
The process of hiding feelings, thoughts, or information from others

The following variables relate to Concealment:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about your day and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times today did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEALTIME If you had to guess, how much time would you say you spent preventing yourself from revealing the secret while you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from? Please give your indication in minutes. For example, if you think you spent roughly 2 minutes concealing the secret you would write 2. If you think you spent an hour and a half concealing the secret you would write 90. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEW Today, did you confide this secret to anybody who you hadn’t told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWNUMBER How many people did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you confided your secret in who you hadn't told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHO Who did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confidenew_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLD Today, did you talk about this secret with anybody who already knows the secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDNUMBER How many of people did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you talked to about the secret who already knew? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHO Who did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confideold_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_PEOPLE How many people are you keeping this secret from? Please ONLY enter a NUMBER. If you are keeping this secret from everyone in your life, please write 99. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGET Who are you keeping this secret from? (select all that apply) Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGETTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_target Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_REVEAL Do you plan to reveal this secret at some point in the future? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times in the past 7 days did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_REVEAL Do you plan to reveal this secret at some point in the future? Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times in the past 7 days did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Follow_up Secrecy diary