
Feeling like, or treating a person like, an object or a thing

The following variables relate to Objectification:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
OBJ_TARGET_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_2 Sexual remark made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_3 Touch/fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_6 Other sexist behaviour not listed above ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_7 None of the above ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_9 Physical fitness level Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_2 Sexual remark made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_3 Touch/fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_6 Media image/video ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_7 Other sexist behaviour not listed above ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_WITNESS_8 None of the above ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_1 Physical coordination Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_2 PHYSICAL_HEALTH Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_3 Weight Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_4 Strength Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_5 Sex appeal Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_6 Physical attractiveness Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_7 Energy level (e.g., stamina) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_8 Firm/sculpted muscles Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_9 Physical fitness level Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_10 Measurements (e.g., chest, waist, hips) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_1 Physical coordination Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_2 PHYSICAL_HEALTH Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_3 Weight Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_4 Strength Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_5 Sex appeal Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_6 Physical attractiveness Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_7 Energy level (e.g., stamina) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_8 Firm/sculpted muscles Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_9 Physical fitness level Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_M_10 Measurements (e.g., chest, waist, hips) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_1 Physical coordination Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_2 PHYSICAL_HEALTH Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_3 Weight Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_4 Strength Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_5 Sex appeal Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_6 Physical attractiveness Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_7 Energy level (e.g., stamina) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_8 Firm/sculpted muscles Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
SOQ_W_10 Measurements (e.g., chest, waist, hips) Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 1
OBJ_TARGET_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_2 Sexual remarks made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_3 Touch/ fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_6 Other ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_7 None ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_TARGET_8 If you were targeted, where did this take place? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_9 If you witnessed objectification, where did this take place? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_1 It is important to me that men are attracted to me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_2 I feel proud when men compliment the way I look. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_3 I want men to look at me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_4 I love to feel sexy. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_5 I like showing off my body. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_6 I feel complimented when men whistle at me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_7 When I wear revealing clothing, I feel sexy and in control. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
ESS_8 I feel empowered when I look beautiful. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
SOCINT Since the last survey, who have you spent the most time with? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_2 Sexual remarks made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_3 Touch/ fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_6 Other ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_7 None ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_TARGET_8 If you were targeted, where did this take place? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_9 If you witnessed objectification, where did this take place? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
STR Since last survey, have you experienced any other stressors / hassles? ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_1 It is important to me that men are attracted to me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_2 I feel proud when men compliment the way I look. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_3 I want men to look at me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_4 I love to feel sexy. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_5 I like showing off my body. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_6 I feel complimented when men whistle at me. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_7 When I wear revealing clothing, I feel sexy and in control. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
ESS_8 I feel empowered when I look beautiful. Baseline Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_8 None ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_7 Other ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_6 Objectifying media ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_3 Touch/fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_2 Sexual remark made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 2
OBJ_WITNESS_8 None ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_7 Other ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_6 Objectifying media ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_5 Degrading sexual gesture ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_4 Body looked at sexually ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_3 Touch/fondled against will ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_2 Sexual remark made about body ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3
OBJ_WITNESS_1 Catcalling, wolf-whistling, or car honking ESM Objectification in women's daily lives Study 3