. Baseline
BFI_29 Is temperamental, gets emotional easily. Baseline
BFI_30 Has little creativity. Baseline
RACE_1 White or Caucasian Baseline
RACE_2 Latino or Hispanic Baseline
RACE_3 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Baseline
RACE_4 East Asian Baseline
RACE_5 South Asian Baseline
RACE_6 South-East Asian Baseline
SOCINT Did you interact with anyone today? ESM
EDU What is your level of education? Baseline
DASS21_1 I found it hard to wind down Baseline
DASS21_2 I was aware of dryness of my mouth Baseline
DASS21_3 I couldn’t seem to experience any positive feeling at all Baseline
DASS21_4 I experienced breathing difficulty (eg, excessively rapid breathing, Baseline
DASS21_5 I found it difficult to work up the initiative to do things Baseline
DASS21_6 I tended to over-react to situations Baseline
DASS21_7 I experienced trembling (eg, in the hands) Baseline
DASS21_8 I felt that I was using a lot of nervous energy Baseline
DASS21_9 I was worried about situations in which I might panic and make a foo Baseline
DASS21_10 I felt that I had nothing to look forward to Baseline
DASS21_11 I found myself getting agitated Baseline
DASS21_12 I found it difficult to relax Baseline
DASS21_13 I felt down-hearted and blue Baseline
DASS21_14 I was intolerant of anything that kept me from getting on with what Baseline
DASS21_15 I felt I was close to panic Baseline
DASS21_16 I was unable to become enthusiastic about anything Baseline
DASS21_17 I felt I wasn’t worth much as a person Baseline
DASS21_18 I felt that I was rather touchy Baseline
DASS21_19 I was aware of the action of my heart in the absence of physicalexe Baseline
DASS21_20 I felt scared without any good reason Baseline
DASS21_21 I felt that life was meaningless Baseline
NAT What is your nationality? Baseline
TMMS_5 I am often aware of my feeelings on a matter Baseline
TMMS_6 I am usually confused about how I feel Baseline
TMMS_11 I almost always know exactly how I am feeling Baseline
IRQ_1 When something bad happens, my first impulse is to seek out the company of others. Baseline
IRQ_2 When I’m having trouble, I cannot wait to tell someone about it. Baseline
IRQ_3 I just have to get help from someone when things are going wrong. Baseline
IRQ_4 I manage my emotions by expressing them to others. Baseline
IRQ_5 I appreciate having others’ support through difficult times. Baseline
IRQ_6 Sometimes I just need someone to understand where I’m coming from. Baseline
RACE_7 Black or African American Baseline
RACE_8 Middle Eastern Baseline
RACE_9 African Baseline
RACE_10 Other (please specify) Baseline
EMPLOY What is your employment status? Baseline
RACE_10_TEXT Text entry for RACE_10 Baseline
ESL Is English your first or native language? Baseline
RESID Which country do you live in? Baseline
CHILD Do you have any children? Baseline
HOUSEHOLD How many people, including you, live in your household? Baseline
EMPLOY_9_TEXT Text entry for EMPLOY_9 Baseline
DAY Diary day number ESM
StartDate_D Diary start date ESM
EndDate_D Diary end date ESM
Status_D Diary completion status ESM
Progress_D Diary progress ESM
Duration_D Diary duration ESM
Finished_D Diary completion status ESM
RecordedDate_D Diary recorded date ESM
SOCINT_CONTEXT Please write a sentence or two describing this interaction in the space provided below. ESM
SOCINT_TYPE Did this interaction happen in person or digitally/virtually? ESM
SOCINT_AMT How many people was this interaction with? ESM
SOCINT_REL_2 Family member ESM
SOCINT_REL_3 Romantic partner ESM
SOCINT_REL_4 Co-worker/classmate ESM
SOCINT_REL_5 Housemate (who is not a family member or friend) ESM
SOCINT_REL_6 Neighbour ESM
SOCINT_REL_7 A stranger ESM
SOCINT_REL_8 Other (please specify) ESM
SOCINT_EMO_2 How did you feel about the interaction? ESM
SOCINT_RESP_1 During this interaction, the other person/people understood me ESM
SOCINT_RESP_2 During this interaction, the other person/people made an effort to listen to me ESM
SOCINT_RESP_3 During this interaction, the other person/people let me know that my feelings were understandable or legitimate ESM
EMO_INT_1 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel peaceful? ESM
EMO_INT_4 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel relaxed? ESM
EMO_INT_5 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel excited? ESM
EMO_INT_6 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel enthusiastic? ESM
EMO_INT_7 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel sad? ESM
EMO_INT_8 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel bored? ESM
EMO_INT_9 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel anxious? ESM
EMO_INT_10 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel irritated? ESM
EMO_INT_11 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel gratefu? ESM
EMO_INT_12 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel compassionate? ESM
EMO_INT_13 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel disappointed? ESM
EMO_INT_14 At the end of this interaction, to what extent did you feel guilty? ESM
PER_FEEL Going into this interaction, did you aim to influence the emotion you felt? ESM
PER_SHOW Going into this interaction, did you aim to influence the emotion you showed? ESM
IIER_GOAL_1 I did not turn to them to change my emotions ESM
IIER_GOAL_2 I turned to them to increase or maintain my positive emotion ESM
IIER_GOAL_3 I turned to them to increase or maintain my negative emotion ESM
IIER_GOAL_4 I turned to them to decrease my positive emotion ESM
IIER_GOAL_5 I turned to them to decrease my negative emotion ESM
IIER_WHY_1 I wanted to feel better ESM
IIER_WHY_2 I wanted to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
IIER_WHY_3 I wanted to maintain or build a good relationship ESM
IIER_WHY_4 I wanted to seek clarity, perspective, or advice ESM
IIER_WHY_5 I wanted to seek comfort or reassurance ESM
IIER_WHY_6 I wanted their help to resolve something ESM
IIER_WHY_7 I wanted to understand their feelings or what they were going ESM
IIER_WHY_8 I wanted them to give me a reality check or manage my expecta ESM
IIER_WHY_9 I wanted to punish myself for something I did ESM
IIER_WHY_10 I wanted them to validate how I felt ESM
IIER_WHY_11 I wanted their attention ESM
IIER_WHY_12 I wanted to feel powerful ESM
IIER_WHY_13 I had another reason (please specify) ESM
IIER_WHY_14 I did not have a reason ESM
IIER_WHY_13_TEXT Text entry for IIER_WHY_13 ESM
NO_IIER_WHY_1 It was too difficult ESM
NO_IIER_WHY_2 I didn't want to ESM
NO_IIER_WHY_3 I had another reason ESM
NO_IIER_WHY_4 I didn't have a reason ESM
NO_IIER_DES_1 Would you have liked to turn to the other person/people to change your emotions? ESM
IIER_STRAT_1 They helped me see the situation in a different way ESM
IIER_STRAT_2 They made me feel special or cared for ESM
IIER_STRAT_4 They diverted my attention to something else ESM
IIER_STRAT_6 They asked me to keep my feelings to myself ESM
IIER_STRAT_7 They ignored or invalidated my feelings ESM
IIER_STRAT_8 They continued talking about what was bothering you ESM
EIER_GOAL_1 I did not try to change their emotions ESM
EIER_GOAL_2 I tried to increase or maintain their positive emotion ESM
EIER_GOAL_3 I tried to increase or maintain their negative emotion ESM
EIER_GOAL_4 I tried to decrease their positive emotion ESM
EIER_GOAL_5 I tried to decrease their negative emotion ESM
EIER_WHY_1 I wanted to make them feel better ESM
EIER_WHY_2 I wanted to get them to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
EIER_WHY_3 I wanted to maintain or build a good relationship ESM
EIER_WHY_4 I wanted to offer clarity, perspective, or advice ESM
EIER_WHY_5 I wanted to avoid uncomfortable feelings or situations ESM
EIER_WHY_6 I wanted to feel helpful or good about myself ESM
EIER_WHY_7 I wanted them to understand my feelings, or what I was going through ESM
EIER_WHY_8 I personally wanted to achieve a goal or get something done ESM
EIER_WHY_9 I wanted them to give them a reality check or manage their expectations ESM
EIER_WHY_10 I wanted to punish them for something they did ESM
EIER_WHY_11 I wanted to feel better about myself ESM
EIER_WHY_12 I wanted to help them ESM
EIER_WHY_13 I had another reason ESM
EIER_WHY_14 I did not have a reason ESM
EIER_WHY_13_TEXT Text entry for EIER_WHY_13 ESM
NO_EIER_WHY_1 It was too difficult ESM
NO_EIER_WHY_2 I didn't want to ESM
NO_EIER_WHY_3 I had another reason ESM
NO_EIER_WHY_4 I didn't have a reason ESM
NO_EIER_DES_1 Would you have liked to change the emotions of the other person/people? ESM
EIER_STRAT_1 I helped them see the situation in a different way ESM
EIER_STRAT_2 I made them feel special or cared for ESM
EIER_STRAT_4 I diverted their attention to something else ESM
EIER_STRAT_6 I asked them to keep their feelings to themselves ESM
EIER_STRAT_7 I ignored or invalidated their feelings ESM
EIER_STRAT_8 I continued talking about what was bothering them ESM
EMO_DAY_1 Today, to what extent did you feel sad? ESM
EMO_DAY_4 Today, to what extent did you feel bored? ESM
EMO_DAY_5 Today, to what extent did you feel anxious? ESM
EMO_DAY_6 Today, to what extent did you feel irritated? ESM
EMO_DAY_7 Today, to what extent did you feel guilty? ESM
EMO_DAY_8 Today, to what extent did you feel disappointed? ESM
EIER_STRAT_9 Please select 100 on this slider scale. ESM
IIER_STRAT_9 Please select 100 on this slider scale. ESM
Date_Local_Start_D Diary start date ESM
Time_Local_Start_D Diary start time ESM
SOCINT_TYPE_recoded Recoded social interaction type variable ESM
SOCINT_AMT_recoded Recoded SOCINT_AMT (amount of people in the interaction) variable ESM
SOCINT_REL_recoded Recoded SOCINT_REL (relationship with interaction partner) variable ESM
day_completed Occasion-level binary 0, 1 variable indicating whether the daily diary is completed ESM
number_completed Person-level variable indicating total number of daily diaries completed Global
compliance Person-level variable compliance percentage Global
StartDate_B Baseline start date Baseline
EndDate_B Baseline end date Baseline
Status_B Baseline completion status Baseline
Progress_B Baseline progress Baseline
Duration_B Baseline duration Baseline
Finished_B Baseline completion status Baseline
RecordedDate_B Baseline recorded date Baseline
COMMITMENT Are you willing to participate in this study, which includes the current 30-minute baseline survey today, and 14 days of daily surveys starting tomorrow? Each daily survey will be open on Prolific by 7pm and will stay open until 11:59pm the same evening. Each daily survey will take approximately 6 minutes. You will be paid £0.70 for each daily survey you complete, plus a bonus of £2 for completing at least 13 of the 14 surveys. Baseline
CONSENT I have read the above information and consent to participate in this project. Baseline
IRQ_7 It really helps me feel better during stressful situations when someone knows and cares about what I’m going through. Baseline
IRQ_8 I really appreciate having other people to help me figure out my problems. Baseline
IRQ_9 When things are going well, I just have to tell other people about it. Baseline
IRQ_10 When something good happens, my first impulse is to tell someone about it. Baseline
IRQ_11 When things are going well, I feel compelled to seek out other people. Baseline
IRQ_12 When I want to celebrate something good, I seek out certain people to tell them about it. Baseline
IRQ_13 I’m happier when I’m with my friends than when I’m by myself. Baseline
IRQ_14 Being with other people tends to put a smile on my face. Baseline
IRQ_15 I find that even just being around other people can help me to feel better. Baseline
IRQ_16 I really enjoy being around the people I know. Baseline
EROS_1 I gave someone helpful advice to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_2 I told someone about their shortcomings to try to make them feel worse Baseline
EROS_3 I did something nice with someone to try to make them feel better Baseline
EROS_4 I acted annoyed towards someone to try to make them feel worse Baseline
EROS_5 I explained to someone how they had hurt myself or others, to try to make the person feel worse Baseline
EROS_6 I discussed someone's positive characteristics to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_7 I made someone laugh to try to make them feel better Baseline
EROS_8 I listened to someone's problems to try to improve how they felt Baseline
EROS_9 I spent time with someone to try to improve how they felt Baseline
IEMS_1 I modify the elements of the situation that are having an undesired impact on others Baseline
IEMS_2 I work out plans to remove the negative aspects of situations Baseline
IEMS_3 I remove the negative aspects of the situation that are negatively impacting others Baseline
IEMS_4 I change the situation to alter its emotional impact. Baseline
IEMS_5 I take actions to get rid of the problems others are having Baseline
IEMS_6 When a situation is disturbing others, I focus their attention away from the troubling aspect of the problem Baseline
IEMS_7 I refocus the conversation towards aspects of the situation that others should find more appealing Baseline
IEMS_8 I distract others’ attention from the aspect of the problem causing their undesired emotions. Baseline
IEMS_9 When a situation is unpleasant to others, I refocus them by discussing positive issues. Baseline
IEMS_10 When I think a situation will cause an undesirable emotion in others, I distract them from focusing on the negative aspects of that situation Baseline
IEMS_11 When I want others to feel more positive emotions (such as joy or amusement), I put their problems into perspective. Baseline
IEMS_12 I try to influence the emotions of others by changing how they think about the situation they are in Baseline
IEMS_13 When I want others to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change the meaning they are attaching to a situation Baseline
IEMS_14 When I want others to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change the meaning they are attaching to the situation. Baseline
IEMS_attn This question is to make sure you are reading. Please select 'Agree'. Baseline
IEMS_15 When I want others to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I put their problems into perspective Baseline
IEMS_16 When others are experiencing undesirable emotions, I tell them not to express them. Baseline
IEMS_17 I encourage others to keep their emotions to themselves Baseline
IEMS_18 When others with whom I am interacting are ‘venting’ about a problem, I get them to stop Baseline
IEMS_19 When others are experiencing undesirable emotions, I suggest strategies for them to suppress these emotions. Baseline
IEMS_20 I encourage others not to express their emotions Baseline
ECR-RS_1 It helps to turn to people in times of need. Baseline
ECR-RS_2 I usually discuss my problems and concerns with others. Baseline
ECR-RS_3 I talk things over with people. Baseline
ECR-RS_4 I find it easy to depend on others. Baseline
ECR-RS_5 I don't feel comfortable opening up to others. Baseline
ECR-RS_6 I prefer not to show others how I feel deep down. Baseline
ECR-RS_7 I often worry that other people do not really care for me. Baseline
ECR-RS_8 I'm afraid that other people may abandon me. Baseline
ECR-RS_9 I worry that others won't care about me as much as I care about them. Baseline
ATTEN_TEXT Please describe in 1-2 sentences the last social interaction you had with someone. Baseline
RQS_1a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not your family would want to help you? Baseline
RQS_1b I would expect that they would agree to help as much as they can. Baseline
RSQ_2a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not your friend would want to talk with you? Baseline
RSQ_2b I would expect that he/she would want to talk with me to try to work things out Baseline
RSQ_3a How concerned or anxious would you be over his/her reaction? Baseline
RSQ_3b I would expect that he/she would be willing to discuss our possible options without getting defensive Baseline
RSQ_4a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not the person would want to help you? Baseline
RSQ_4b I would expect that he/she would want to try to help me out. Baseline
RSQ_5a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not your significant other would want to make up with you? Baseline
RSQ_5b I would expect that he/she would be at least as eager to make up as I would be. Baseline
RSQ_6a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not they would want to come? Baseline
RSQ_6b I would expect that they would want to come Baseline
RSQ_7a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not the person would want to talk with you? Baseline
RSQ_7b I would expect that he/she would want to talk with me. Baseline
RSQ_8a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not he/she still loves you and wants to be with you? Baseline
RSQ_8b I would expect that he/she will show sincere love and commitment to our relationship no matter what else may be going on. Baseline
RSQ_9a How concerned or anxious would you be over whether or not your friend would want to listen? Baseline
RSQ_9b I would expect that he/she would listen and support me Baseline
BEE_1 Whenever I feel positive emotions, people can easily see exactly what I am feeling. Baseline
BEE_2 I sometimes cry during sad movies Baseline
BEE_3 People often do not know what I am feeling Baseline
BEE_4 I laugh out loud when someone tells me a joke that I think is funny Baseline
BEE_5 It is difficult for me to hide my fear Baseline
BEE_6 When I'm happy, my feelings show Baseline
BEE_7 My body reacts very strongly to emotional situations. Baseline
BEE_8 I've learned it is better to suppress my anger than to show it Baseline
BEE_9 No matter how nervous or upset I am, I tend to keep a calm exterior. Baseline
BEE_10 I am an emotionally expressive person Baseline
BEE_11 I have strong emotions Baseline
BEE_12 I am sometimes unable to hide my feelings, even though I would like to Baseline
BEE_13 Whenever I feel negative emotions, people can easily see exactly what I am feeling. Baseline
BEE_14 There have been times when I have not been able to stop crying even though I tried to stop Baseline
BEE_15 I experience my emotions very strongly Baseline
BEE_16 What I'm feeling is written all over my face. Baseline
TMMS_1 Sometimes I can't tell what my feelings are Baseline
TMMS_2 I am rarely confused about how I feel Baseline
TMMS_3 I can never tell how I feel Baseline
TMMS_4 My belief and opinions always seem to change depending on how I feel Baseline
TMMS_7 I feel at ease about my emotion Baseline
TMMS_8 I can't make sense out of my feelings Baseline
TMMS_9 I am usually very clear about my feelings Baseline
TMMS_10 I usually know my feelings about a matter Baseline
EXCOR_1 When I give something to another person, I generally expect something in return. Baseline
EXCOR_2 When someone buys me a gift, I try to buy that person as comparable a gift as possible. Baseline
EXCOR_3 I don’t think people should feel obligated to repay others for favors. Baseline
EXCOR_4 I wouldn’t feel exploited if someone failed to repay me for a favor. Baseline
EXCOR_5 I don’t bother to keep track of benefits I have given others. Baseline
EXCOR_6 I believe when people receive benefits from others, they ought to repay those others right Baseline
EXCOR_7 I believe it’s best to make sure things are always kept ‘even’ between two people in a rel Baseline
EXCOR_8 I usually give gifts only to people who have given me gifts in the past. Baseline
EXCOR_9 When someone I know helps me out on a project, I don’t feel I have to pay them back. Baseline
COOR_1 It bothers me when other people neglect my needs Baseline
COOR_2 When making a decision, I take other people’s needs and feelings into account Baseline
COOR_3 I’m not especially sensitive to other people’s feelings Baseline
COOR_4 I don’t consider myself to be a particularly helpful person Baseline
COOR_5 I believe people should go out of their way to be helpful Baseline
COOR_6 I don’t especially enjoy giving others aid Baseline
COOR_7 I expect people I know to be responsive to my needs and feelings Baseline
COOR_attn If you are reading this, please select '1' Baseline
COOR_8 I often go out of my way to help another person Baseline
COOR_9 I believe it’s best not to get involved taking care of other people’s personal needs Baseline
COOR_10 I’m not the sort of person who often comes to the aid of others Baseline
COOR_11 When I have a need, I turn to others I know for help Baseline
COOR_12 When people get emotionally upset, I tend to avoid them Baseline
COOR_13 I believe people should keep their troubles to themselves Baseline
COOR_14 When I have a need that others ignore, I’m hurt Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_1 Sad Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_2 Bored Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_3 Anxious Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_4 Irritated Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_5 Guilty Baseline
EMO_TRAIT_6 Disappointed Baseline
GENDER_4_TEXT Text entry for GENDER_4 Baseline
RESID_5_TEXT Text entry for RESID_5 Baseline
RELATE What is your relationship status? Baseline
RELATE_6_TEXT Text entry for RELATE_6 Baseline
PREGNANT Are you pregnant, or do you think that you might be? Baseline
PREGNANT_LENGTH How far into the pregnancy are you? Please round your answer up to the nearest month, and only enter a number. Baseline
CHILD_AGE What is your child's age in years (please only enter a number)? If you have more than one child, please enter all of their ages, separated by a comma. Baseline
COMP_CHECK_1 Talking for 20 minutes on the phone with a family member Baseline
COMP_CHECK_2 Having an in-person discussion with colleagues at work for over 30 minutes Baseline
COMP_CHECK_3 Texting back and forth with a friend for a few hours in the evening Baseline
COMP_CHECK_4 Exchanging pleasantries with a cashier at the grocery store for under one minute Baseline
COMP_CHECK_5 Making a public social media post Baseline
Date_Local_Start_B Baseline start date Baseline
Date_Local_End_B Baseline end date Baseline
GENDER_recoded Recoded gender variable Baseline
NAT_recoded Recoded nationality variable Baseline
EMPLOY_recoded Recoded employment variable Baseline
RELATE_recoded Recoded relationship status variable Baseline
RACE_recoded Recoded ethnicity variable Baseline