
The act of keeping information concealed, or the feelings associated with concealment or thoughts of a secret

The following variables relate to Secrecy:

Selection Variable Info Assessment type Dataset
SECRET_RECALL Do you remember what this secret is? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about your day and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret. How many times today did you find yourself thinking about your secret? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDERTIME If you had to guess, how much time would you say you spent spontaneously thinking about the secret when NOT with the person or people you are hiding the secret from? Please give your indication in minutes. For example, if you think you spent roughly 2 minutes thinking about the secret you would write 2. If you think you spent an hour and a half thinking about your secret you would write 90. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about your day and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times today did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEALTIME If you had to guess, how much time would you say you spent preventing yourself from revealing the secret while you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from? Please give your indication in minutes. For example, if you think you spent roughly 2 minutes concealing the secret you would write 2. If you think you spent an hour and a half concealing the secret you would write 90. ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_TIMESPENT How much time did you spend today with the person or people you are hiding this secret from? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEW Today, did you confide this secret to anybody who you hadn’t told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWNUMBER How many people did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you confided your secret in who you hadn't told before? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHO Who did you confide your secret in who you hadn't told before? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDENEWWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confidenew_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLD Today, did you talk about this secret with anybody who already knows the secret? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDNUMBER How many of people did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (please ONLY enter a NUMBER) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDCLOSE How close are you to the person or people you talked to about the secret who already knew? ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHO Who did you talk to about the secret who already knew? (select all that apply) ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONFIDEOLDWHOTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_confideold_ta ESM Secrecy diary
SECRET_KNOW Does this person know about the secret? ESM Secrecy diary
WB_1 Today, this secret felt like it: ESM Secrecy diary
WB_2 Today, this secret felt like it: ESM Secrecy diary
WB_3 Today, this secret: ESM Secrecy diary
SAD Sad ESM Secrecy diary
NERV Nervous ESM Secrecy diary
ANG Angry ESM Secrecy diary
STR Stressed ESM Secrecy diary
GUIL Guilty ESM Secrecy diary
SHAM Ashamed ESM Secrecy diary
LONE Lonely ESM Secrecy diary
CONT Contented ESM Secrecy diary
HAP Happy ESM Secrecy diary
RLX Relaxed ESM Secrecy diary
EFFORT How much did you try to influence your emotions about the secret today? ESM Secrecy diary
REAP I changed my perspective or the way I was thinking about my emotions ESM Secrecy diary
RUM I ruminated or dwelled on my emotions ESM Secrecy diary
DIST I distracted myself from my emotions ESM Secrecy diary
SITMOD I took steps to change the situation ESM Secrecy diary
SOCSHR I talked to others about my emotions ESM Secrecy diary
ACPT I accepted my emotions as they are ESM Secrecy diary
SUPR I suppressed the outward expression of my emotions ESM Secrecy diary
CSQ_1 Hurt another person (for example, emotionally or physically hurt someone), and kept this secret from someone else Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_2 Used illegal drugs, OR abused / addicted to a legal drug (e.g., alcohol, painkillers) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_3 Had a habit or addiction (but NOT involving drugs) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_4 Stolen something from someone or some place Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_5 Engaged in something illegal (other than drugs or stealing) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_6 Physically harmed yourself Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_7 Had an abortion Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_8 Had a traumatic experience (other than the above) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_9 Have lied to someone Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_10 Violated someone's trust (but NOT by a lie) for example, by snooping, revealing information about someone, breaking or losing something that belongs to someone without telling them, etc) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_11 Had romantic desires about someone (while being single) for example, a crush, in love with someone, wanting relations with a specific person Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_12 Unhappy in a romantic relationship Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_13 Thought about having relations with another person (while already in a relationship) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_14 Committed emotional infidelity (NOT involving actual sexual infidelity) for example, having an inappropriate emotional connection with someone, or engaging in something other than sex, such as flirting, kissing, etc Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_15 Committed sexual infidelity (engaged in sexual relations with someone who was not your partner) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_16 At some point was in a relationship with someone who themselves actually had a partner (that is, the person was cheating on their partner -- with you) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_17 Dislike a friend, or unhappy with current social life Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_18 Dissatisfied with something physical about yourself Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_19 Had mental health issues, or dissatisfied with something about yourself other than physical appearance (for example, fears, anxieties, depression, mental disorders, eating disorders) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_20 Cheated or did something improper at work (or school), or having lied to get a job (or into a school) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_21 Performing poorly at work (or school) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_22 Dissatisfied with your situation at work (or school) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_23 Planning to propose marriage Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_24 Planning a surprise for someone (other than a marriage proposal) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_25 Have you ever hidden a hobby or possession? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_26 Have you ever hidden a current relationship, or kept a past relationship secret? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_27 Have you ever kept a detail about your family secret? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_28 Have you ever been pregnant and didn't tell some people? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_29 Have you ever concealed your sexual orientation / gender identity? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_30 Sexual behavior that you keep secret? (other than sexual orientation, for example, porn, masturbation, fantasies, unusual sexual behavior, etc.) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_31 Kept secret a lack of having sex? (i.e., that you are not, or were not, having sex at some point) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_32 Kept secret a preference for something? (for example, not liking something that people think you like, or liking something people do not know you like) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_33 Kept a belief secret? (for example, political views, religious views, views about social groups, prejudice) Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_34 Keep secret details about finances (or amount of money you have)? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_35 Kept secret a job or employment that you have (or school activity)? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_36 Kept a secret ambition, secret plan, or secret goal for yourself? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_37 A secret unusual behavior (unrelated to any of the above categories, in this section and the earlier section)? Baseline Secrecy diary
CSQ_38 A specific story you keep a secret (unrelated to any of the other categories, this section and the above section)? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_PEOPLE How many people are you keeping this secret from? Please ONLY enter a NUMBER. If you are keeping this secret from everyone in your life, please write 99. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGET Who are you keeping this secret from? (select all that apply) Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGETTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_target Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_REVEAL Do you plan to reveal this secret at some point in the future? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_FEEL How do you feel about this secret? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret.How many times in the past 7 days did you find yourself thinking about your secret?Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times in the past 7 days did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Baseline Secrecy diary
SECRET_RECALL Do you remember what this secret is? Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_PEOPLE How many people are you keeping this secret from? Please ONLY enter a NUMBER. If you are keeping this secret from everyone in your life, please write 99. Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGET Who are you keeping this secret from? (select all that apply) Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_TARGETTEXT Text entry for Other (please specify) in secret_target Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_REVEAL Do you plan to reveal this secret at some point in the future? Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_FEEL How do you feel about this secret? Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONTROL How much control do you feel you have over this secret? Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_MINDWANDER Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you were NOT with the person or people you are hiding this secret from, BUT you found yourself spontaneously thinking about your secret.How many times in the past 7 days did you find yourself thinking about your secret?Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_CONCEAL Think about the PAST WEEK and all the times when you WERE WITH the person or people you are hiding this secret from. How many times in the past 7 days did you have to prevent yourself from revealing the secret (i.e., had to hold back the secret and not reveal it) while interacting with someone else? Take your best guess and ONLY enter a NUMBER. Follow_up Secrecy diary
SECRET_SIGNIFICANCE How significant is this secret? Baseline Secrecy diary