
Relevant to mental processes involving learning, remembering, and using knowledge

The following variables relate to Cognition:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
NBACK_NOMATCH_POS_RT Nback positive nonmatch Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WW_POS_ACC Switch word-word pos-pos Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WW_POS_RT Switch word-word pos-pos Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WW_NEG_ACC Switch word-word neg-neg Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WW_NEG_RT Switch word-word neg-neg Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WC_POS_ACC Switch word-color pos-pos Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_CG_NEG_ACC Flanker Congruent Negative Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_CG_NEG_RT Flanker Congruent Negative Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_CG_POS_ACC Flanker Congruent Positive Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_CG_POS_RT Flanker Congruent Positive Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_IG_NEG_ACC Flanker Incongruent Negative Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_IG_NEG_RT Flanker Incongruent Negative Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_IG_POS_ACC Flanker Incongruent Positive Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_IG_POS_RT Flanker Incongruent Positive Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_NEUT_NEG_ACC Flanker Neutral Negative Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_NEUT_NEG_RT Flanker Neutral Negative Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_NEUT_POS_ACC Flanker Neutral Positive Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_NEUT_POS_RT Flanker Neutral Positive Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_ALL_ACC Nback all Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_ALL_RT Nback all Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_MATCH_NEG_ACC Nback negative match Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_MATCH_NEG_RT Nback negative match Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_NOMATCH_NEG_ACC Nback negative nonmatch Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_NOMATCH_NEG_RT Nback negative nonmatch Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_MATCH_POS_ACC Nback positive match Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_MATCH_POS_RT Nback positive match Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_NOMATCH_POS_ACC Nback positive nonmatch Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WC_POS_RT Switch word-color pos-pos Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WC_NEG_ACC Switch word-color neg-neg Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_WC_NEG_RT Switch word-color neg-neg Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CC_NEG_ACC Switch color-color neg-neg Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CC_NEG_RT Switch color-color neg-neg Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CC_POS_ACC Switch color-color pos-pos Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CC_POS_RT Switch color-color pos-pos Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CW_NEG_ACC Switch color-word neg-neg Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CW_NEG_RT Switch color-word neg-neg Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CW_POS_ACC Switch color-word pos-pos Accuracy Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
SWITCH_CW_POS_RT Switch color-word pos-pos Response Time Baseline Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_4 Flanker Congruent Positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_5 Flanker Incongruent Negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_3 Flanker Congruent Positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_1 Flanker Congruent Negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_2 Flanker Congruent Negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_6 Flanker Incongruent Negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_7 Flanker Incongruent Positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_8 Flanker Incongruent Positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWNN_AC Stroop task: Switch word-word negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_9 Flanker Neutral Negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWPP_RT Stroop task: Switch word-color positive-positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_10 Flanker Neutral Negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCPP_RT Stroop task: Switch word-color positive-positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_11 Flanker Neutral Positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWPP_AC Stroop task: Switch word-word positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_12 Flanker Neutral Positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCPP_AC Stroop task: Switch word-color positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_1 Nback all Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCNN_AC Stroop task: Switch word-color negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_2 Nback all Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_3 Nback negative match Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWPP_AC Stroop task: Switch color-word positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_4 Nback negative match Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWPP_RT Stroop task: Switch color-word positive-positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_5 Nback negative nonmatch Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWNN_RT Stroop task: Switch color-word negative-negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_6 Nback negative nonmatch Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWNN_AC Stroop task: Switch color-word negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_7 Nback positive match Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCPP_RT Stroop task: Switch color-color positive-positive Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_8 Nback positive match Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCNN_RT Strop task: Switch color-color negative-negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_9 Nback positive nonmatch Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCNN_AC Stroop task: Switch color-color negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_10 Nback positive nonmatch Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWPP_RT Stroop task: Switch word-word positive-positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCNN_RT Stroop task:Switch word-color negative-negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWPP_AC Stroop task: Switch word-word positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCNN_AC Stroop task: Switch word-color negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCPP_RT Stroop task: Switch word-color positive-positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCPP_AC Stroop task: Switch word-color positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWNN_RT Stroop: Switch word-word negative-negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_1 Flanker Congruent Negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWNN_AC Stroop task: Switch word-word negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_2 Flanker Congruent Negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWNN_AC Stroop task: Switch color-word negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_3 Flanker Congruent Positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCPP_RT Stroop task: Switch color-color positive-positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_4 Flanker Congruent Positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCPP_AC Stroop task: Switch color-color positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_5 Flanker Incongruent Negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCNN_RT Stroop task: Switch color-color negative-negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_6 Flanker Incongruent Negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_7 Flanker Incongruent Positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCNN_AC Stroop task: Switch color-color negative-negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_8 Flanker Incongruent Positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_9 Flanker Neutral Negative Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_10 Flanker Neutral Negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_11 Flanker Neutral Positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
FLANKER_12 Flanker Neutral Positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_1 Nback all Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_2 Nback all Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_3 Nback negative match Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_4 Nback negative match Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_5 Nback negative nonmatch Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_6 Nback negative nonmatch Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_7 Nback positive match Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_8 Nback positive match Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_9 Nback positive nonmatch Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
NBACK_10 Nback positive nonmatch Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
CFQ_1 Do you read something and find you haven't been thinking about it and must read it again? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_2 Do you find you forget why you went from one part of the house to the other? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_3 Do you fail to notice signposts on the road? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_4 Do you find you confuse right and left when giving directions? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_5 Do you bump into people? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_6 Do you find you forget whether you've turned off a light or a fire or locked the door? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_7 Do you fail to listen to people's names when you are meeting them? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_8 Do you say something and realize afterwards that it might be taken as insulting? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_9 Do you fail to hear people speaking to you when you are doing something else? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_10 Do you lose your temper and regret it? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_11 Do you leave important letters unanswered for days? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_12 Do you find you forget which way to turn on a road you know well but rarely use? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_13 Do you fail to see what you want in a supermarket (although it's there)? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_14 Do you find yourself suddenly wondering whether you've used a word correctly? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_15 Do you have trouble making up your mind? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_16 Do you find you forget appointments? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_17 Do you forget where you put something like a newspaper or a book? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_18 Do you find you accidentally throw away the thing you want and keep what you meant to throw away -- as in the example of throwing away the matchbox and putting the used match in your pocket? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_19 Do you daydream when you ought to be listening to something? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_20 Do you find you forget people's names? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_21 Do you start doing one thing at home and get distracted into doing something else (unintentionally)? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_22 Do you find you can't quite remember something although it's "on the tip of your tongue"? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_23 Do you find you forget what you came to the shops to buy? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_24 Do you drop things? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
CFQ_25 Do you find you can't think of anything to say? Baseline Leuven emotions in daily life 2011
NCS_1 I would prefer complex to simple problems. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_2 I like to have the responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_3 Thinking is not my idea of fun. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_4 I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities Baseline Exam results study
NCS_5 I try to anticipate and avoid situations where there is a likely chance I will have to think in-depth about something. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_6 I find satisfaction in deliberating hard and for long hours. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_7 I only think as hard as I have to. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_8 I prefer to think about small, daily projects to long-term ones Baseline Exam results study
NCS_9 I like tasks that require little thought once I've learned them Baseline Exam results study
NCS_10 The idea of relying on thought to make my way to the top appeals to me. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_11 I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_12 Learning new ways to think doesn't excite me very much Baseline Exam results study
NCS_13 I prefer my life to be filled with puzzles that I must solve. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_14 The notion of thinking abstractly is appealing to me. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_15 I would prefer a task that is intellectual, difficult, and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought. Baseline Exam results study
NCS_16 I feel relief rather than satisfaction after completing a task that required a lot of mental effort Baseline Exam results study
NCS_17 It's enough for me that something gets the job done; I don't care how or why it works Baseline Exam results study
NCS_18 I usually end up deliberating about issues even when they do not affect me personally. Baseline Exam results study
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about your day and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret. How many times today did you find yourself thinking about your secret? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDERTIME If you had to guess, how much time would you say you spent spontaneously thinking about the secret when NOT with the person or people you are hiding the secret from? Please give your indication in minutes. For example, if you think you spent roughly 2 minutes thinking about the secret you would write 2. If you think you spent an hour and a half thinking about your secret you would write 90. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret.How many times in the past 7 days did you find yourself thinking about your secret?Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret.How many times in the past 7 days did you find yourself thinking about your secret?Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Follow_up Secrecy diary
STROOP_CWPP_AC Stroop task: Switch color-word positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWPP_RT Stroop task: Switch colour-word positive-positive Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WWNN_RT Stroop task: Switch word-word negative-negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_WCNN_RT Stroop task: Switch word-color negative-negative Response Time Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CWNN_RT Stroop task: Switch color-word negative-negative Response Time Follow_up2 Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study
STROOP_CCPP_AC Stroop task: Switch color-color positive-positive Accuracy Follow_up Leuven 3-wave longitudinal study