Behavioral Activation Fun

The fun-seeking component of Behavioral Activation, which measures the motivation to find novel rewards

The following variables relate to Behavioral Activation Fun:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Negative events diary
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Everyday emotion regulation
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2008
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline 50 beeps per day
BISBAS_5 I'm always willing to try something new if I think it will be fun Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_10 I will often do things for no other reason than that they might be fun Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_15 I often act on the spur of the moment Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study
BISBAS_20 I crave excitement and new sensations Baseline Leuven emotion dynamics study